Require Import CSet IL Annotation RenamedApart PairwiseDisjoint RenamedApartAnn.
Inductive renamedApartGood : stmt → Prop :=
| renamedApartGoodExp x e s
: x ∉ definedVars s
→ disj (freeVars s) (definedVars s)
→ renamedApartGood s
→ renamedApartGood (stmtLet x e s)
| renamedApartGoodIf e s t
: disj (Ops.freeVars e ∪ freeVars s ∪ freeVars t) (definedVars s ∪ definedVars t)
→ disj (definedVars s) (definedVars t)
→ renamedApartGood s
→ renamedApartGood t
→ renamedApartGood (stmtIf e s t)
| renamedApartGoodRet e
: renamedApartGood (stmtReturn e)
| renamedApartGoodGoto f Y
: renamedApartGood (stmtApp f Y)
| renamedApartGoodLet F t
: (∀ n Zs, get F n Zs → renamedApartGood (snd Zs))
→ pairwise_ne disj ((defVarsZs definedVars) ⊝ F)
→ disj (definedVars t) (list_union ((defVarsZs definedVars) ⊝ F))
→ disj (list_union ( (fun f ⇒ (freeVars (snd f) ∪ of_list (fst f))) F)
∪ freeVars t)
(list_union (definedVars ⊝ snd ⊝ F))
→ (∀ n Zs, get F n Zs → NoDupA eq (fst Zs))
→ renamedApartGood t
→ renamedApartGood (stmtFun F t).
Lemma defVars_ra_defVarsZs F ans (Len:❬F❭=❬ans❭)
(RA:∀ (n : nat) (Zs : params × stmt) (a : ann (⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄)),
get F n Zs → get ans n a → renamedApart (snd Zs) a)
: list_union (defVars ⊜ F ans) [=] list_union (defVarsZs definedVars ⊝ F).
general induction Len; simpl; eauto; norm_lunion.
rewrite IHLen; eauto using get.
unfold defVars at 1.
unfold defVarsZs at 2.
rewrite !renamedApart_occurVars; eauto using get.
Lemma pw_defVars_defVarsZs F ans (Len:❬F❭ = ❬ans❭)
(RA: ∀ (n : nat) (Zs : params × stmt) (a : ann (⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄)),
get F n Zs → get ans n a → renamedApart (snd Zs) a)
(PW: pairwise_ne disj (defVars ⊜ F ans))
: pairwise_ne disj (defVarsZs definedVars ⊝ F).
hnf; intros. inv_get.
exploit PW; eauto using zip_get. unfold defVars, defVarsZs in ×.
simpl in×.
rewrite !renamedApart_occurVars; eauto.
Lemma disj_definedVars_t F ans (Len:❬F❭ = ❬ans❭) D Dt ant t
(RA: ∀ (n : nat) (Zs : params × stmt) (a : ann (⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄)),
get F n Zs → get ans n a → renamedApart (snd Zs) a)
(IW:Indexwise.indexwise_R (funConstr D Dt) F ans)
(RAt:renamedApart t ant)
(PE: pe (getAnn ant) (D, Dt))
: disj (definedVars t) (list_union (defVarsZs definedVars ⊝ F)).
eapply renamedApart_occurVars in RAt; eauto.
pe_rewrite. rewrite RAt.
rewrite <- defVars_ra_defVarsZs; eauto.
rewrite list_union_defVars_decomp; eauto.
eapply disj_union_right.
× symmetry. eapply funConstr_disj_Dt; eauto.
× eapply disj_1_incl.
eapply disj_Dt_getAnn; eauto. eauto.
Lemma renamedApart_renamedApartGood s ra
: renamedApart s ra → renamedApartGood s.
intros RA.
general induction RA; simpl.
- exploit renamedApart_occurVars; eauto.
exploit renamedApart_freeVars; eauto.
exploit renamedApart_disj; eauto.
pe_rewrite. set_simpl.
econstructor; eauto with cset.
- exploit renamedApart_occurVars; eauto.
exploit renamedApart_freeVars; eauto.
exploit renamedApart_disj; eauto.
exploit (@renamedApart_occurVars s); eauto.
exploit (@renamedApart_freeVars s); eauto.
exploit (@renamedApart_disj s); eauto.
pe_rewrite. set_simpl.
econstructor; eauto.
+ rewrite H, H5, H8.
eapply disj_1_incl; eauto with cset.
- econstructor; eauto.
- econstructor; eauto.
- econstructor; eauto.
+ intros. inv_get. edestruct H2; dcr; eauto.
+ eapply pw_defVars_defVarsZs; eauto.
+ eapply disj_definedVars_t; eauto.
+ eapply disj_union_left.
hnf; intros.
eapply list_union_get in H6 as [?|?]; dcr; eauto;[|exfalso; cset_tac].
eapply list_union_get in H7 as [?|?]; dcr; eauto;[|exfalso; cset_tac].
decide (x2 = x0).
× subst. inv_get. exploit (@renamedApart_disj (snd x4)) as DISJ; eauto.
assert (disj (definedVars (snd x4)) (of_list (fst x4))). {
edestruct H2; eauto; dcr.
rewrite <- renamedApart_occurVars in *; eauto.
rewrite H6 in ×. symmetry. eapply disj_1_incl; eauto.
rewrite <- renamedApart_occurVars in DISJ; eauto.
rewrite <- renamedApart_freeVars in DISJ; eauto.
revert DISJ H6 H8 H9. clear_all. cset_tac.
× edestruct H2; try eapply H10; eauto; dcr.
edestruct H2; try eapply H11; eauto; dcr.
rewrite renamedApart_freeVars in *; eauto.
rewrite renamedApart_occurVars in *; eauto.
exploit (@renamedApart_disj (snd x4)); eauto.
exploit (@renamedApart_disj (snd x1)); eauto.
exploit H3. eapply n. eauto using zip_get. eauto using zip_get.
unfold defVars in H22.
rewrite H12 in ×. rewrite H13 in ×.
revert H8 H9 H15 H19 H22. clear_all. cset_tac.
× rewrite renamedApart_freeVars in *; eauto. pe_rewrite.
hnf; intros.
eapply list_union_get in H6 as [?|?]; dcr; eauto;[|exfalso; cset_tac].
inv_get. edestruct H2; eauto; dcr.
rewrite renamedApart_occurVars in *; eauto.
exploit H0; eauto. eapply renamedApart_disj in H11.
rewrite H10 in ×.
revert H15 H8 H7 H11 H14. clear_all. cset_tac.
+ intros. inv_get. edestruct H2; eauto.
Lemma renamedApartGood_renamedApart s G
(RAG:renamedApartGood s)
(Disj:disj G (definedVars s))
(FVincl: freeVars s ⊆ G)
: renamedApart s (renamedApartAnn s G).
general induction RAG; simpl in ×.
- econstructor; eauto.
+ revert Disj. clear_all. cset_tac.
+ rewrite <- FVincl. clear_all. cset_tac.
+ eapply IHRAG. revert Disj H. clear_all. cset_tac.
rewrite <- FVincl. clear_all. cset_tac.
+ reflexivity.
+ eapply renamedApartAnn_decomp.
- econstructor; only 6,7: eauto using renamedApartAnn_decomp; eauto.
+ rewrite <- FVincl. clear_all. cset_tac.
+ rewrite !snd_renamedApartAnn; eauto.
+ eapply IHRAG1. eauto with cset.
rewrite <- FVincl. eauto with cset.
+ eapply IHRAG2. eapply disj_2_incl; eauto.
rewrite <- FVincl. eauto with cset.
- econstructor; eauto.
- econstructor; eauto.
- let_pair_case_eq; simpl_pair_eqs; subst; simpl.
+ eauto with len.
+ intros; inv_get. len_simpl. inv_get.
eapply H0. eauto.
× eapply disj_union_left.
-- symmetry. eapply disj_2_incl; eauto.
unfold definedVarsF, defVarsZs.
rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
eauto with cset.
-- symmetry. eapply disj_incl; try eapply H3.
++ rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
eauto with cset.
++ rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
× rewrite <- FVincl.
rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
clear. cset_tac.
+ instantiate (1:=definedVars t).
hnf; intros; inv_get. len_simpl. inv_get.
× rewrite renamedApartAnn_decomp. simpl. rewrite union_comm. reflexivity.
× split; eauto.
split. symmetry. eapply disj_2_incl; eauto.
unfold definedVarsF.
rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
unfold defVarsZs. eauto with cset.
rewrite snd_renamedApartAnn; eauto.
symmetry. eapply disj_2_incl; eauto.
rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
+ hnf; intros; inv_get. len_simpl. inv_get.
unfold defVars.
rewrite !snd_renamedApartAnn; eauto.
exploit H1; try eapply H5; eauto.
+ eapply IHRAG.
× eapply disj_2_incl; eauto.
× rewrite <- FVincl. eauto with cset.
+ rewrite renamedApartAnn_decomp.
rewrite snd_renamedApartAnn; eauto.
+ rewrite snd_renamedApartAnnF.
rewrite snd_renamedApartAnn.
rewrite defVars_ra_defVarsZs; eauto with len.
intros; inv_get. len_simpl. inv_get.
eapply H0. eauto.
× eapply disj_union_left.
-- symmetry. eapply disj_2_incl; eauto.
unfold definedVarsF, defVarsZs.
rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
eauto with cset.
-- symmetry. eapply disj_incl; try eapply H3.
++ rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
eauto with cset.
++ rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
× rewrite <- FVincl.
rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
clear. cset_tac.
Inductive renamedApartGood : stmt → Prop :=
| renamedApartGoodExp x e s
: x ∉ definedVars s
→ disj (freeVars s) (definedVars s)
→ renamedApartGood s
→ renamedApartGood (stmtLet x e s)
| renamedApartGoodIf e s t
: disj (Ops.freeVars e ∪ freeVars s ∪ freeVars t) (definedVars s ∪ definedVars t)
→ disj (definedVars s) (definedVars t)
→ renamedApartGood s
→ renamedApartGood t
→ renamedApartGood (stmtIf e s t)
| renamedApartGoodRet e
: renamedApartGood (stmtReturn e)
| renamedApartGoodGoto f Y
: renamedApartGood (stmtApp f Y)
| renamedApartGoodLet F t
: (∀ n Zs, get F n Zs → renamedApartGood (snd Zs))
→ pairwise_ne disj ((defVarsZs definedVars) ⊝ F)
→ disj (definedVars t) (list_union ((defVarsZs definedVars) ⊝ F))
→ disj (list_union ( (fun f ⇒ (freeVars (snd f) ∪ of_list (fst f))) F)
∪ freeVars t)
(list_union (definedVars ⊝ snd ⊝ F))
→ (∀ n Zs, get F n Zs → NoDupA eq (fst Zs))
→ renamedApartGood t
→ renamedApartGood (stmtFun F t).
Lemma defVars_ra_defVarsZs F ans (Len:❬F❭=❬ans❭)
(RA:∀ (n : nat) (Zs : params × stmt) (a : ann (⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄)),
get F n Zs → get ans n a → renamedApart (snd Zs) a)
: list_union (defVars ⊜ F ans) [=] list_union (defVarsZs definedVars ⊝ F).
general induction Len; simpl; eauto; norm_lunion.
rewrite IHLen; eauto using get.
unfold defVars at 1.
unfold defVarsZs at 2.
rewrite !renamedApart_occurVars; eauto using get.
Lemma pw_defVars_defVarsZs F ans (Len:❬F❭ = ❬ans❭)
(RA: ∀ (n : nat) (Zs : params × stmt) (a : ann (⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄)),
get F n Zs → get ans n a → renamedApart (snd Zs) a)
(PW: pairwise_ne disj (defVars ⊜ F ans))
: pairwise_ne disj (defVarsZs definedVars ⊝ F).
hnf; intros. inv_get.
exploit PW; eauto using zip_get. unfold defVars, defVarsZs in ×.
simpl in×.
rewrite !renamedApart_occurVars; eauto.
Lemma disj_definedVars_t F ans (Len:❬F❭ = ❬ans❭) D Dt ant t
(RA: ∀ (n : nat) (Zs : params × stmt) (a : ann (⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄)),
get F n Zs → get ans n a → renamedApart (snd Zs) a)
(IW:Indexwise.indexwise_R (funConstr D Dt) F ans)
(RAt:renamedApart t ant)
(PE: pe (getAnn ant) (D, Dt))
: disj (definedVars t) (list_union (defVarsZs definedVars ⊝ F)).
eapply renamedApart_occurVars in RAt; eauto.
pe_rewrite. rewrite RAt.
rewrite <- defVars_ra_defVarsZs; eauto.
rewrite list_union_defVars_decomp; eauto.
eapply disj_union_right.
× symmetry. eapply funConstr_disj_Dt; eauto.
× eapply disj_1_incl.
eapply disj_Dt_getAnn; eauto. eauto.
Lemma renamedApart_renamedApartGood s ra
: renamedApart s ra → renamedApartGood s.
intros RA.
general induction RA; simpl.
- exploit renamedApart_occurVars; eauto.
exploit renamedApart_freeVars; eauto.
exploit renamedApart_disj; eauto.
pe_rewrite. set_simpl.
econstructor; eauto with cset.
- exploit renamedApart_occurVars; eauto.
exploit renamedApart_freeVars; eauto.
exploit renamedApart_disj; eauto.
exploit (@renamedApart_occurVars s); eauto.
exploit (@renamedApart_freeVars s); eauto.
exploit (@renamedApart_disj s); eauto.
pe_rewrite. set_simpl.
econstructor; eauto.
+ rewrite H, H5, H8.
eapply disj_1_incl; eauto with cset.
- econstructor; eauto.
- econstructor; eauto.
- econstructor; eauto.
+ intros. inv_get. edestruct H2; dcr; eauto.
+ eapply pw_defVars_defVarsZs; eauto.
+ eapply disj_definedVars_t; eauto.
+ eapply disj_union_left.
hnf; intros.
eapply list_union_get in H6 as [?|?]; dcr; eauto;[|exfalso; cset_tac].
eapply list_union_get in H7 as [?|?]; dcr; eauto;[|exfalso; cset_tac].
decide (x2 = x0).
× subst. inv_get. exploit (@renamedApart_disj (snd x4)) as DISJ; eauto.
assert (disj (definedVars (snd x4)) (of_list (fst x4))). {
edestruct H2; eauto; dcr.
rewrite <- renamedApart_occurVars in *; eauto.
rewrite H6 in ×. symmetry. eapply disj_1_incl; eauto.
rewrite <- renamedApart_occurVars in DISJ; eauto.
rewrite <- renamedApart_freeVars in DISJ; eauto.
revert DISJ H6 H8 H9. clear_all. cset_tac.
× edestruct H2; try eapply H10; eauto; dcr.
edestruct H2; try eapply H11; eauto; dcr.
rewrite renamedApart_freeVars in *; eauto.
rewrite renamedApart_occurVars in *; eauto.
exploit (@renamedApart_disj (snd x4)); eauto.
exploit (@renamedApart_disj (snd x1)); eauto.
exploit H3. eapply n. eauto using zip_get. eauto using zip_get.
unfold defVars in H22.
rewrite H12 in ×. rewrite H13 in ×.
revert H8 H9 H15 H19 H22. clear_all. cset_tac.
× rewrite renamedApart_freeVars in *; eauto. pe_rewrite.
hnf; intros.
eapply list_union_get in H6 as [?|?]; dcr; eauto;[|exfalso; cset_tac].
inv_get. edestruct H2; eauto; dcr.
rewrite renamedApart_occurVars in *; eauto.
exploit H0; eauto. eapply renamedApart_disj in H11.
rewrite H10 in ×.
revert H15 H8 H7 H11 H14. clear_all. cset_tac.
+ intros. inv_get. edestruct H2; eauto.
Lemma renamedApartGood_renamedApart s G
(RAG:renamedApartGood s)
(Disj:disj G (definedVars s))
(FVincl: freeVars s ⊆ G)
: renamedApart s (renamedApartAnn s G).
general induction RAG; simpl in ×.
- econstructor; eauto.
+ revert Disj. clear_all. cset_tac.
+ rewrite <- FVincl. clear_all. cset_tac.
+ eapply IHRAG. revert Disj H. clear_all. cset_tac.
rewrite <- FVincl. clear_all. cset_tac.
+ reflexivity.
+ eapply renamedApartAnn_decomp.
- econstructor; only 6,7: eauto using renamedApartAnn_decomp; eauto.
+ rewrite <- FVincl. clear_all. cset_tac.
+ rewrite !snd_renamedApartAnn; eauto.
+ eapply IHRAG1. eauto with cset.
rewrite <- FVincl. eauto with cset.
+ eapply IHRAG2. eapply disj_2_incl; eauto.
rewrite <- FVincl. eauto with cset.
- econstructor; eauto.
- econstructor; eauto.
- let_pair_case_eq; simpl_pair_eqs; subst; simpl.
+ eauto with len.
+ intros; inv_get. len_simpl. inv_get.
eapply H0. eauto.
× eapply disj_union_left.
-- symmetry. eapply disj_2_incl; eauto.
unfold definedVarsF, defVarsZs.
rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
eauto with cset.
-- symmetry. eapply disj_incl; try eapply H3.
++ rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
eauto with cset.
++ rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
× rewrite <- FVincl.
rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
clear. cset_tac.
+ instantiate (1:=definedVars t).
hnf; intros; inv_get. len_simpl. inv_get.
× rewrite renamedApartAnn_decomp. simpl. rewrite union_comm. reflexivity.
× split; eauto.
split. symmetry. eapply disj_2_incl; eauto.
unfold definedVarsF.
rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
unfold defVarsZs. eauto with cset.
rewrite snd_renamedApartAnn; eauto.
symmetry. eapply disj_2_incl; eauto.
rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
+ hnf; intros; inv_get. len_simpl. inv_get.
unfold defVars.
rewrite !snd_renamedApartAnn; eauto.
exploit H1; try eapply H5; eauto.
+ eapply IHRAG.
× eapply disj_2_incl; eauto.
× rewrite <- FVincl. eauto with cset.
+ rewrite renamedApartAnn_decomp.
rewrite snd_renamedApartAnn; eauto.
+ rewrite snd_renamedApartAnnF.
rewrite snd_renamedApartAnn.
rewrite defVars_ra_defVarsZs; eauto with len.
intros; inv_get. len_simpl. inv_get.
eapply H0. eauto.
× eapply disj_union_left.
-- symmetry. eapply disj_2_incl; eauto.
unfold definedVarsF, defVarsZs.
rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
eauto with cset.
-- symmetry. eapply disj_incl; try eapply H3.
++ rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
eauto with cset.
++ rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
× rewrite <- FVincl.
rewrite <- incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1; try reflexivity.
clear. cset_tac.