Require Import AllInRel Util Map Envs Exp IL Annotation Coherence DecSolve.
Require Import Liveness.Liveness Restrict Allocation Indexwise.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.
Require Import Liveness.Liveness Restrict Allocation Indexwise.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.
Definition srd_dec DL s a
: Computable (srd DL s a).
hnf. revert DL a.
sinduction s; simpl.
- edestruct a as [|lv a'| |]; [dec_right| | dec_right| dec_right].
edestruct (X x0); [ eauto | dec_solve | dec_right].
- edestruct a as [?|?|lv als alt|]; [dec_right| dec_right| | dec_right].
edestruct (X x1), (X x2); eauto; [ | dec_right| |dec_right ]; dec_solve.
- destruct a; [ | dec_right | dec_right | dec_right].
destruct (get_dec DL (counted l)) as [[[G'|] ?]|?]; [| dec_right | dec_right].
- destruct a; [ | dec_right | dec_right | dec_right]. dec_solve.
- destruct a as [?|?|lv als alt| ]; [dec_right| dec_right| dec_right|].
ensure (length F = length sa).
edestruct (X x) with (DL:=Some ⊝ (getAnn ⊝ sa) \\ (fst ⊝ F) ++ DL); eauto; [ |dec_right].
edestruct (indexwise_R_dec'
(R:=fun x y ⇒
srd (restr (getAnn y \ of_list (fst x))
⊝ (Some ⊝ (getAnn ⊝ sa) \\ (fst ⊝ F) ++ DL))
(snd x) y) (LA:=F) (LB:=sa)).
intros. eapply X; eauto.
dec_solve. dec_right.
Grab Existential Variables. eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto.
Local Hint Extern 1 ⇒
match goal with
[ H : annotation _ _ |- annotation _ _ ] ⇒ inv H; eassumption
Definition locally_inj_dec (ϱ:env var) (s:stmt) (lv:ann (set var)) (an:annotation s lv)
: {locally_inj ϱ s lv} + {¬ locally_inj ϱ s lv}.
revert ϱ lv an.
sind s; intros; destruct s; destruct lv; try solve [ exfalso; inv an ].
- ensure (injective_on a ϱ).
edestruct (IH s); eauto. dec_solve. dec_right.
- ensure (injective_on a ϱ).
edestruct (IH s1); eauto; [|dec_right].
edestruct (IH s2); eauto; [|dec_right]. dec_solve.
- ensure (injective_on a ϱ); dec_solve.
- ensure (injective_on a ϱ); dec_solve.
- ensure (injective_on a ϱ).
ensure (length F = length sa).
edestruct (IH s); eauto; [| dec_solve].
edestruct (indexwise_R_dec' (R:=fun x y ⇒ locally_inj ϱ (snd x) y) (LA:=F) (LB:=sa));
try dec_solve.
intros. eapply IH; eauto. inv an; eauto.
Instance locally_inj_dec_inst (ϱ:env var) (s:stmt) (lv:ann (set var))
`{Computable (annotation s lv)}
: Computable (locally_inj ϱ s lv).
destruct H as [].
hnf; eauto using locally_inj_dec.
right; intro; eauto using locally_inj_annotation.