
Require Import Util LengthEq IL RenamedApart LabelsDefined AppExpFree.
Require Import Restrict SetOperations OUnion OptionR.
Require Import Annotation Liveness.Liveness Coherence.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.

Correctness predicate for

Inductive trs
  : ؟⦃var
the program
     ann (set var)
liveness information
     ann (list (list var))
annotation providing additional parameters for function definitions inside the program
     Prop :=
| trsExp DL x e s an an_lv lv
  : trs (restr (getAnn an_lv \ singleton x) DL) s an_lv an
     trs DL (stmtLet x e s) (ann1 lv an_lv) (ann1 nil an)
| trsIf DL e s t ans ant ans_lv ant_lv lv
  : trs DL s ans_lv ans
      trs DL t ant_lv ant
      trs DL (stmtIf e s t) (ann2 lv ans_lv ant_lv) (ann2 nil ans ant)
| trsRet e DL lv
  : trs DL (stmtReturn e) (ann0 lv) (ann0 nil)
| trsGoto DL G' f Y lv
  : get DL (counted f) (Some G')
      trs DL (stmtApp f Y) (ann0 lv) (ann0 nil)
| trsLet (DL:list (option (set var))) (F:list (params×stmt)) t Za ans ant lv ans_lv ant_lv
  : length F = length ans_lv
     length F = length ans
     length F = length Za
     ( n lvs Zs Za' ans',
          get ans_lv n lvs get F n Zs get Za n Za' get ans n ans'
           trs (restr (getAnn lvs \ of_list (fst ZsZa')) (Some (getAnn ans_lv) \\ zip ( _) (fst F) Za DL)) (snd Zs) lvs ans')
     trs (Some (getAnn ans_lv) \\ zip ( _) (fst F) Za DL)
          t ant_lv ant
     trs DL (stmtFun F t) (annF lv ans_lv ant_lv) (annF Za ans ant).

Lemma trs_annotation DL s lv Y
      : trs DL s lv Y annotation s lv annotation s Y.
  intros. general induction H; split; dcr; econstructor; intros; eauto 20.
  - edestruct get_length_eq; try eapply ; eauto.
    edestruct get_length_eq; try eapply ; eauto.
    exploit ; eauto.
  - edestruct get_length_eq; try eapply ; eauto.
    edestruct get_length_eq; try eapply H; eauto.
    exploit ; eauto.

Lemma trs_monotone_DL (DL DL' : list (option (set var))) s lv a
 : trs DL s lv a
    DL DL'
    trs DL' s lv a.
  intros. general induction H; eauto 30 using trs, restrict_subset2.
  - destruct (PIR2_nth H); eauto; dcr. inv .
    econstructor; eauto.
  - econstructor; eauto using restrict_subset2, PIR2_app.

Opaque to_list.

Definition compileF (compile : list (list var) stmt ann (list (list var)) stmt)
           (ZL:list (list var))
           (F:list (params×stmt))
           (Za Za':list (list var))
           (ans:list (ann (list (list var))))
  : list (params×stmt) :=
  zip (fun Zs Zaans(fst Zs fst Zaans, compile (Za'ZL) (snd Zs) (snd Zaans)))
      (zip pair Za ans).

Fixpoint compile (ZL:list (list var)) (s:stmt) (an:ann (list (list var))) : stmt :=
  match s, an with
    | stmtLet x e s, ann1 _ anstmtLet x e (compile ZL s an)
    | stmtIf e s t, ann2 _ ans antstmtIf e (compile ZL s ans) (compile ZL t ant)
    | stmtApp f Y, ann0 _stmtApp f ( Var (nth (counted f) ZL nil))
    | stmtReturn e, ann0 _stmtReturn e
    | stmtFun F t, annF Za ans ant
      stmtFun (compileF compile ZL F Za Za ans)
              (compile (ZaZL) t ant)
    | s, _s

Lemma fst_compileF_eq ZL F Za Za' ans
      ( : length F = length ans)
      ( : length F = length Za)
  : fst compileF compile ZL F Za Za' ans = app (A:=var) (fst F) Za.
  unfold compileF.
  general induction ; simpl; eauto using .
  - f_equal. eauto.

Lemma trs_srd AL ZL s ans_lv ans
  (RD:trs AL s ans_lv ans)
  : srd AL (compile ZL s ans) ans_lv.
  general induction RD; simpl; eauto using srd.
  - econstructor; eauto.
    × unfold compileF; repeat rewrite zip_length2; congruence.
    × intros. unfold compileF in . inv_get. simpl.
      exploit ; eauto. simpl.
      eapply srd_monotone; eauto.
      eapply restrict_subset; eauto.
      eapply PIR2_app; eauto.
      rewrite fst_compileF_eq; eauto.
    × eapply srd_monotone; eauto.
      eapply PIR2_app; eauto.
      rewrite fst_compileF_eq; eauto.

Inductive additionalParameters_live : list (set var) (* additional params *)
                                       stmt (* the program *)
                                       ann (set var) (* liveness *)
                                       ann (list (list var)) (* additional params *)
                                       Prop :=
| additionalParameters_liveExp ZL x e s an an_lv lv
  : additionalParameters_live ZL s an_lv an
     additionalParameters_live ZL (stmtLet x e s) (ann1 lv an_lv) (ann1 nil an)
| additionalParameters_liveIf ZL e s t ans ant ans_lv ant_lv lv
  : additionalParameters_live ZL s ans_lv ans
     additionalParameters_live ZL t ant_lv ant
     additionalParameters_live ZL (stmtIf e s t) (ann2 lv ans_lv ant_lv) (ann2 nil ans ant)
| additionalParameters_liveRet ZL e lv
    : additionalParameters_live ZL (stmtReturn e) (ann0 lv) (ann0 nil)
| additionalParameters_liveGoto ZL Za f Y lv
  : get ZL (counted f) Za
     Za lv
     additionalParameters_live ZL (stmtApp f Y) (ann0 lv) (ann0 nil)
| additionalParameters_liveLet ZL F t (Za:〔〔var〕〕) ans ant lv ans_lv ant_lv
                               (ZaLen:F = ans)
  : ( Za' lv Zs n, get F n Zs get ans_lv n lv get Za n Za'
       of_list Za' getAnn lv \ of_list (fst Zs) NoDupA eq (fst Zs Za'))
     ( Zs lv a n, get F n Zs get ans_lv n lv get ans n a
                    additionalParameters_live (of_list Za ZL) (snd Zs) lv a)
     additionalParameters_live ((of_list Za) ZL) t ant_lv ant
     length Za = length F
     additionalParameters_live ZL (stmtFun F t) (annF lv ans_lv ant_lv) (annF Za ans ant).

Lemma live_sound_compile ZL ZAL Lv s ans_lv ans o (Len:ZL=ZAL)
  (LV:live_sound o ZL Lv s ans_lv)
  (APL: additionalParameters_live (of_list ZAL) s ans_lv ans)
  : live_sound o (zip ( _) ZL ZAL) Lv (compile ZAL s ans) ans_lv.
  general induction LV; inv APL; inv_get; eauto using live_sound.
  - simpl. erewrite get_nth; eauto.
    econstructor; eauto using zip_get with len.
    + cases; eauto. rewrite . rewrite of_list_app. eauto with cset.
    + intros ? ? Get.
      eapply get_app_cases in Get. destruct Get; dcr; eauto.
      econstructor. rewrite . eauto using get_in_of_list.
  - simpl. rewrite List.map_app in ×.
    econstructor; eauto.
    + rewrite fst_compileF_eq; eauto.
      rewrite zip_app; eauto with len.
    + eauto with len.
    + unfold compileF; intros; inv_get; simpl.
      exploit ; eauto. exploit ; eauto. dcr.
      exploit ; try eapply ; eauto with len.
      erewrite @list_get_eq at 1; eauto.
      × len_simpl.
        rewrite Len.
        rewrite Nat.add_min_distr_r.
        rewrite ZaLen; eauto with len.
      × intros. inv_get. eapply get_app_cases in as [?|?]; dcr; len_simpl.
        -- inv_get. rewrite get_app_lt in ; [|eauto with len]. inv_get.
        -- inv_get. rewrite get_app_ge in ; [|eauto with len]. inv_get.
           rewrite ZaLen in ×. rewrite in ×. len_simpl. inv_get.
           rewrite get_app_ge in ; rewrite in *; eauto with len.
           inv_get. reflexivity.
    + intros.
      unfold compileF in . inv_get; simpl.
      exploit ; eauto. exploit ; eauto. dcr.
      repeat split; eauto.
      × rewrite of_list_app. clear - ; cset_tac.
      × cases; eauto. rewrite of_list_app. clear - ; cset_tac.

DVE and Unreachable Code

We show that DVE does not introduce unreachable code.

Lemma compile_callChain (trueIsCalled : stmt lab Prop) ZL Za F ans n l'
  : F = ans F = Za
     ( (n : ) (Zs : params × stmt) (a : ann params),
         get F n Zs
         get ans n a
          : ,
           trueIsCalled (snd Zs) (LabI )
           trueIsCalled (compile (Za ZL) (snd Zs) a) (LabI ))
      callChain trueIsCalled F (LabI l') (LabI n)
      callChain trueIsCalled (compileF compile ZL F Za Za ans)
    (LabI l') (LabI n).
  intros IH CC.
  general induction CC.
  + econstructor.
  + inv_get. econstructor 2.
    eapply zip_get; eauto using zip_get.
    eapply IH; eauto.

Lemma compile_isCalled b AL ZL s ans_lv ans n
      (RD:trs AL s ans_lv ans)
      (TIC: isCalled b s (LabI n))
  : isCalled b (compile ZL s ans) (LabI n).
  general induction RD;
    invt isCalled; simpl; repeat cases; eauto using isCalled;
    try congruence.
  - destruct l' as [l'].
    econstructor; eauto.
    unfold compileF at 2; len_simpl.
    eapply compile_callChain; intros; eauto.
    inv_get. eauto.

Lemma compile_noUnreachableCode b AL ZL s ans_lv ans
      (RD:trs AL s ans_lv ans)
      (NUC: noUnreachableCode (isCalled b) s)
  : noUnreachableCode (isCalled b) (compile ZL s ans).
  general induction NUC; invt trs; simpl;
    eauto using noUnreachableCode.
  - econstructor; try (unfold compileF at 1); intros; inv_get; simpl in *; try len_simpl; eauto with len.
    + edestruct as [[l] [IC CC]]; eauto.
      eexists (LabI l); split; eauto.
      × eapply compile_isCalled; eauto.
      × eapply compile_callChain; intros; eauto using compile_isCalled.
        inv_get. eapply compile_isCalled; eauto.

Lemma compileF_map_length ZL F Za' Za ans (:F=Za) (:F=ans)
  : length (A:=var) fst compileF compile ZL F Za Za' ans =
    (fun Z ( : ) ⇒ + Z) Za (length (A:=var) fst F).
  unfold compileF. rewrite map_map.
  general induction ; destruct ans; isabsurd; simpl; eauto.
  f_equal. eauto with len.
  erewrite ; eauto.

Lemma compile_paramsMatch ZAL DL s L lv ans (Len:DL=ZAL)
      (PM:paramsMatch s L)
      (TRS:trs DL s lv ans)
  : paramsMatch (compile ZAL s ans) ((fun Z nn + Z) ZAL L).
  general induction TRS; invt paramsMatch; simpl in *; eauto using paramsMatch with len.
  - inv_get.
    econstructor; eauto using zip_get.
    erewrite get_nth; eauto with len.
  - econstructor; eauto.
    + unfold compileF at 1; intros; inv_get; simpl.
      exploit ; eauto. instantiate (1:=(Za ZAL)). len_simpl. omega.
      eqassumption. rewrite zip_app; eauto with len.
      eapply compileF_map_length; eauto with len.
    + exploit IHTRS; eauto.
      instantiate (1:=(Za ZAL)). len_simpl. omega.
      eqassumption. rewrite zip_app; eauto with len.
      eapply compileF_map_length; eauto with len.

Lemma compile_app_expfree DL s lv
      (AEF:app_expfree s)
  : app_expfree (compile DL s lv).
  general induction AEF; destruct lv; simpl; eauto using app_expfree.
  - econstructor; intros ? ? Get.
    eapply get_app_cases in Get.
    destruct Get; dcr; eauto; inv_get;
      eauto using isVar.
  - econstructor; eauto.
    unfold compileF; intros; inv_get; simpl; eauto.