Require Export Setoid Coq.Classes.Morphisms Omega.
Require Export Sets SetInterface SetConstructs SetProperties.
Require Import CSetNotation CSetTac CSetBasic.
Definition elem_eq {X} `{OrderedType X} (x y: list X) := of_list x [=] of_list y.
Instance elem_eq_refl X `{OrderedType X} : Reflexive (@elem_eq X _).
hnf; intros. hnf. cset_tac.
Definition elem_incl {X} `{OrderedType X} (x y: list X) := of_list x [<=] of_list y.
Instance elem_incl_refl X `{OrderedType X} : Reflexive (@elem_incl _ _).
hnf; intros. hnf. cset_tac.
Lemma elem_eq_sym_proof
(X Y : Type)
`{OrderedType X}
`{OrderedType Y}
(f : list X → list Y)
(∀ (xl xl' : list X),
of_list xl ⊆ of_list xl' → of_list (f xl) ⊆ of_list (f xl'))
→ (∀ (xl xl' : list X),
elem_eq xl xl' → elem_eq (f xl) (f xl'))
unfold elem_eq in H2.
unfold elem_eq.
apply eq_incl in H2 as [incl1 incl2].
eapply H1 in incl1.
eapply H1 in incl2.
apply incl_eq; eauto.
Lemma InA_map_inv X Y (R:X→X→Prop) (R':Y→Y→Prop) `{Reflexive _ R'} (f:Y→X) L x
: InA R x ( f L)
→ ∃ y, InA R' y L ∧ R x (f y).
intros. general induction H0; destruct L; simpl in *; inv Heql.
- eexists y0; split; eauto using InA.
- edestruct IHInA; try reflexivity; eauto; dcr.
eexists; split; eauto.
Lemma InA_map X Y (R:X→X→Prop) (R':Y→Y→Prop)
(f:X→Y) (L:list X) x
`{Proper _ (R ==> R') f}
: InA R x L
→ InA R' (f x) ( f L).
intros IN. general induction IN; simpl in ×.
- econstructor; eauto using InA.
- econstructor 2; eauto.
Lemma elem_eq_map X `{OrderedType X} Y `{OrderedType Y} (f:X→Y)
`{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) f} (L L' : list X)
: elem_eq L L' → elem_eq (f ⊝ L) (f ⊝ L') .
apply elem_eq_sym_proof.
clear L L'; intros ? ? INCL.
general induction xl;
simpl in *; eauto.
- cset_tac.
- rewrite IHxl with (xl':=xl');
simpl; eauto.
+ assert (a ∈ of_list xl') as a_in.
rewrite <- INCL.
clear; cset_tac.
enough (f a ∈ of_list (f ⊝ xl')) as sla_in.
apply incl_singleton in sla_in.
rewrite add_union_singleton.
rewrite sla_in.
clear; cset_tac.
apply of_list_1.
apply of_list_1 in a_in.
eapply InA_map; eauto.
+ rewrite <- INCL.
clear; cset_tac.
Require Export Sets SetInterface SetConstructs SetProperties.
Require Import CSetNotation CSetTac CSetBasic.
Definition elem_eq {X} `{OrderedType X} (x y: list X) := of_list x [=] of_list y.
Instance elem_eq_refl X `{OrderedType X} : Reflexive (@elem_eq X _).
hnf; intros. hnf. cset_tac.
Definition elem_incl {X} `{OrderedType X} (x y: list X) := of_list x [<=] of_list y.
Instance elem_incl_refl X `{OrderedType X} : Reflexive (@elem_incl _ _).
hnf; intros. hnf. cset_tac.
Lemma elem_eq_sym_proof
(X Y : Type)
`{OrderedType X}
`{OrderedType Y}
(f : list X → list Y)
(∀ (xl xl' : list X),
of_list xl ⊆ of_list xl' → of_list (f xl) ⊆ of_list (f xl'))
→ (∀ (xl xl' : list X),
elem_eq xl xl' → elem_eq (f xl) (f xl'))
unfold elem_eq in H2.
unfold elem_eq.
apply eq_incl in H2 as [incl1 incl2].
eapply H1 in incl1.
eapply H1 in incl2.
apply incl_eq; eauto.
Lemma InA_map_inv X Y (R:X→X→Prop) (R':Y→Y→Prop) `{Reflexive _ R'} (f:Y→X) L x
: InA R x ( f L)
→ ∃ y, InA R' y L ∧ R x (f y).
intros. general induction H0; destruct L; simpl in *; inv Heql.
- eexists y0; split; eauto using InA.
- edestruct IHInA; try reflexivity; eauto; dcr.
eexists; split; eauto.
Lemma InA_map X Y (R:X→X→Prop) (R':Y→Y→Prop)
(f:X→Y) (L:list X) x
`{Proper _ (R ==> R') f}
: InA R x L
→ InA R' (f x) ( f L).
intros IN. general induction IN; simpl in ×.
- econstructor; eauto using InA.
- econstructor 2; eauto.
Lemma elem_eq_map X `{OrderedType X} Y `{OrderedType Y} (f:X→Y)
`{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) f} (L L' : list X)
: elem_eq L L' → elem_eq (f ⊝ L) (f ⊝ L') .
apply elem_eq_sym_proof.
clear L L'; intros ? ? INCL.
general induction xl;
simpl in *; eauto.
- cset_tac.
- rewrite IHxl with (xl':=xl');
simpl; eauto.
+ assert (a ∈ of_list xl') as a_in.
rewrite <- INCL.
clear; cset_tac.
enough (f a ∈ of_list (f ⊝ xl')) as sla_in.
apply incl_singleton in sla_in.
rewrite add_union_singleton.
rewrite sla_in.
clear; cset_tac.
apply of_list_1.
apply of_list_1 in a_in.
eapply InA_map; eauto.
+ rewrite <- INCL.
clear; cset_tac.