Require Export Setoid Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
Require Import EqDec Computable Util LengthEq AutoIndTac.
Require Export CSet Containers.SetDecide.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import MapBasics MapInjectivity MapLookupList.
Section MapInverse.
Variable X : Type.
Context `{OrderedType X}.
Variable Y : Type.
Context `{OrderedType Y}.
Open Scope fmap_scope.
Definition inverse_on (D:set X) (E:X → Y) (E': Y → X)
:= ∀ x, x ∈ D → E' (E x) === x.
Lemma inverse_on_incl (D D':set X) (E:X → Y) (E':Y → X)
: D' ⊆ D → inverse_on D E E' → inverse_on D' E E'.
intros; firstorder.
Lemma inverse_on_update (D:set X) (E:X → Y) (E': Y → X) x
: inverse_on D E E'
→ injective_on D E
→ x ∈ D
→ inverse_on D (E [x <- E x]) (E' [E x <- x]).
intros. hnf. intros. lud.
eapply H2; eauto.
exfalso; eapply H5; eauto.
eapply H1; eauto.
Lemma inverse_on_update_minus (D:set X) (E:X → Y) (E': Y → X) x
: inverse_on (D\{{x}}) E E'
→ injective_on (D ∪ {{x}}) E
→ inverse_on D (E [x <- E x]) (E' [E x <- x]).
intros. hnf. intros. lud.
eapply H2; eauto; cset_tac; intuition.
rewrite <- e. eapply H1. cset_tac; intuition.
eapply H1. cset_tac; intuition.
Lemma inverse_on_lookup_list lv ϱ ϱ' L
: inverse_on lv ϱ ϱ'
→ of_list L ⊆ lv
→ lookup_list ϱ' (lookup_list ϱ L) === L.
general induction L; simpl; eauto.
econstructor. eapply H1; eapply H2; simpl; eapply add_1; eauto.
eapply IHL; eauto. hnf; intros. eapply H2. simpl. eapply add_2; eauto.
Lemma update_with_list_proper (ϱ:X→Y) (ϱ':Y→X) Z
: Proper (_eq ==> _eq) ϱ → Proper (_eq ==> _eq) ϱ' →
Proper (_eq ==> _eq) (update_with_list (lookup_list ϱ Z) Z ϱ').
intros; unfold Proper, respectful; intros. general induction Z; simpl.
rewrite H3. eauto.
lud. exfalso. eapply H6. eauto. exfalso; eauto.
eapply IHZ. intuition. intuition. eauto.
End MapInverse.
Arguments inverse_on {X} {H} {Y} D E E'.
Lemma inverse_on_lookup_list_eq {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y}
lv (ϱ:X→Y) (ϱ':Y→X) Z `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) ϱ} `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) ϱ'}
: inverse_on lv ϱ ϱ'
→ of_list Z ⊆ lv
→ @fpeq _ _ _eq _ _ (update_with_list (lookup_list ϱ Z) Z ϱ') ϱ'.
general induction Z; simpl; eauto. split. reflexivity. eauto.
split. edestruct IHZ; try eapply H3; eauto.
+ hnf; intros. eapply H4; simpl; eapply add_2; eauto.
+ dcr. erewrite H5; eauto. intro.
lud. rewrite <- H3. rewrite e. reflexivity.
eapply H4; simpl; eapply add_1; eauto.
+ split. hnf; intros.
lud; isabsurd.
eapply update_with_list_proper; intuition.
Global Instance inverse_on_morphism {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y}
: Proper (Subset ==> (@fpeq X Y _eq _ _)==> (@fpeq Y X _eq _ _) ==> flip impl) inverse_on.
unfold Proper, respectful, flip, impl; intros; hnf; intros.
destruct H2 as [A [B C]]. destruct H3 as [A' [B' C']].
setoid_rewrite <- H4 at 3. hnf in A'. rewrite A'.
hnf in A. rewrite A. eauto. eapply H1; eauto.
Global Instance inverse_on_morphism_full {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y}
: Proper (Equal ==> (@fpeq X Y _eq _ _)==> (@fpeq Y X _eq _ _) ==> iff) inverse_on.
unfold Proper, respectful, flip, impl; intros.
split; intros; eapply inverse_on_morphism; try eapply H4; eauto.
rewrite H1; reflexivity.
destruct H2; split; eauto. symmetry; eauto. intuition.
destruct H3; split; eauto. symmetry; eauto. intuition.
Global Instance inverse_on_morphism_eq {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y}
: Proper (Subset ==> eq ==> eq ==> flip impl) (@inverse_on X _ Y).
unfold Proper, respectful, flip, impl; intros; hnf; intros.
subst. setoid_rewrite <- H3 at 3. reflexivity. eapply H0; eauto.
Global Instance inverse_on_morphism_eq_eq {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y}
: Proper (Equal ==> eq ==> eq ==> flip impl) (@inverse_on X _ Y).
unfold Proper, respectful, flip, impl; intros; hnf; intros.
subst. setoid_rewrite <- H3 at 3. reflexivity. eapply H0; eauto.
Global Instance inverse_on_morphism_full_eq {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y}
: Proper (Equal ==> eq ==> eq ==> iff) (@inverse_on X _ Y).
unfold Proper, respectful, flip, impl; split; intros; hnf; intros; subst.
- rewrite H4; eauto. rewrite H1; eauto.
- rewrite H1 in H5; eauto.
Lemma inverse_on_update_with_list {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y}
(ϱ:X→Y) (ϱ':Y→X) Z lv `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) ϱ} `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) ϱ'}
: injective_on (lv ∪ of_list Z) ϱ
→ inverse_on (lv \ of_list Z) ϱ ϱ'
→ inverse_on (lv) ϱ (update_with_list (lookup_list ϱ Z) Z ϱ').
hnf; intros.
decide (x ∈ of_list Z). clear H4.
induction Z. exfalso. simpl in i. eapply not_in_empty in i; eauto.
simpl. lud. eapply H3; eauto. simpl. eapply union_3. intuition.
eapply union_2; eauto. eapply IHZ. eapply injective_on_incl; eauto.
eapply incl_union_lr; eauto. simpl. intuition. simpl in i.
eapply add_3; eauto. decide (a === x); eauto. exfalso. eapply H4.
rewrite e; reflexivity.
assert (ϱ x ∉ of_list(lookup_list ϱ Z)).
rewrite of_list_lookup_list; eauto. rewrite lookup_set_spec; eauto.
intro; dcr.
eapply H3 in H9; eauto; cset_tac; intuition.
erewrite update_with_list_no_update; eauto. eapply H4; eauto using in_in_minus.
Lemma inverse_on_union {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} (f:X→Y) (g:Y→X) D D'
: inverse_on D f g
→ inverse_on D' f g
→ inverse_on (D ∪ D') f g.
intros. hnf; intros. cset_tac.
Lemma lookup_list_inverse_on {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y} f g
`{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) f} `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) g} L L'
: lookup_list f L === L'
→ lookup_list g L' === L
→ inverse_on (of_list L) f g.
intros. general induction L; simpl in ×.
hnf; intros. exfalso; cset_tac; eauto.
hnf; intros. eapply add_iff in H5. destruct H5.
destruct L'; simpl in *; inv H3; inv H4.
rewrite <- H5. rewrite H9. eauto.
inv H3; eauto; inv H4; eapply IHL; try eassumption.
Lemma update_with_list_inverse_on {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y} (f:X→Y) (g:Y→X) D Z Z'
: length Z = length Z'
→ inverse_on D (update_with_list Z Z' f) (update_with_list Z' Z g)
→ inverse_on (D \ of_list Z) f g.
hnf; intros. cset_tac'.
pose proof (H2 _ H4).
erewrite update_with_list_no_update in H3; eauto.
erewrite update_with_list_no_update in H3; eauto.
intro. erewrite update_with_list_no_update in H6; eauto.
rewrite (update_with_list_no_update _ _ _ H5) in H3; eauto.
eapply H5. rewrite <- H3. eapply update_with_list_lookup_in; eauto using length_eq_sym.
Lemma inverse_on_sym {X} `{OrderedType X} D f g
`{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) f} `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) g}
: inverse_on D f g
→ inverse_on (lookup_set f D) g f.
intros; hnf; intros.
eapply lookup_set_spec in H3. destruct H3; dcr.
rewrite H5. eapply H0. eapply H2. eauto. eauto.
Lemma inverse_on_agree_on_2 {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y}
D (f f' : X → Y) (g g': Y → X) `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) f} `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) g}
`{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) f'} `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) g'}
: inverse_on D f g
→ inverse_on D f' g'
→ agree_on _eq D f f'
→ agree_on _eq (lookup_set f D) g g'.
intros. unfold agree_on. intros.
eapply lookup_set_spec in H8; eauto. destruct H8; dcr.
rewrite H10 at 1. assert (f x0 === f' x0). eapply H7; eauto.
rewrite H8 in H10.
rewrite H10. rewrite H5; eauto. rewrite H6; eauto.
Lemma inverse_on_agree_on {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y}
(f f': X → Y) (g g': Y → X) (G:set X)
`{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) f}
`{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) g'}
: inverse_on G f g
→ agree_on _eq G f f'
→ agree_on _eq (lookup_set f G) g g'
→ inverse_on G f' g'.
intros; hnf; intros.
hnf in H4. rewrite <- H4; eauto.
hnf in H5. rewrite <- H5; eauto with cset.
Lemma inverse_on_injective_on {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y}
(f: X → Y) (g: Y → X) `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) g} G
: inverse_on G f g → injective_on G f.
intros; hnf; intros. hnf in H1. rewrite <- H2.
rewrite H1; eauto. eauto.
Lemma inverse_on_id {X} `{OrderedType X} (G:set X)
: inverse_on G id id.
intros. hnf; intros. reflexivity.
Lemma inverse_on_update_fresh X `{OrderedType X} (D:set X) (Z Z':list X) (ϱ ϱ' : X → X) `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) ϱ}
: inverse_on (D \ of_list Z) ϱ ϱ'
→ NoDupA _eq Z'
→ length Z = length Z'
→ disj (of_list Z') (lookup_set ϱ (D \ of_list Z))
→ inverse_on D (update_with_list Z Z' ϱ)
(update_with_list Z' Z ϱ').
intros. eapply length_length_eq in H3.
hnf; intros. lud. decide(x ∈ of_list Z).
general induction H3; simpl in *; eauto; dcr.
- lud. eapply add_iff in i. destruct i; eauto.
assert (y ∈ of_list YL). {
rewrite e.
eapply update_with_list_lookup_in; eauto using length_eq_length.
exfalso. eapply NoDupA_decons_notin; eauto.
exfalso; eauto.
eapply add_iff in i; destruct i; isabsurd.
eapply IHlength_eq; try eassumption.
hnf; intros. exfalso; cset_tac; eauto. eauto.
hnf; intros. eapply lookup_set_spec in H12; dcr; eauto.
- erewrite update_with_list_no_update; eauto.
erewrite update_with_list_no_update; eauto.
eapply H1; eauto. cset_tac ; eauto.
erewrite update_with_list_no_update; eauto. intro.
specialize (H4 (ϱ x)). cset_tac'.
eapply H7.
eapply lookup_set_spec; cset_tac.
Lemma inverse_on_dead_update X `{OrderedType X} Y `{OrderedType Y} (ra:X→Y) ira (x:X) (y:Y) s
: inverse_on s (update ra x y) (update ira y x)
→ inverse_on (s \ singleton x) ra ira.
intros. hnf; intros. cset_tac'.
specialize (H1 _ H3). lud; intuition.
Lemma inverse_on_list_union {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} (f:X→Y) (g:Y→X) L
: (∀ n D, get L n D → inverse_on D f g)
→ inverse_on (list_union L) f g.
intros. hnf; intros. exploit list_union_get as GET. eapply H1.
destruct GET; dcr. eapply H0; eauto. cset_tac; intuition.
Require Import EqDec Computable Util LengthEq AutoIndTac.
Require Export CSet Containers.SetDecide.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import MapBasics MapInjectivity MapLookupList.
Section MapInverse.
Variable X : Type.
Context `{OrderedType X}.
Variable Y : Type.
Context `{OrderedType Y}.
Open Scope fmap_scope.
Definition inverse_on (D:set X) (E:X → Y) (E': Y → X)
:= ∀ x, x ∈ D → E' (E x) === x.
Lemma inverse_on_incl (D D':set X) (E:X → Y) (E':Y → X)
: D' ⊆ D → inverse_on D E E' → inverse_on D' E E'.
intros; firstorder.
Lemma inverse_on_update (D:set X) (E:X → Y) (E': Y → X) x
: inverse_on D E E'
→ injective_on D E
→ x ∈ D
→ inverse_on D (E [x <- E x]) (E' [E x <- x]).
intros. hnf. intros. lud.
eapply H2; eauto.
exfalso; eapply H5; eauto.
eapply H1; eauto.
Lemma inverse_on_update_minus (D:set X) (E:X → Y) (E': Y → X) x
: inverse_on (D\{{x}}) E E'
→ injective_on (D ∪ {{x}}) E
→ inverse_on D (E [x <- E x]) (E' [E x <- x]).
intros. hnf. intros. lud.
eapply H2; eauto; cset_tac; intuition.
rewrite <- e. eapply H1. cset_tac; intuition.
eapply H1. cset_tac; intuition.
Lemma inverse_on_lookup_list lv ϱ ϱ' L
: inverse_on lv ϱ ϱ'
→ of_list L ⊆ lv
→ lookup_list ϱ' (lookup_list ϱ L) === L.
general induction L; simpl; eauto.
econstructor. eapply H1; eapply H2; simpl; eapply add_1; eauto.
eapply IHL; eauto. hnf; intros. eapply H2. simpl. eapply add_2; eauto.
Lemma update_with_list_proper (ϱ:X→Y) (ϱ':Y→X) Z
: Proper (_eq ==> _eq) ϱ → Proper (_eq ==> _eq) ϱ' →
Proper (_eq ==> _eq) (update_with_list (lookup_list ϱ Z) Z ϱ').
intros; unfold Proper, respectful; intros. general induction Z; simpl.
rewrite H3. eauto.
lud. exfalso. eapply H6. eauto. exfalso; eauto.
eapply IHZ. intuition. intuition. eauto.
End MapInverse.
Arguments inverse_on {X} {H} {Y} D E E'.
Lemma inverse_on_lookup_list_eq {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y}
lv (ϱ:X→Y) (ϱ':Y→X) Z `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) ϱ} `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) ϱ'}
: inverse_on lv ϱ ϱ'
→ of_list Z ⊆ lv
→ @fpeq _ _ _eq _ _ (update_with_list (lookup_list ϱ Z) Z ϱ') ϱ'.
general induction Z; simpl; eauto. split. reflexivity. eauto.
split. edestruct IHZ; try eapply H3; eauto.
+ hnf; intros. eapply H4; simpl; eapply add_2; eauto.
+ dcr. erewrite H5; eauto. intro.
lud. rewrite <- H3. rewrite e. reflexivity.
eapply H4; simpl; eapply add_1; eauto.
+ split. hnf; intros.
lud; isabsurd.
eapply update_with_list_proper; intuition.
Global Instance inverse_on_morphism {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y}
: Proper (Subset ==> (@fpeq X Y _eq _ _)==> (@fpeq Y X _eq _ _) ==> flip impl) inverse_on.
unfold Proper, respectful, flip, impl; intros; hnf; intros.
destruct H2 as [A [B C]]. destruct H3 as [A' [B' C']].
setoid_rewrite <- H4 at 3. hnf in A'. rewrite A'.
hnf in A. rewrite A. eauto. eapply H1; eauto.
Global Instance inverse_on_morphism_full {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y}
: Proper (Equal ==> (@fpeq X Y _eq _ _)==> (@fpeq Y X _eq _ _) ==> iff) inverse_on.
unfold Proper, respectful, flip, impl; intros.
split; intros; eapply inverse_on_morphism; try eapply H4; eauto.
rewrite H1; reflexivity.
destruct H2; split; eauto. symmetry; eauto. intuition.
destruct H3; split; eauto. symmetry; eauto. intuition.
Global Instance inverse_on_morphism_eq {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y}
: Proper (Subset ==> eq ==> eq ==> flip impl) (@inverse_on X _ Y).
unfold Proper, respectful, flip, impl; intros; hnf; intros.
subst. setoid_rewrite <- H3 at 3. reflexivity. eapply H0; eauto.
Global Instance inverse_on_morphism_eq_eq {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y}
: Proper (Equal ==> eq ==> eq ==> flip impl) (@inverse_on X _ Y).
unfold Proper, respectful, flip, impl; intros; hnf; intros.
subst. setoid_rewrite <- H3 at 3. reflexivity. eapply H0; eauto.
Global Instance inverse_on_morphism_full_eq {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y}
: Proper (Equal ==> eq ==> eq ==> iff) (@inverse_on X _ Y).
unfold Proper, respectful, flip, impl; split; intros; hnf; intros; subst.
- rewrite H4; eauto. rewrite H1; eauto.
- rewrite H1 in H5; eauto.
Lemma inverse_on_update_with_list {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y}
(ϱ:X→Y) (ϱ':Y→X) Z lv `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) ϱ} `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) ϱ'}
: injective_on (lv ∪ of_list Z) ϱ
→ inverse_on (lv \ of_list Z) ϱ ϱ'
→ inverse_on (lv) ϱ (update_with_list (lookup_list ϱ Z) Z ϱ').
hnf; intros.
decide (x ∈ of_list Z). clear H4.
induction Z. exfalso. simpl in i. eapply not_in_empty in i; eauto.
simpl. lud. eapply H3; eauto. simpl. eapply union_3. intuition.
eapply union_2; eauto. eapply IHZ. eapply injective_on_incl; eauto.
eapply incl_union_lr; eauto. simpl. intuition. simpl in i.
eapply add_3; eauto. decide (a === x); eauto. exfalso. eapply H4.
rewrite e; reflexivity.
assert (ϱ x ∉ of_list(lookup_list ϱ Z)).
rewrite of_list_lookup_list; eauto. rewrite lookup_set_spec; eauto.
intro; dcr.
eapply H3 in H9; eauto; cset_tac; intuition.
erewrite update_with_list_no_update; eauto. eapply H4; eauto using in_in_minus.
Lemma inverse_on_union {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} (f:X→Y) (g:Y→X) D D'
: inverse_on D f g
→ inverse_on D' f g
→ inverse_on (D ∪ D') f g.
intros. hnf; intros. cset_tac.
Lemma lookup_list_inverse_on {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y} f g
`{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) f} `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) g} L L'
: lookup_list f L === L'
→ lookup_list g L' === L
→ inverse_on (of_list L) f g.
intros. general induction L; simpl in ×.
hnf; intros. exfalso; cset_tac; eauto.
hnf; intros. eapply add_iff in H5. destruct H5.
destruct L'; simpl in *; inv H3; inv H4.
rewrite <- H5. rewrite H9. eauto.
inv H3; eauto; inv H4; eapply IHL; try eassumption.
Lemma update_with_list_inverse_on {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y} (f:X→Y) (g:Y→X) D Z Z'
: length Z = length Z'
→ inverse_on D (update_with_list Z Z' f) (update_with_list Z' Z g)
→ inverse_on (D \ of_list Z) f g.
hnf; intros. cset_tac'.
pose proof (H2 _ H4).
erewrite update_with_list_no_update in H3; eauto.
erewrite update_with_list_no_update in H3; eauto.
intro. erewrite update_with_list_no_update in H6; eauto.
rewrite (update_with_list_no_update _ _ _ H5) in H3; eauto.
eapply H5. rewrite <- H3. eapply update_with_list_lookup_in; eauto using length_eq_sym.
Lemma inverse_on_sym {X} `{OrderedType X} D f g
`{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) f} `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) g}
: inverse_on D f g
→ inverse_on (lookup_set f D) g f.
intros; hnf; intros.
eapply lookup_set_spec in H3. destruct H3; dcr.
rewrite H5. eapply H0. eapply H2. eauto. eauto.
Lemma inverse_on_agree_on_2 {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y}
D (f f' : X → Y) (g g': Y → X) `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) f} `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) g}
`{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) f'} `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) g'}
: inverse_on D f g
→ inverse_on D f' g'
→ agree_on _eq D f f'
→ agree_on _eq (lookup_set f D) g g'.
intros. unfold agree_on. intros.
eapply lookup_set_spec in H8; eauto. destruct H8; dcr.
rewrite H10 at 1. assert (f x0 === f' x0). eapply H7; eauto.
rewrite H8 in H10.
rewrite H10. rewrite H5; eauto. rewrite H6; eauto.
Lemma inverse_on_agree_on {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y}
(f f': X → Y) (g g': Y → X) (G:set X)
`{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) f}
`{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) g'}
: inverse_on G f g
→ agree_on _eq G f f'
→ agree_on _eq (lookup_set f G) g g'
→ inverse_on G f' g'.
intros; hnf; intros.
hnf in H4. rewrite <- H4; eauto.
hnf in H5. rewrite <- H5; eauto with cset.
Lemma inverse_on_injective_on {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} `{OrderedType Y}
(f: X → Y) (g: Y → X) `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) g} G
: inverse_on G f g → injective_on G f.
intros; hnf; intros. hnf in H1. rewrite <- H2.
rewrite H1; eauto. eauto.
Lemma inverse_on_id {X} `{OrderedType X} (G:set X)
: inverse_on G id id.
intros. hnf; intros. reflexivity.
Lemma inverse_on_update_fresh X `{OrderedType X} (D:set X) (Z Z':list X) (ϱ ϱ' : X → X) `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) ϱ}
: inverse_on (D \ of_list Z) ϱ ϱ'
→ NoDupA _eq Z'
→ length Z = length Z'
→ disj (of_list Z') (lookup_set ϱ (D \ of_list Z))
→ inverse_on D (update_with_list Z Z' ϱ)
(update_with_list Z' Z ϱ').
intros. eapply length_length_eq in H3.
hnf; intros. lud. decide(x ∈ of_list Z).
general induction H3; simpl in *; eauto; dcr.
- lud. eapply add_iff in i. destruct i; eauto.
assert (y ∈ of_list YL). {
rewrite e.
eapply update_with_list_lookup_in; eauto using length_eq_length.
exfalso. eapply NoDupA_decons_notin; eauto.
exfalso; eauto.
eapply add_iff in i; destruct i; isabsurd.
eapply IHlength_eq; try eassumption.
hnf; intros. exfalso; cset_tac; eauto. eauto.
hnf; intros. eapply lookup_set_spec in H12; dcr; eauto.
- erewrite update_with_list_no_update; eauto.
erewrite update_with_list_no_update; eauto.
eapply H1; eauto. cset_tac ; eauto.
erewrite update_with_list_no_update; eauto. intro.
specialize (H4 (ϱ x)). cset_tac'.
eapply H7.
eapply lookup_set_spec; cset_tac.
Lemma inverse_on_dead_update X `{OrderedType X} Y `{OrderedType Y} (ra:X→Y) ira (x:X) (y:Y) s
: inverse_on s (update ra x y) (update ira y x)
→ inverse_on (s \ singleton x) ra ira.
intros. hnf; intros. cset_tac'.
specialize (H1 _ H3). lud; intuition.
Lemma inverse_on_list_union {X} `{OrderedType X} {Y} (f:X→Y) (g:Y→X) L
: (∀ n D, get L n D → inverse_on D f g)
→ inverse_on (list_union L) f g.
intros. hnf; intros. exploit list_union_get as GET. eapply H1.
destruct GET; dcr. eapply H0; eauto. cset_tac; intuition.