Require Import Util Get Events StateType MoreList.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Definition functional2 :=
fun (X Y : Type) (R : X → Y → X → Prop)
⇒ ∀ x (y:Y) x1 x2, R x y x1 → R x y x2 → x1 = x2.
Lemma no_normal_step S Y R (σ σ':S) (e:Y)
: normal2 R σ
→ R σ e σ'
→ False.
intros. destruct H. hnf; eauto.
Definition activated {S} `{StateType S} (σ:S) :=
∃ ext σ', step σ (EvtExtern ext) σ'.
Lemma no_activated_tau_step {S} `{StateType S} (σ σ':S)
: activated σ
→ step σ EvtTau σ'
→ False.
intros Act Step. destruct Act as [? [? Act]].
eapply step_internally_deterministic in Act; eauto; dcr.
Lemma activated_normal S `{StateType S} (σ:S)
: activated σ
→ normal2 step σ
→ False.
intros Act Norm. inv Act. firstorder.
Arguments activated_normal [S] [H] σ _ _.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Definition functional2 :=
fun (X Y : Type) (R : X → Y → X → Prop)
⇒ ∀ x (y:Y) x1 x2, R x y x1 → R x y x2 → x1 = x2.
Lemma no_normal_step S Y R (σ σ':S) (e:Y)
: normal2 R σ
→ R σ e σ'
→ False.
intros. destruct H. hnf; eauto.
Definition activated {S} `{StateType S} (σ:S) :=
∃ ext σ', step σ (EvtExtern ext) σ'.
Lemma no_activated_tau_step {S} `{StateType S} (σ σ':S)
: activated σ
→ step σ EvtTau σ'
→ False.
intros Act Step. destruct Act as [? [? Act]].
eapply step_internally_deterministic in Act; eauto; dcr.
Lemma activated_normal S `{StateType S} (σ:S)
: activated σ
→ normal2 step σ
→ False.
intros Act Norm. inv Act. firstorder.
Arguments activated_normal [S] [H] σ _ _.
plus2 - transitive closure for event-labeled relations
Inductive plus2 (X : Type) (R : X → event → X → Prop)
: X → list event → X → Prop :=
plus2O x y x' el
: R x y x'
→ el = (filter_tau y nil)
→ plus2 R x el x'
| plus2S x y x' yl z el
: R x y x'
→ el = (filter_tau y yl)
→ plus2 R x' yl z
→ plus2 R x el z.
plus2 - reflexive, transitive closure for event-labeled relations
Inductive star2 (X : Type) (R : X → event → X → Prop) : X → list event → X → Prop :=
star2_refl : ∀ x : X, star2 R x nil x
| star2_step : ∀ y x x' yl z, R x y x' → star2 R x' yl z → star2 R x (filter_tau y yl) z.
Lemma plus2_star2 X (R: X → event → X → Prop) σ1 σ2 L
: plus2 R σ1 L σ2 → star2 R σ1 L σ2.
intros Plus. general induction Plus; eauto using star2.
Lemma star2_silent X (R:X → event → X → Prop)
: ∀ (x x' : X) (L : 〔event〕) (z : X),
R x EvtTau x' → star2 R x' L z → star2 R x L z.
intros. eapply (star2_step EvtTau); eauto.
Lemma plus2_silent X (R:X → event → X → Prop)
: ∀ (x x' : X) (L : 〔event〕) (z : X),
R x EvtTau x' → plus2 R x' L z → plus2 R x L z.
intros. eapply (plus2S _ _ H eq_refl H0); eauto.
Lemma star2_plus2_plus2
: ∀ (X : Type) R (x y z : X) A B,
star2 R x A y → plus2 R y B z → plus2 R x (A++B) z.
intros. general induction H; simpl; eauto using plus2.
- econstructor 2; eauto. rewrite filter_tau_app; eauto.
Lemma star2_plus2_plus2_silent (X : Type) R (x y z : X) B
: star2 R x nil y → plus2 R y B z → plus2 R x B z.
intros H1 H2. eapply (star2_plus2_plus2 H1 H2).
Lemma star2_trans
: ∀ (X : Type) R (x y z : X) A B,
star2 R x A y → star2 R y B z → star2 R x (A++B) z.
intros. general induction H; simpl; eauto.
rewrite filter_tau_app.
eapply star2_step; eauto.
Lemma star2_trans_silent (X : Type) R (x y z : X) B
: star2 R x nil y → star2 R y B z → star2 R x B z.
intros H1 H2. eapply (star2_trans H1 H2).
Ltac relsimpl_help1 :=
match goal with
| [ H : ?R ?σ EvtTau _, H' : ?R ?σ _ _, IDet : internally_deterministic ?R
|- _ ] ⇒
edestruct (IDet _ _ _ _ H H');
clear_trivial_eqs; try clear_dup
| [ H : filter_tau ?y ?yl = nil |- _ ] ⇒
try (is_var y; destruct y); try (is_var yl; destruct yl);
invc H; simpl filter_tau in ×
| [ H : nil = filter_tau ?y ?yl |- _ ] ⇒
try (is_var y; destruct y); try (is_var yl; destruct yl);
invc H; simpl filter_tau in ×
| [ H: activated ?σ, H' : step ?σ EvtTau _ |- _ ] ⇒
exfalso; eapply (no_activated_tau_step _ H H')
| [ H : @step ?S ?ST ?σ EvtTau _, H' : step ?σ _ _ |- _ ] ⇒
edestruct (@step_internally_deterministic S ST _ _ _ _ H H');
clear_trivial_eqs; try clear_dup
| [ H : normal2 ?R ?σ, H' : ?R ?σ _ _ |- _ ]
⇒ exfalso; eapply (no_normal_step _ _ H H')
| [ H : star2 _ ?σ nil ?σ |- _ ] ⇒ clear H
| [ H : activated ?σ, H' : normal2 _ ?σ |- _ ] ⇒
exfalso; eapply (activated_normal _ H H')
Ltac relsimpl'' :=
repeat relsimpl_help1.
Lemma activated_star_eq S `{StateType S} (σ1 σ2:S)
: star2 step σ1 nil σ2
→ activated σ1
→ σ1 = σ2.
intros Step1 Act. inv Step1; relsimpl''; eauto.
Lemma normal_star_eq X (R:X → event → X → Prop) (σ1 σ2:X)
: star2 R σ1 nil σ2
→ normal2 R σ1
→ σ1 = σ2.
intros Step1 Act. inv Step1; relsimpl''; eauto.
Lemma activated_step_reach S `{StateType S} (σ σ' σ'':S) L
: step σ EvtTau σ'
→ activated σ''
→ star2 step σ L σ''
→ star2 step σ' L σ''.
intros. inv H2; eauto; relsimpl''; eauto.
Lemma normal_step_reach S `{StateType S} (σ σ' σ'':S) L
: step σ EvtTau σ'
→ normal2 step σ''
→ star2 step σ L σ''
→ star2 step σ' L σ''.
intros. inv H2; eauto; relsimpl''; eauto.
Lemma inv_plus2_step X (R:X → event → X → Prop) σ1 σ2 σ3 L
: R σ1 EvtTau σ2
→ internally_deterministic R
→ plus2 R σ1 L σ3
→ star2 R σ2 L σ3.
intros Single IDet Plus.
invc Plus.
- relsimpl''. simpl. econstructor.
- relsimpl''; simpl. eauto using plus2_star2.
Ltac relsimpl_help2 :=
match goal with
| [ H : step ?σ EvtTau _, H' : star2 step ?σ _ ?σ', H'' : activated ?σ' |- _ ]
⇒ eapply (activated_step_reach _ H H'') in H'
| [ H : step ?σ EvtTau _, H' : star2 step ?σ _ ?σ', H'' : normal2 _ ?σ' |- _ ]
⇒ eapply (normal_step_reach _ H H'') in H'
| [ H : @step ?S ?ST ?σ EvtTau _,
H' : @plus2 ?S (@step ?S ?ST) ?σ _ _ |- _ ] ⇒
eapply (inv_plus2_step _ H (@step_internally_deterministic S ST)) in H'
| [ Star2 : star2 ?R ?σ _ ?σ', Norm: normal2 ?R ?σ |- _ ] ⇒
let EQ := fresh "EQ" in
pose proof (normal_star_eq Star2 Norm) as EQ;
try (is_var σ; subst σ); try (is_var σ'; subst σ')
| [ Star2 : star2 ?R ?σ nil ?σ', Act: activated ?σ |- _ ] ⇒
let EQ := fresh "EQ" in
pose proof (activated_star_eq Star2 Act) as EQ;
try (is_var σ; subst σ); try (is_var σ'; subst σ')
Ltac relsimpl' :=
repeat (first [ relsimpl_help1 | relsimpl_help2 ]).
Lemma star2_reach_normal X (R:X → event → X → Prop) σ1 σ2a σ2b
: star2 R σ1 nil σ2a
→ normal2 R σ2a
→ internally_deterministic R
→ star2 R σ1 nil σ2b
→ star2 R σ2b nil σ2a.
intros Star1 Normal IDet Star2.
general induction Star2; relsimpl'; eauto.
- invc Star1; relsimpl'.
eauto using star2_silent.
Lemma activated_star_reach S `{StateType S} (σ σ' σ'':S)
: activated σ''
→ star2 step σ nil σ''
→ star2 step σ nil σ'
→ star2 step σ' nil σ''.
intros Act Star1 Star2. general induction Star2; relsimpl'; eauto.
Lemma both_activated S `{StateType S} (σ1 σ2 σ3:S)
: star2 step σ1 nil σ2
→ star2 step σ1 nil σ3
→ activated σ2
→ activated σ3
→ σ2 = σ3.
intros Step1 Step2 Act1 Act2. general induction Step2; relsimpl'; eauto.
Lemma star2_reach_normal2 X (R:X → event → X → Prop) σ1 σ2a σ2b
: star2 R σ1 nil σ2a
→ star2 R σ1 nil σ2b
→ internally_deterministic R
→ normal2 R σ2a
→ normal2 R σ2b
→ σ2a = σ2b.
intros Star1 Star2 IDet Normal1 Normal2.
general induction Star1; relsimpl'; eauto.
- general induction Star2; relsimpl'; eauto.
Ltac relsimpl_help3 :=
match goal with
| [ H : star2 ?R ?σ nil _, H' : star2 ?R ?σ _ ?σ',
H'' : activated ?σ' |- _ ]
⇒ eapply (activated_star_reach H'' H') in H
| [ H : star2 step ?σ nil _, H' : star2 (@step ?S ?ST) ?σ _ ?σ',
H'' : normal2 _ ?σ' |- _ ]
⇒ eapply (star2_reach_normal H' H'' (@step_internally_deterministic S ST)) in H
Ltac relsimpl :=
repeat (first [ relsimpl_help1 | relsimpl_help2 | relsimpl_help3]).
Lemma activated_normal_star S `{StateType S} (σ σ' σ'':S)
: star2 step σ nil σ'
→ activated σ'
→ star2 step σ nil σ''
→ normal2 step σ''
→ False.
intros Star1 Act Star2 Norm; relsimpl.
Ltac not_normal H :=
destruct H; econstructor; eexists; econstructor; eauto.
Lemma plus2_destr_nil (X : Type) R (x z : X)
: plus2 R x nil z → ∃ y : X, R x EvtTau y ∧ star2 R y nil z.
intros Plus. remember nil.
induction Plus; subst; relsimpl''; eauto using star2_refl.
- edestruct IHPlus; eauto; dcr.
eauto using star2_silent.
Lemma star2_plus2
: ∀ (X : Type) (R: X → event → X → Prop) (x y z : X),
R x EvtTau y → star2 R y nil z → plus2 R x nil z.
intros. general induction H0; relsimpl'; eauto using plus2.
- exploit IHstar2; eauto using plus2.
econstructor 2; eauto; reflexivity.
Lemma star2_reach X (R:X → event → X → Prop) σ1 σ2a σ2b
: star2 R σ1 nil σ2a
→ star2 R σ1 nil σ2b
→ internally_deterministic R
→ (star2 R σ2a nil σ2b ∨ star2 R σ2b nil σ2a).
general induction H; relsimpl''; eauto using star2_silent.
- inv H1; relsimpl''; eauto using star2_silent.
Inductive star2n (X : Type) (R : X → event → X → Prop) : nat → X → list event → X → Prop :=
star2n_refl : ∀ x : X, star2n R 0 x nil x
| S_star2n n : ∀ y x x' yl z,
R x y x'
→ star2n R n x' yl z
→ star2n R (S n) x (filter_tau y yl) z.
Lemma star2n_star2 X (R: X → event → X → Prop) x A y n
: star2n R n x A y
→ star2 R x A y.
intros. general induction H; eauto using star2.
Lemma star2_star2n X (R: X → event → X → Prop) x A y
: star2 R x A y
→ ∃ n, star2n R n x A y.
intros. general induction H; eauto using star2n.
- destruct IHstar2; eexists; econstructor; eauto.
Lemma star2n_plus2 X (R: X → event → X → Prop) x A y n
: star2n R (S n) x A y
→ plus2 R x A y.
general induction n.
- inv H. inv H2. econstructor; eauto.
- inv H.
econstructor 2; eauto.
Lemma plus2_star2n X (R: X → event → X → Prop) x A y
: plus2 R x A y
→ ∃ n, star2n R (S n) x A y.
intros. general induction H; eauto using star2n.
- destruct IHplus2; eexists; econstructor; eauto.
Lemma star2_normal X R (x y:X)
: star2 R x nil y
→ normal2 R x
→ x = y.
intros. inv H; eauto.
exfalso. firstorder.
Lemma star2_reach_silent_step (X : Type) (R:X → event → X → Prop) (x y z : X)
: R x EvtTau y
→ star2 R x nil z
→ internally_deterministic R
→ x = z ∨ star2 R y nil z.
intros. inv H0; eauto.
exploit H1; eauto. dcr; subst; eauto.
Ltac stuck :=
let A := fresh "A" in let v := fresh "v" in intros [v A]; inv A; repeat get_functional; isabsurd.
Ltac stuck2 :=
let A := fresh "A" in
let v := fresh "v" in
let evt := fresh "evt" in
intros [v [evt A]]; inv A; repeat get_functional; inv_get; isabsurd.
Ltac not_activated H :=
let STEP := fresh "STEP" in
destruct H as [? [? STEP]]; inv STEP.
Lemma plus2_reach X (R:X → event → X → Prop) σ1 σ2a σ2b
: plus2 R σ1 nil σ2a
→ plus2 R σ1 nil σ2b
→ internally_deterministic R
→ (star2 R σ2a nil σ2b ∨ star2 R σ2b nil σ2a).
intros Plus1 Plus2 IDet.
eapply plus2_destr_nil in Plus1. eapply plus2_destr_nil in Plus2.
dcr. relsimpl.
edestruct (star2_reach H1 H3); eauto using star2_trans.
Lemma star2n_reach X (R:X → event → X → Prop) σ1 σ2a σ2b n n'
: star2n R n σ1 nil σ2a
→ star2n R n' σ1 nil σ2b
→ internally_deterministic R
→ (star2n R (n'-n) σ2a nil σ2b ∨ star2n R (n-n') σ2b nil σ2a).
intros Star1 Star2 IDet.
general induction Star1; eauto.
- left. orewrite (n' - 0 = n'). eauto.
- relsimpl. invc Star2; relsimpl; simpl; eauto.
right. eapply (S_star2n _ _ H Star1).
Lemma star2n_trans_silent (X : Type) (R : X → event → X → Prop) n m x y z
: star2n R n x nil y
→ star2n R m y nil z
→ star2n R (n + m) x nil z.
intros A B.
general induction A; simpl; eauto.
econstructor; eauto.
destruct y, yl; isabsurd.
eapply IHA; eauto.
Lemma star2n_decomp_right (X : Type) (R : X → event → X → Prop) n x y
: star2n R (S n) x nil y
→ ∃ z, star2n R n x nil z ∧ R z EvtTau y.
general induction n.
- repeat invtc star2n.
destruct y0; isabsurd.
eauto using star2n.
- invtc star2n.
destruct y0, yl; isabsurd.
eapply IHn in H4; dcr.
eauto using star2n.
Ltac uncount_star2 :=
repeat match goal with
| [ H : @star2n _ _ (S _) _ _ _ |- _ ] ⇒ eapply star2n_plus2 in H
| [ H : @star2n _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ] ⇒ eapply star2n_star2 in H
Lemma star2_cases (X : Type) (R : X → event → X → Prop) σ σ'
: star2 R σ nil σ'
→ σ = σ' ∨ plus2 R σ nil σ'.
inv H; eauto.
destruct y, yl; isabsurd; simpl.
right. eapply star2_plus2; eauto.