Require Import Util Var IL DecSolve Indexwise.
Inductive var_P (P:var → Prop)
: stmt → Prop :=
| VarPOpr x b e
: var_P P b
→ P x
→ For_all P (Exp.freeVars e)
→ var_P P (stmtLet x e b)
| VarPIf e b1 b2
: For_all P (Ops.freeVars e)
→ var_P P b1
→ var_P P b2
→ var_P P (stmtIf e b1 b2)
| VarPGoto l Y
: For_all P (list_union (Ops.freeVars ⊝ Y))
→ var_P P (stmtApp l Y)
| VarPReturn e
: For_all P (Ops.freeVars e)
→ var_P P (stmtReturn e)
| VarPLet F b
: (∀ n Zs, get F n Zs → var_P P (snd Zs))
→ (∀ n Zs, get F n Zs → For_all P (of_list (fst Zs)))
→ var_P P b
→ var_P P (stmtFun F b).
Lemma var_P_occurVars (P:var → Prop) s
: var_P P s
→ For_all P (occurVars s).
induction 1; unfold For_all in *; intros; simpl in *; cset_tac'.
eapply list_union_get in H4. destruct H4; dcr; inv_get; cset_tac.
Instance var_P_dec P (DEC:∀ x, Computable (P x)) s : Computable (var_P P s).
sind s; destruct s.
- ensure (P x); ensure (For_all P (Exp.freeVars e));
destruct (IH s); dec_solve.
- ensure (For_all P (Ops.freeVars e));
destruct (IH s1); eauto; [|dec_solve];
destruct (IH s2); eauto; dec_solve.
- ensure (For_all P (list_union (Ops.freeVars ⊝ Y))); dec_solve.
- ensure (For_all P (Ops.freeVars e)); dec_solve.
- destruct (IH s); eauto; try dec_solve.
assert (Computable (∀ n Zs, get F n Zs → var_P P (snd Zs))). {
eapply indexwise_P_dec. intros. eapply IH; eauto.
destruct H; [|dec_solve].
assert (Computable (∀ n Zs, get F n Zs → For_all P (of_list (fst Zs)))). {
eapply indexwise_P_dec. intros. eauto with typeclass_instances.
destruct H; dec_solve.
Inductive var_P (P:var → Prop)
: stmt → Prop :=
| VarPOpr x b e
: var_P P b
→ P x
→ For_all P (Exp.freeVars e)
→ var_P P (stmtLet x e b)
| VarPIf e b1 b2
: For_all P (Ops.freeVars e)
→ var_P P b1
→ var_P P b2
→ var_P P (stmtIf e b1 b2)
| VarPGoto l Y
: For_all P (list_union (Ops.freeVars ⊝ Y))
→ var_P P (stmtApp l Y)
| VarPReturn e
: For_all P (Ops.freeVars e)
→ var_P P (stmtReturn e)
| VarPLet F b
: (∀ n Zs, get F n Zs → var_P P (snd Zs))
→ (∀ n Zs, get F n Zs → For_all P (of_list (fst Zs)))
→ var_P P b
→ var_P P (stmtFun F b).
Lemma var_P_occurVars (P:var → Prop) s
: var_P P s
→ For_all P (occurVars s).
induction 1; unfold For_all in *; intros; simpl in *; cset_tac'.
eapply list_union_get in H4. destruct H4; dcr; inv_get; cset_tac.
Instance var_P_dec P (DEC:∀ x, Computable (P x)) s : Computable (var_P P s).
sind s; destruct s.
- ensure (P x); ensure (For_all P (Exp.freeVars e));
destruct (IH s); dec_solve.
- ensure (For_all P (Ops.freeVars e));
destruct (IH s1); eauto; [|dec_solve];
destruct (IH s2); eauto; dec_solve.
- ensure (For_all P (list_union (Ops.freeVars ⊝ Y))); dec_solve.
- ensure (For_all P (Ops.freeVars e)); dec_solve.
- destruct (IH s); eauto; try dec_solve.
assert (Computable (∀ n Zs, get F n Zs → var_P P (snd Zs))). {
eapply indexwise_P_dec. intros. eapply IH; eauto.
destruct H; [|dec_solve].
assert (Computable (∀ n Zs, get F n Zs → For_all P (of_list (fst Zs)))). {
eapply indexwise_P_dec. intros. eauto with typeclass_instances.
destruct H; dec_solve.