Require Import List Map Envs AllInRel Exp AppExpFree.
Require Import IL Annotation AutoIndTac Liveness.Liveness LabelsDefined.
Require Import Infra.PartialOrder AnnotationLattice CSetPartialOrder.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import IL Annotation AutoIndTac Liveness.Liveness LabelsDefined.
Require Import Infra.PartialOrder AnnotationLattice CSetPartialOrder.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Fixpoint reconstr_live
(Lv : list (set var))
(ZL : list (params))
(G : set var)
(s : stmt)
(rm : ann (set var))
{struct s}
: ann (set var)
match s, rm with
| stmtLet x e t, ann1 _ rm
⇒ let lv_t := reconstr_live Lv ZL (singleton x) t rm in
ann1 ((getAnn lv_t) \ singleton x ∪ Exp.freeVars e ∪ G) lv_t
| stmtReturn e, ann0 _
⇒ ann0 (Ops.freeVars e ∪ G)
| stmtIf e t v, ann2 _ rm_t rm_v
⇒ let lv_t := reconstr_live Lv ZL ∅ t rm_t in
let lv_v := reconstr_live Lv ZL ∅ v rm_v in
ann2 (getAnn lv_t ∪ getAnn lv_v ∪ Ops.freeVars e ∪ G) lv_t lv_v
| stmtApp f Y, ann0 _
⇒ let blv := nth (counted f) Lv ∅ in
let Z := nth (counted f) ZL nil in
ann0 (list_union (Ops.freeVars ⊝ Y) ∪ blv \ of_list Z ∪ G)
| stmtFun F t, annF _ rm_F rm_t
⇒ let rms := getAnn ⊝ rm_F in
let lv_t := reconstr_live (rms ++ Lv) (fst ⊝ F ++ ZL) ∅ t rm_t in
let lv_F := (fun ps rm_s ⇒
reconstr_live (rms ++ Lv)
(fst ⊝ F ++ ZL)
(of_list (fst ps))
(snd ps)
) ⊜ F rm_F in
annF (getAnn lv_t ∪ G) lv_F lv_t
| _,_ ⇒ ann0 G
Lemma reconstr_live_G_eq (G : ⦃var⦄) (Lv : list ⦃var⦄)
(ZL : list params) (s : stmt) a
: getAnn (reconstr_live Lv ZL G s a) [=] getAnn (reconstr_live Lv ZL ∅ s a) ∪ G .
general induction s;
destruct a;
try destruct a;
simpl; eauto; cset_tac.
Lemma reconstr_live_remove_G Lv ZL G s sl G'
: getAnn (reconstr_live Lv ZL G s sl) \ G ⊆ getAnn (reconstr_live Lv ZL G' s sl) .
destruct s, sl, a; simpl; cset_tac.
Lemma reconstr_live_G Lv ZL G s a
: G ⊆ getAnn (reconstr_live Lv ZL G s a).
induction s,a; simpl; eauto with cset.
Lemma reconstr_live_subset Lv Lv' ZL G s sl
: Lv ⊑ Lv'
→ reconstr_live Lv ZL G s sl ⊑ reconstr_live Lv' ZL G s sl.
intros H.
revert Lv Lv' H ZL G sl.
sind s; intros; destruct s, sl; simpl; try econstructor; eauto;
try eapply IH; eauto.
- exploit (IH s); eauto.
rewrite (ann_R_get H0); eauto.
- exploit (IH s1); eauto.
exploit (IH s2); eauto.
rewrite (ann_R_get H0); eauto.
rewrite (ann_R_get H1); eauto.
- enough (nth (labN l) Lv ∅ ⊆ nth (labN l) Lv' ∅)
as HH by (rewrite HH; clear; cset_tac).
apply PIR2_length in H as Lv_len.
decide (labN l < length Lv).
+ assert ({x : ⦃var⦄ & get Lv (labN l) x}) as [x get_x]
by (apply get_in_range; eauto).
rewrite Lv_len in l0.
assert ({y : ⦃var⦄ & get Lv' (labN l) y}) as [y get_y]
by (apply get_in_range; eauto).
erewrite get_nth; eauto.
erewrite get_nth; eauto.
eapply get_PIR2; eauto.
+ apply not_le in n.
rewrite nth_overflow; eauto with cset.
- eapply incl_union_lr; eauto.
eapply ann_R_get.
eapply (IH s); eauto.
- eauto with len.
- intros; inv_get; eauto with len.
eapply IH; eauto.
Lemma reconstr_live_equal Lv Lv' ZL G s sl
: Lv ≣ Lv'
→ reconstr_live Lv ZL G s sl ≣ reconstr_live Lv' ZL G s sl.
intros H.
revert Lv Lv' H ZL G sl.
sind s; intros; destruct s, sl; simpl; try econstructor; eauto;
try eapply IH; eauto.
- exploit (IH s); eauto.
rewrite (ann_R_get H0); eauto.
- exploit (IH s1); eauto.
exploit (IH s2); eauto.
rewrite (ann_R_get H0); eauto.
rewrite (ann_R_get H1); eauto.
- enough (nth (labN l) Lv ∅ [=] nth (labN l) Lv' ∅)
as HH by (rewrite HH; clear; cset_tac).
apply PIR2_length in H as Lv_len.
decide (labN l < length Lv).
+ assert ({x : ⦃var⦄ & get Lv (labN l) x}) as [x get_x]
by (apply get_in_range; eauto).
rewrite Lv_len in l0.
assert ({y : ⦃var⦄ & get Lv' (labN l) y}) as [y get_y]
by (apply get_in_range; eauto).
erewrite get_nth; eauto.
erewrite get_nth; eauto.
eapply get_PIR2; eauto.
+ apply not_le in n.
rewrite nth_overflow; eauto with cset;
[ | omega].
rewrite Lv_len in n.
rewrite nth_overflow; eauto with cset.
- eapply eq_union_lr; eauto.
eapply ann_R_get.
eapply (IH s); eauto.
- eauto with len.
- intros; inv_get; eauto with len.
eapply IH; eauto.
Lemma reconstr_live_setTopAnn ZL Lv s alv G a
: reconstr_live Lv ZL G s alv = reconstr_live Lv ZL G s (setTopAnn alv a).
destruct s, alv; simpl; eauto.
Lemma reconstr_live_incl ZL Lv s alv G
: live_sound Imperative ZL Lv s alv
→ G ⊆ getAnn alv
→ poLe (reconstr_live Lv ZL G s alv) alv.
intros LS.
general induction LS; simpl in ×.
- eapply ann1_poLe; eauto with cset.
+ rewrite H2, IHLS; eauto 20 using Exp.freeVars_live with cset.
rewrite Exp.freeVars_live; eauto.
unfold poLe; simpl. cset_tac.
- eapply ann2_poLe; eauto with cset.
rewrite IHLS1, IHLS2; eauto 20 with cset.
rewrite Ops.freeVars_live; eauto.
unfold poLe; simpl. cset_tac.
- eapply ann0_poLe; eauto with cset.
erewrite !get_nth; eauto.
unfold poLe; simpl.
rewrite Ops.freeVars_live_list; eauto.
- eapply ann0_poLe; eauto with cset.
rewrite Ops.freeVars_live; eauto.
unfold poLe; simpl. cset_tac.
- eapply annF_poLe; eauto with cset.
+ rewrite IHLS; eauto with cset.
unfold poLe; simpl. cset_tac.
+ eapply PIR2_get; eauto with len.
intros; inv_get.
rewrite H1; eauto.
exploit H2; eauto.
Lemma reconstr_live_sound ZL Lv s alv G
: live_sound Imperative ZL Lv s alv
→ G ⊆ getAnn alv
→ live_sound Imperative ZL Lv s (reconstr_live Lv ZL G s alv).
intros LS.
general induction LS; simpl in ×.
- econstructor; eauto with cset.
+ eapply live_exp_sound_incl.
× eapply live_freeVars.
× clear. cset_tac.
+ rewrite <- reconstr_live_G; eauto with cset.
- econstructor; eauto with cset.
+ eapply live_op_sound_incl.
× eapply Ops.live_freeVars.
× clear. cset_tac.
- econstructor; simpl; eauto.
+ erewrite !get_nth; eauto.
clear. cset_tac.
+ intros.
erewrite !get_nth; eauto.
eapply live_op_sound_incl.
× eapply Ops.live_freeVars.
× do 2 eapply incl_union_left.
eapply incl_list_union; eauto using map_get_1.
- econstructor; eauto.
+ eapply live_op_sound_incl.
× eapply Ops.live_freeVars.
× clear. cset_tac.
- econstructor; intros; inv_get; eauto with len.
+ eapply live_sound_monotone.
× eapply IHLS; eauto with cset.
× eapply PIR2_get; intros; eauto with len.
eapply get_app_cases in H6 as [? |[? ?]]; inv_get.
-- rewrite get_app_lt in H5; eauto with len.
rewrite reconstr_live_incl; eauto.
exploit H2; eauto; dcr.
-- rewrite get_app_ge in H5; len_simpl;
rewrite H in *; inv_get; eauto.
+ eapply live_sound_monotone.
× eapply H1; eauto with cset.
exploit H2; eauto; dcr.
× eapply PIR2_get; intros; eauto with len.
eapply get_app_cases in H7 as [? |[? ?]]; inv_get.
-- rewrite reconstr_live_incl; eauto.
exploit H2; eauto; dcr.
-- rewrite get_app_ge in H8; len_simpl;
rewrite H in *; inv_get; eauto.
+ simpl.
exploit H2; eauto; dcr.
split; eauto.
rewrite <- reconstr_live_G; eauto.