Require Import List Map Envs AllInRel Exp AppExpFree Filter LengthEq.
Require Import IL Annotation AutoIndTac Liveness.Liveness LabelsDefined.
Require Import SpillSound SpillUtil.
Require Import Slot.
Require Import IL Annotation AutoIndTac Liveness.Liveness LabelsDefined.
Require Import SpillSound SpillUtil.
Require Import Slot.
Fixpoint slot_lift_params
(slot : var → var)
(RM : ⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄)
(Z : params)
: params
match Z with
| nil ⇒ nil
| z::Z ⇒ if [z ∈ fst RM ∩ snd RM]
then z::(slot z)::(slot_lift_params slot RM Z)
else if [z ∈ fst RM]
then z::(slot_lift_params slot RM Z)
else (slot z)::(slot_lift_params slot RM Z)
Lemma slot_lift_params_app
L1 L2 L1' L2' slot
length L1 = length L1'
→ slot_lift_params slot ⊜ L1 L1'
++ slot_lift_params slot ⊜ L2 L2'
= slot_lift_params slot ⊜ (L1 ++ L2) (L1' ++ L2')
intros. rewrite zip_app; eauto with len.
Lemma slot_lift_params_length (slot:var → var) RM Z
(NoDup:NoDupA eq Z)
: ❬slot_lift_params slot RM Z❭ = ❬Z❭ + cardinal (of_list Z ∩ (fst RM ∩ snd RM)).
general induction NoDup; simpl.
- assert ({} ∩ (fst RM ∩ snd RM) [=] {}) by (clear; cset_tac).
rewrite H. eauto.
- cases; simpl.
+ rewrite cap_special_in; eauto. rewrite IHNoDup; eauto.
rewrite add_cardinal_2; eauto. cset_tac.
+ cases; simpl; rewrite cap_special_notin; eauto.
Lemma of_list_slot_lift_params (slot:var → var) R M (Z:params)
(Incl:of_list Z ⊆ R ∪ M)
: of_list (slot_lift_params slot (R, M) Z)
[=] of_list Z \ (M \ R)
∪ map slot (of_list Z \ (R \ M)).
intros. general induction Z; simpl in ×.
- cset_tac.
- assert (of_list Z [<=] R ∪ M ∧ a ∈ R ∪ M) by (revert Incl; clear_all; cset_tac).
cases; simpl.
+ rewrite IHZ; eauto; clear IHZ Incl.
assert (a ∉ R \ M) by cset_tac.
assert ({a; of_list Z} \ (R \ M) [=] {a; of_list Z \ (R \ M)})
by (revert H0; clear_all; cset_tac).
rewrite H1. clear H1. rewrite map_add; eauto.
clear H. cset_tac.
+ cases; simpl; rewrite IHZ; eauto; clear IHZ.
× assert ({a; of_list Z} \ (R \ M) [=] of_list Z \ (R \ M)) by cset_tac.
rewrite H0. clear H0. clear H Incl. cset_tac.
× assert ({a; of_list Z} \ (R \ M) [=] {a; of_list Z \ (R \ M)}) by cset_tac.
rewrite H0. clear H0. rewrite map_add; eauto.
clear Incl. cset_tac.
Lemma InA_slot_lift_params VD RM Z (slot:Slot VD) x
(In:InA eq x (slot_lift_params slot RM Z))
: InA _eq x Z ∨ ∃ y, InA _eq y Z ∧ x = slot y.
general induction Z; simpl in *; isabsurd.
cases in In.
- inv In; eauto.
inv H0; eauto.
edestruct IHZ; dcr; eauto.
- cases in In; eauto.
× inv In; eauto.
edestruct IHZ; dcr; eauto.
× inv In; eauto.
edestruct IHZ; dcr; eauto.
Lemma Slot_absurd VD x
(slot:Slot VD) (EQ:slot x = x)
(In: x ∈ VD)
: False.
eapply (@Slot_Disj _ slot x); eauto. cset_tac.
Lemma NoDupA_slot_lift_params VD R M Z (slot:Slot VD)
(ND:NoDupA eq Z) (Incl:R ∪ M ⊆ VD)
(Incl2: of_list Z ⊆ VD)
: NoDupA _eq (slot_lift_params slot (R,M) Z).
general induction ND; eauto using NoDupA.
simpl slot_lift_params. cases.
- econstructor.
+ intro A. inv A.
× eapply Slot_absurd; eauto. cset_tac.
× eapply InA_slot_lift_params in H1.
destruct H1; dcr; eauto; subst.
rewrite InA_in in H2. simpl in ×.
eapply (@Slot_Disj _ slot (slot x0)); eauto;
+ econstructor.
× intro A.
eapply InA_slot_lift_params in A.
rewrite InA_in in A. simpl in ×.
destruct A; dcr.
-- eapply (@Slot_Disj _ slot (slot x));
eauto; cset_tac.
-- eapply Slot_Inj in H3; eauto.
cset_tac. cset_tac. cset_tac.
× eapply IHND; eauto.
simpl in ×. cset_tac.
- cases.
+ econstructor; eauto.
× intro A. eapply InA_slot_lift_params in A.
destruct A; dcr; eauto; subst.
rewrite InA_in in H2. simpl in ×.
eapply (@Slot_Disj _ slot (slot x0)); eauto;
× eapply IHND; eauto. simpl in ×. cset_tac.
+ econstructor; eauto.
× intro A. eapply InA_slot_lift_params in A.
destruct A; dcr; eauto; subst.
-- rewrite InA_in in H0. simpl in ×.
eapply (@Slot_Disj _ slot (slot x)); eauto;
-- simpl in ×.
eapply Slot_Inj in H3; eauto.
cset_tac. cset_tac.
rewrite <- Incl2.
eapply in_add_right.
eapply InA_in. eauto.
× eapply IHND; eauto.
simpl in ×. cset_tac.
Lemma slp_union_incl
(s t VD : ⦃var⦄)
(Z : params)
(slot : var → var)
injective_on VD slot
→ s ⊆ VD
→ t ⊆ VD
→ of_list Z ⊆ VD
→ (s ∩ of_list Z) ∪ (map slot t ∩ map slot (of_list Z))
⊆ of_list (slot_lift_params slot (s,t) Z)
intros inj_VD s_VD t_VD Z_VD.
induction Z; simpl in *; eauto.
- rewrite map_empty; eauto. cset_tac.
- apply add_incl in Z_VD as [a_VD Z_VD].
specialize (IHZ Z_VD).
decide (a ∈ s ∩ t).
+ apply inter_iff in i as [a_s a_t].
apply union_incl_split; simpl; eauto.
× rewrite <- IHZ.
clear; cset_tac.
× rewrite lookup_set_add; eauto.
rewrite <- IHZ. unfold lookup_set.
clear; cset_tac.
+ decide (a ∈ s).
× assert (a ∉ t ∩ {a; of_list Z}) as an_tZ by cset_tac.
assert (map slot t ∩ map slot {a; of_list Z}
⊆ map slot t ∩ map slot (of_list Z)) as elim_a. {
rewrite lookup_set_add; eauto.
unfold lookup_set.
assert (∀ (u v : ⦃var⦄) (x : var),
u ∩ {x; v} ⊆ (u ∩ v) ∪ (u ∩ singleton x))
as demo by (clear; cset_tac).
rewrite demo. apply union_incl_split.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite <- map_singleton; eauto.
rewrite <- injective_on_map_inter; eauto.
+ assert (t ∩ singleton a [=] ∅) as ta_empty
by (revert an_tZ; clear_all; cset_tac).
rewrite ta_empty.
rewrite map_empty; eauto.
clear; cset_tac.
+ clear - a_VD; cset_tac.
rewrite elim_a.
rewrite <- IHZ.
clear; cset_tac.
× assert (a ∉ s ∩ {a; of_list Z}) as an_sZ by cset_tac.
assert (s ∩ {a; of_list Z} ⊆ s ∩ (of_list Z)) as elim_a. {
hnf; intros. decide (a0 = a).
+ subst a0. contradiction.
+ cset_tac'. destruct H1; eauto.
rewrite elim_a; simpl.
rewrite <- IHZ.
rewrite lookup_set_add; eauto. unfold lookup_set.
clear; cset_tac.
Lemma slp_union_minus_incl
(s t VD : ⦃var⦄)
(Z : params)
(slot : var → var)
: injective_on VD slot
→ s ⊆ VD
→ t ⊆ VD
→ of_list Z ⊆ VD
→ (s ∪ map slot t) \ of_list (slot_lift_params slot (s,t) Z)
⊆ s \ of_list Z ∪ map slot t \ map slot (of_list Z)
rewrite <- slp_union_incl with (s:=s); eauto.
unfold lookup_set. cset_tac.
Lemma ofl_slp_sub_rm
(al : ann ⦃var⦄)
(R M : ⦃var⦄)
(Z : params)
(slot : var → var)
: getAnn al ⊆ R ∪ M
→ of_list Z ⊆ getAnn al
→ of_list (slot_lift_params slot (R,M) Z) ⊆ R ∪ map slot M .
intros ofl_in_rm H2'.
rewrite <- H2' in ofl_in_rm.
induction Z;
simpl in *; eauto.
- clear; cset_tac.
- assert (of_list Z ⊆ getAnn al) as ofl_al
by (rewrite <- H2'; clear; cset_tac).
assert (of_list Z ⊆ R ∪ M) as ofl_rm
by (rewrite <- ofl_in_rm; clear; cset_tac).
assert (a ∈ M → slot a ∈ map slot M)
as slot_a_in. {
intro a_in.
apply in_singleton.
rewrite <- map_singleton; eauto.
apply lookup_set_incl; eauto.
apply incl_singleton; eauto.
specialize (IHZ ofl_rm ofl_al).
decide (a ∈ R ∩ M); simpl.
+ apply inter_iff in i as [a_fst a_snd].
rewrite IHZ.
apply slot_a_in in a_snd.
clear - a_fst a_snd; cset_tac.
+ decide (a ∈ R); simpl.
× rewrite IHZ.
clear - i; cset_tac.
× rewrite add_union_singleton in ofl_in_rm.
eapply union_incl_split2 in ofl_in_rm as [ofl_in_rm _].
eapply in_singleton in ofl_in_rm.
assert (a ∈ M) as a_in
by (clear - ofl_in_rm n0; cset_tac).
apply slot_a_in in a_in.
rewrite IHZ.
clear - a_in; cset_tac.