Require Import List Map Envs AllInRel Exp.
Require Import IL Annotation AnnP InRel.
Require Import LabelsDefined SpillSound SpillUtil.
Require Import PartialOrder AnnotationLattice.
Require Import IL Annotation AnnP InRel.
Require Import LabelsDefined SpillSound SpillUtil.
Require Import PartialOrder AnnotationLattice.
Inductive spill_sound7 (k:nat) :
(list params)
→ (list (⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄))
→ (⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄)
→ stmt
→ spilling
→ Prop
| SpillLet
(ZL : list params)
(Λ : list (⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄))
(R M Sp L Kx : ⦃var⦄)
(x : var)
(e : exp)
(s : stmt)
(sl : spilling)
(Sp_empty : Sp [=] ∅)
(L_empty : L [=] ∅)
(spill_sub : spill_sound7 k ZL Λ ({x;R\Kx},M) s sl)
(kgt0: k > 0)
(card : cardinal {x; R \ Kx } ≤ k)
(inR : Exp.freeVars e ⊆ R)
: spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) (stmtLet x e s) (ann1 (Sp,L,nil) sl)
| SpillReturn
(ZL : list (params))
(Λ : list (⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄))
(R M Sp L : ⦃var⦄)
(e : op)
(Sp_empty : Sp [=] ∅)
(L_empty : L [=] ∅)
(inVar : Ops.freeVars e ⊆ R)
: spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) (stmtReturn e) (ann0 (Sp,L,nil))
| SpillIf
(ZL : list (params))
(Λ : list (⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄))
(R M Sp L : ⦃var⦄)
(e : op)
(s t : stmt)
(sl_s sl_t : spilling)
(Sp_empty : Sp [=] ∅)
(L_empty : L [=] ∅)
(inVar : Ops.freeVars e ⊆ R)
(spill_s : spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) s sl_s)
(spill_t : spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) t sl_t)
: spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) (stmtIf e s t) (ann2 (Sp,L,nil) sl_s sl_t)
| SpillApp
(ZL : list params)
(Λ : list (⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄))
(R M Sp L R_f M_f R' M' : ⦃var⦄)
(f : lab)
(Z : params)
(Y : args)
(Sp_empty : Sp [=] ∅)
(L_empty : L [=] ∅)
(getZ : get ZL (counted f) Z)
(getΛ : get Λ (counted f) (R_f,M_f))
(Rf_sub : R_f \ of_list Z ⊆ R)
(Mf_sub : M_f \ of_list Z ⊆ M)
(inVar : list_union (Ops.freeVars ⊝ Y) [=] R' ∪ M')
(R_sub : R' ⊆ R)
(M_sub : M' ⊆ M)
: spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) (stmtApp f Y)
(ann0 (Sp,L, (R', M')::nil))
| SpillFun
(ZL : list params)
(Λ rms : list (⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄))
(R M Sp L : ⦃var⦄)
(F : list (params × stmt))
(t : stmt)
(sl_F : list spilling)
(sl_t : spilling)
(Sp_empty : Sp [=] ∅)
(L_empty : L [=] ∅)
(len_Fsl : length F = length sl_F)
(len_Frms : length F = length rms)
(card : (∀ n Rf Mf, get rms n (Rf,Mf) → cardinal Rf ≤ k))
(spill_F : (∀ n Zs Rf Mf sl_s, get rms n (Rf,Mf)
→ get F n Zs
→ get sl_F n sl_s
→ spill_sound7 k ((fst ⊝ F) ++ ZL)
(rms ++ Λ) (Rf,Mf) (snd Zs) sl_s
(spill_t : spill_sound7 k ((fst ⊝ F) ++ ZL) (rms ++ Λ) (R,M) t sl_t)
: spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) (stmtFun F t)
(annF (Sp,L,rms) sl_F sl_t)
| SpillLoad
(ZL : list params)
(Λ : list (⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄))
(R M K : ⦃var⦄)
(s : stmt)
(sl : spilling)
(Sp_empty : getSp sl [=] ∅)
(L_sub : getL sl ⊆ M)
(card : cardinal (R \ K ∪ getL sl) ≤ k)
(spill_s : spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R \ K ∪ getL sl, M) s (clear_L sl))
: spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) s sl
| SpillSpill
(ZL : list params)
(Λ : list (⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄))
(R M: ⦃var⦄)
(s : stmt)
(sl : spilling)
(Sp_sub : getSp sl ⊆ R)
(spill_s : spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R, getSp sl ∪ M) s (clear_Sp sl))
: spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) s sl
Smpl Add
match goal with
| [ H : @equiv (@ann _) _ _ ?A ?B |- _ ] ⇒ inv_if_one_ctor H A B
end : inv_trivial.
Instance clear_Sp_morph
: Proper (poEq ==> equiv) clear_Sp.
unfold Proper, respectful; intros.
eapply ann_R_setTopAnn_poEq; eauto.
rewrite H. reflexivity.
Instance clear_L_morph
: Proper (poEq ==> equiv) clear_L.
unfold Proper, respectful; intros.
eapply ann_R_setTopAnn_poEq; eauto.
rewrite H. reflexivity.
Lemma spill_sound7_ext'
(k : nat)
(ZL : list params) s
(Λ Λ2 : list (⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄))
(R R2 M M2 : ⦃var⦄)
(sl sl2 : spilling)
poEq Λ Λ2
→ R [=] R2
→ M [=] M2
→ poEq sl sl2
→ spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) s sl → spill_sound7 k ZL Λ2 (R2,M2) s sl2
intros Λeq Req Meq sleq H.
general induction H; simpl in *; eauto; clear_trivial_eqs.
- destruct b as [[? ?] ?]; simpl in *; clear_trivial_eqs.
eapply SpillLet with (Kx:=Kx); simpl; eauto.
+ rewrite <- Sp_empty; try symmetry; eauto.
+ rewrite <- L_empty; try symmetry; eauto.
+ eapply IHspill_sound7; eauto.
rewrite Req. reflexivity.
+ rewrite <- Req; eauto.
+ rewrite <- Req. eauto.
- destruct b as [[? ?] ?]; simpl in *; clear_trivial_eqs.
econstructor; eauto.
+ rewrite <- Sp_empty; try symmetry; eauto.
+ rewrite <- L_empty; try symmetry; eauto.
+ rewrite <- Req; eauto.
- destruct b as [[? ?] ?]; simpl in *; clear_trivial_eqs.
eapply SpillIf; try eapply IHspill_sound71; try eapply IHspill_sound72; eauto.
try rewrite <- H4; try rewrite <- H9; try rewrite <- Req; eauto.
+ rewrite <- Sp_empty; try symmetry; eauto.
+ rewrite <- L_empty; try symmetry; eauto.
+ rewrite <- Req; eauto.
- destruct b as [[? ?] [|?]]; simpl in *;
destruct p; simpl in *; clear_trivial_eqs.
invc H3.
hnf in Λeq. PIR2_inv. destruct x. simpl in ×. clear_trivial_eqs.
eapply SpillApp; eauto.
+ rewrite <- Sp_empty; try symmetry; eauto.
+ rewrite <- L_empty; try symmetry; eauto.
+ rewrite <- Λeq0, <- Req; eauto.
+ rewrite <- Λeq2, <- Meq; eauto.
+ rewrite inVar. rewrite H1, H2; eauto.
+ rewrite <- H1, R_sub, Req; eauto.
+ rewrite <- H2, M_sub, Meq; eauto.
- destruct b as [[? ?]]; simpl in *;
eapply SpillFun; eauto.
+ rewrite <- Sp_empty; try symmetry; eauto.
+ rewrite <- L_empty; try symmetry; eauto.
+ rewrite <- H5. eauto with len.
+ rewrite <- H2. eauto with len.
+ intros. hnf in H2. PIR2_inv.
destruct x; simpl in ×. rewrite <- H10.
eapply card; eauto.
+ intros. inv_get.
exploit H7; eauto.
hnf in H2. PIR2_inv. destruct x; simpl in *; clear_trivial_eqs.
eapply H; eauto; try eassumption.
- eapply SpillLoad; eauto.
+ rewrite <- sleq; eauto.
+ rewrite <- sleq, <- Meq; eauto.
+ rewrite <- Req, <- sleq; eauto.
+ eapply IHspill_sound7; eauto.
× rewrite Req, sleq. reflexivity.
× rewrite sleq. reflexivity.
- eapply SpillSpill; eauto.
+ rewrite <- sleq, <- Req; eauto.
+ eapply IHspill_sound7; eauto.
× rewrite Meq, sleq. eauto.
× rewrite sleq. reflexivity.
Instance spill_sound7_morph k ZL Λ
: Proper (_eq ==> eq ==> @equiv _ _ _ ==> iff) (spill_sound7 k ZL Λ).
unfold Proper, respectful; intros; subst; split; intros; inv H.
- eapply spill_sound7_ext'; eauto; try reflexivity.
eapply H2. eapply H3.
- eapply spill_sound7_ext'; try eapply H0; try reflexivity.
rewrite H2; eauto. rewrite H3; eauto. symmetry; eauto.
Instance spill_sound7_morph_impl k ZL Λ
: Proper (_eq ==> eq ==> @equiv _ _ _ ==> impl) (spill_sound7 k ZL Λ).
unfold Proper, respectful, impl; intros; subst; intros; inv H.
- eapply spill_sound7_ext'; try eapply H2; try reflexivity.
rewrite H0; eauto. rewrite H3; eauto. symmetry; eauto.
Instance spill_sound7_morph_flip_impl k ZL Λ
: Proper (_eq ==> eq ==> @equiv _ _ _ ==> flip impl) (spill_sound7 k ZL Λ).
unfold Proper, respectful, flip, impl; intros; subst; intros; inv H.
- eapply spill_sound7_ext'; try eapply H2; try reflexivity.
rewrite H0; eauto. rewrite H3; eauto. symmetry; eauto.
Instance spill_sound7_morph' k ZL Λ
: Proper (@pe _ _ ==> eq ==> @equiv _ _ _ ==> iff) (spill_sound7 k ZL Λ).
unfold Proper, respectful; intros; subst; split; intros; inv H.
- eapply spill_sound7_ext'; eauto; try reflexivity.
- eapply spill_sound7_ext'; try eapply H0; try reflexivity.
rewrite H2; eauto. rewrite H3; eauto. symmetry; eauto.
Lemma spill_sound7_spill_sound
(k : nat)
(ZL : list params)
(Λ : list (⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄))
(R M : ⦃var⦄)
(s : stmt)
(sl : spilling)
(Rsmall: cardinal R ≤ k)
: spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R,M) s sl
→ spill_sound k ZL Λ (R, M) s sl.
intros SPS.
general induction SPS.
- eapply SpillSound.SpillLet with (Kx:=Kx);
set_simpl; eauto with cset.
+ set_simpl. eauto.
+ set_simpl. eauto.
+ set_simpl; eauto.
- eapply SpillSound.SpillReturn;
set_simpl; eauto with cset.
+ set_simpl. eauto.
- eapply SpillSound.SpillIf;
set_simpl; eauto with cset.
+ set_simpl; eauto.
+ set_simpl; eauto.
+ set_simpl; eauto.
- eapply SpillSound.SpillApp;
set_simpl; eauto with cset.
+ set_simpl; eauto.
- eapply SpillSound.SpillFun;
set_simpl; eauto with cset.
+ instantiate (1:={}). set_simpl. eauto.
+ intros. destruct rm. exploit card; eauto.
+ intros. destruct rm. eapply H; try reflexivity; eauto.
+ set_simpl. eauto.
- eapply spill_sound_load_ext; eauto.
- eapply spill_sound_spill_ext; eauto.
Lemma spill_sound_spill_sound7
(k : nat)
(ZL : list params)
(Λ : list (⦃var⦄ × ⦃var⦄))
(R M : ⦃var⦄)
(s : stmt)
(sl : spilling)
: spill_sound k ZL Λ (R,M) s sl
→ spill_sound7 k ZL Λ (R, M) s sl.
intros spillSnd.
general induction spillSnd; eapply SpillSpill; eauto; eapply SpillLoad; eauto;
econstructor; eauto.
intros. exploit H4; eauto.