Require Import Util MapDefined LengthEq Map CSet AutoIndTac AllInRel.
Require Import Var Val Exp Envs IL SimF.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.
Require Import Var Val Exp Envs IL SimF.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.
Instance SR : PointwiseProofRelationF (nat) := {
ParamRelFP G Z Z' := ❬Z❭ = ❬Z'❭ ∧ ❬Z❭ = G;
ArgRelFP E E' G VL VL' := VL = VL' ∧ length VL = G;
Definition bisimeq r t s s' :=
∀ L L' E, labenv_sim t (sim r) SR (@length _ ⊝ F.block_Z ⊝ L') L L'
→ ❬L❭ = ❬L'❭
→ sim r t (L:F.labenv, E, s) (L', E, s').
Lemma bisimeq_refl s t
: ∀ L L' E r,
labenv_sim t (sim r) SR (@length _ ⊝ block_Z ⊝ L') L L'
→ sim r t (L, E, s) (L', E, s).
sind s; destruct s; simpl in *; intros.
- destruct e.
+ eapply (sim_let_op il_statetype_F); eauto.
+ eapply (sim_let_call il_statetype_F); eauto.
- eapply (sim_cond il_statetype_F); eauto.
- edestruct (get_dec L' (counted l)) as [[b]|]; [ inv_get | ].
+ eapply labenv_sim_app; eauto.
intros; split; intros; dcr; inv_get; simpl in *; subst; try cases; eauto with len.
+ pno_step. edestruct H; eauto. len_simpl. inv_get.
- pno_step.
- pone_step. left.
eapply (IH s); eauto with len.
rewrite !map_app. intros.
eapply labenv_sim_extension_ptw; eauto with len.
+ intros; hnf; intros; inv_get; eauto.
simpl in *; dcr; subst. get_functional.
eapply IH; eauto with len. rewrite !map_app; eauto.
+ hnf; intros; simpl in *; subst; inv_get; simpl; eauto.
Lemma labenv_sim_refl t r L
: sawtooth L
→ labenv_sim t (sim r) SR (@length _ ⊝ F.block_Z ⊝ L) L L.
intros. hnf; dcr; do 4 try split; eauto with len.
- intros [] []; intros; simpl in *; subst; inv_get; split; eauto.
- split. hnf; intros; simpl in *; inv_get; eauto.
hnf; intros; simpl in ×. destruct f, f'; simpl in *; subst.
get_functional; dcr; subst; inv_get.
pone_step; simpl; eauto with len.
left. eapply sim_refl.
Lemma labenv_sim_sym L L'
: labenv_sim Bisim (sim bot3) SR (@length _ ⊝ F.block_Z ⊝ L') L L'
→ labenv_sim Bisim (sim bot3) SR (@length _ ⊝ F.block_Z ⊝ L) L' L.
intros []; intros; dcr; do 4 (try split; eauto with len).
- hnf; intros. destruct f,f'; simpl in *; subst.
exploit (H2 (LabI n0) (LabI n0)); eauto. simpl in ×. dcr; subst; eauto.
inv_get. eauto.
- split.
+ hnf; intros; simpl in *; inv_get; eauto.
+ hnf; intros.
eapply bisim_sym. simpl in *; dcr; subst.
destruct f, f'; simpl in *; subst.
eapply H6; eauto. simpl. eauto with len.
Lemma bisimeq_sym s1 s2
: bisimeq bot3 Bisim s1 s2
→ bisimeq bot3 Bisim s2 s1.
intros. hnf; intros.
eapply bisim_sym. eapply H; eauto.
eapply labenv_sim_sym; eauto.
Lemma bisimeq_trans t s1 s2 s3
: bisimeq bot3 t s1 s2
→ bisimeq bot3 t s2 s3
→ bisimeq bot3 t s1 s3.
intros. hnf; intros.
eapply sim_trans with (S2:=F.state). eauto.
eapply H0; eauto.
intros. eapply labenv_sim_refl; eauto.
eapply H1; eauto.
Lemma labenv_sim_trans t (L1 L2 L3:F.labenv)
: labenv_sim t (sim bot3) SR (@length _ ⊝ F.block_Z ⊝ L2) L1 L2
→ labenv_sim t (sim bot3) SR (@length _ ⊝ F.block_Z ⊝ L3) L2 L3
→ labenv_sim t (sim bot3) SR (@length _ ⊝ F.block_Z ⊝ L3) L1 L3.
assert (❬L1❭ = ❬L2❭). {
destruct H; dcr. rewrite <- H. eauto with len.
assert (❬L2❭ = ❬L3❭). {
destruct H0; dcr. rewrite <- H0. eauto with len.
hnf; dcr; do 4 try split; eauto with len.
- destruct H, H0; dcr; eauto.
- eapply H.
- hnf; intros; simpl in *; destruct f,f'; simpl in *; subst; inv_get.
simpl. destruct x.
destruct H as [_ [_ [_ [PA1 _]]]]. destruct H0 as [_ [_ [_ [PA2 _]]]].
exploit (PA1 (LabI n0) (LabI n0)); eauto; simpl in *; dcr; subst.
exploit (PA2 (LabI n0) (LabI n0)); eauto; simpl in *; dcr; subst.
split; omega.
- split.
+ hnf; intros; simpl in *; inv_get; eauto.
+ hnf; intros; simpl in ×. destruct f, f'; simpl in *; subst.
inv_get; dcr; subst; simpl in ×.
eapply sim_trans with (S2:=F.state).
eapply labenv_sim_app; eauto.
Focus 2.
eapply labenv_sim_app; eauto.
intros; simpl in *; dcr; repeat subst; repeat get_functional.
split; intros; eauto with len. cases; split; eauto. congruence.
intros; simpl in *; dcr. destruct x; simpl in ×.
repeat subst; repeat get_functional.
split; intros; eauto. eexists; split; eauto. split; eauto with len.
split; eauto with len. congruence.
cases; eauto. split; intros. congruence.
eauto with len.