Require Import Util Option AllInRel Get OptionR.
Require Export paco3 SmallStepRelations StateType.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.
Require Export paco3 SmallStepRelations StateType.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.
Parametric Definition of Simulation and Bisimulation
A characterization of simulation equivalence on states; works only for internally deterministic semanticsInductive simtype := Bisim | Sim | SimExt.
Definition isBisim t :=
match t with
| Bisim ⇒ true
| _ ⇒ false
Definition isSim t :=
match t with
| Bisim ⇒ false
| _ ⇒ true
Definition extBckwd t :=
match t with
| Sim ⇒ false
| _ ⇒ true
Hint Extern 0 ⇒
match goal with
| [ H : isSim Bisim |- _ ] ⇒ exfalso; eapply H
Inductive sim_gen
{S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'} (r: simtype → S → S' → Prop) : simtype → S → S' → Prop :=
| SimSilent t (σ1 σ1':S) (σ2 σ2':S') : (* result σ1 = result σ2 -> *)
plus2 step σ1 nil σ1'
→ plus2 step σ2 nil σ2'
→ r t σ1' σ2'
→ sim_gen r t σ1 σ2
| SimExtern t (pσ1 σ1:S) (pσ2 σ2:S') : (* result σ1 = result σ2 -> *)
star2 step pσ1 nil σ1
→ star2 step pσ2 nil σ2
→ activated σ1
→ activated σ2
→ (extBckwd t → ∀ evt σ1', step σ1 evt σ1' → ∃ σ2', step σ2 evt σ2' ∧ r t σ1' σ2')
→ (∀ evt σ2', step σ2 evt σ2' → ∃ σ1', step σ1 evt σ1' ∧ r t σ1' σ2')
→ sim_gen r t pσ1 pσ2
| SimErr t (σ1 σ1':S) (σ2:S')
: result σ1' = None
→ star2 step σ1 nil σ1'
→ normal2 step σ1'
→ isSim t
→ sim_gen r t σ1 σ2
| SimTerm t (σ1 σ1':S) (σ2 σ2':S')
: result σ1' = result σ2'
→ star2 step σ1 nil σ1'
→ star2 step σ2 nil σ2'
→ normal2 step σ1'
→ normal2 step σ2'
→ sim_gen r t σ1 σ2.
Arguments sim_gen [S] {H} [S'] {H0} r _ _ _.
Hint Constructors sim_gen.
Definition sim_bot {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'} t (σ1:S) (σ2:S')
:= paco3 (@sim_gen S _ S' _) bot3 t σ1 σ2.
Hint Unfold sim_bot.
Definition sim {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'} r t (σ1:S) (σ2:S')
:= paco3 (@sim_gen S _ S' _) r t σ1 σ2.
Hint Unfold sim.
Lemma sim_gen_mon {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'}
: monotone3 (@sim_gen S _ S' _).
hnf; intros. inv IN; eauto using @sim_gen.
- econstructor 2; eauto; intros.
edestruct H5; eauto; dcr. eexists; eauto.
edestruct H6; eauto; dcr. eexists; eauto.
Arguments sim_gen_mon [S] {H} [S'] {H0} [x0] [x1] [x2] r r' IN LE.
Hint Resolve sim_gen_mon : paco.
Lemma sim_mon S `{StateType S} S' `{StateType S'}
(r r':rel3 simtype (fun _ : simtype ⇒ S) (fun (_ : simtype) (_ : S) ⇒ S'))
: (∀ (x0 : simtype) (x1:S) (x2 : S'), r x0 x1 x2 → r' x0 x1 x2)
→ ∀ (t0 : simtype) (x:S) (y : S'), sim r t0 x y → sim r' t0 x y.
intros. eapply paco3_mon; eauto.
Hint Resolve sim_mon.
Lemma bisim_sim t {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'} (σ:S) (σ':S')
: sim bot3 Bisim σ σ' → sim bot3 t σ σ'.
revert σ σ'. pcofix CIH.
intros. pinversion H2; subst.
- pfold. eapply SimSilent; eauto 20 using plus2O.
- pfold. eapply SimExtern; intros; eauto using star2_refl.
+ edestruct H6; eauto; dcr; pclearbot; eauto 20.
+ edestruct H7; eauto; dcr; pclearbot; eauto 20.
- eauto.
- pfold. eapply SimTerm; eauto using star2_refl.
Lemma sim_refl {S} `{StateType S} (σ:S) t r
: sim r t σ σ.
revert σ.
pcofix CIH.
intros. destruct (step_dec σ) as [[[] []]|].
- pfold. eapply SimExtern; intros; eauto using star2_refl; eexists; eauto.
- pfold. eapply SimSilent; eauto using plus2O.
- pfold. eapply SimTerm; eauto using star2_refl.
Lemma bisim_sym {S} `{StateType S} {S'} `{StateType S'} (σ:S) (σ':S')
: sim bot3 Bisim σ σ' → sim bot3 Bisim σ' σ.
revert σ σ'. pcofix CIH.
intros. pinversion H2; subst.
- pfold. eapply SimSilent; eauto using plus2O.
- pfold. eapply SimExtern; intros; eauto using star2_refl.
+ edestruct H7; eauto; dcr; pclearbot; eauto 20.
+ edestruct H6; eauto; dcr; pclearbot; eauto 20.
- exfalso; eauto.
- pfold. eapply SimTerm; eauto using star2_refl.
Lemma sim_Y_left S `{StateType S} S' `{StateType S'} r t σA1 σB1 σ1' σ2
: paco3 (@sim_gen S _ S _) r t σA1 σ2
→ step σA1 EvtTau σ1'
→ step σB1 EvtTau σ1'
→ paco3 (@sim_gen S _ S _) r t σB1 σ2.
intros SIM Step1 Step2.
pinversion SIM; subst; intros; relsimpl; pfold;
eauto using sim_gen, star2_silent, star2_plus2.
Lemma sim_Y_right S `{StateType S} S' `{StateType S'} r t σ1 σA2 σB2 σ2'
: paco3 (@sim_gen S _ S' _) r t σ1 σA2
→ step σA2 EvtTau σ2'
→ step σB2 EvtTau σ2'
→ paco3 (@sim_gen S _ S' _) r t σ1 σB2.
intros SIM Step1 Step2.
pinversion SIM; subst; intros; relsimpl; pfold;
eauto using sim_gen, star2_silent, star2_plus2.
Ltac contr_trans :=
repeat (match goal with
| [ H : star2 ?R ?σ1 _ ?σ2, H' : star2 ?R ?σ2 _ ?σ3 |- _ ]
⇒ let H'' := fresh H in
pose proof (star2_trans H H') as H''; clear H; clear H';
rename H'' into H
Lemma sim_expansion_closed {S} `{StateType S}
(σ1 σ1':S) {S'} `{StateType S'} (σ2 σ2':S') r t
: sim r t σ1' σ2'
→ star2 step σ1 nil σ1'
→ star2 step σ2 nil σ2'
→ sim r t σ1 σ2.
intros SIM ? ?.
pinversion SIM; subst; pfold;
eauto using sim_gen, star2_plus2_plus2_silent, star2_trans_silent.
Lemma sim_reduction_closed_1 t {S} `{StateType S}
(σ1 σ1':S) {S'} `{StateType S'} (σ2:S')
: sim bot3 t σ1 σ2
→ star2 step σ1 nil σ1'
→ sim bot3 t σ1' σ2.
intros Sim Star. eapply star2_star2n in Star. destruct Star as [n StarN].
revert σ1 σ1' σ2 Sim StarN.
size induction n.
pinversion Sim0; subst.
- invc StarN; eauto; relsimpl.
eapply star2_star2n in H2. destruct H2 as [n' H2].
edestruct (star2n_reach H9 H2); eauto. eapply H.
+ eapply sim_expansion_closed; eauto using star2n_star2, plus2_star2.
+ eapply H1; try eapply H9. omega.
eapply sim_expansion_closed;
eauto using star2n_star2, plus2_star2.
- eapply star2n_star2 in StarN; relsimpl; eauto.
- pfold. eapply star2n_star2 in StarN; relsimpl; eauto.
- pfold. eapply star2n_star2 in StarN; relsimpl; eauto.
Lemma sim_reduction_closed_2 t {S} `{StateType S}
(σ1:S) {S'} `{StateType S'} (σ2 σ2':S')
: sim bot3 t σ1 σ2
→ star2 step σ2 nil σ2'
→ sim bot3 t σ1 σ2'.
intros. eapply star2_star2n in H2. destruct H2 as [n ?].
revert σ1 σ2' σ2 H1 H2.
pattern n.
eapply size_induction with (f:=id); intros; unfold id in *; simpl in ×.
pinversion H2; subst.
- inv H3; eauto.
eapply plus2_star2n in H5. destruct H5.
edestruct (star2n_reach H3 H5); eauto. eapply H0.
+ eapply sim_expansion_closed. eapply H6.
eauto using plus2_star2. eauto using star2n_star2.
+ eapply H1; try eapply H9. omega.
eapply sim_expansion_closed. eapply H6.
eauto using plus2_star2. eapply star2_refl.
- eapply star2n_star2 in H3. eapply activated_star_reach in H3; eauto.
- pfold. eauto.
- pfold. eapply star2n_star2 in H3.
eapply star2_reach_normal in H3; eauto. eapply H0.
Lemma sim_reduction_closed t {S} `{StateType S}
(σ1 σ1':S) {S'} `{StateType S'} (σ2 σ2':S')
: sim bot3 t σ1 σ2
→ star2 step σ1 nil σ1'
→ star2 step σ2 nil σ2'
→ sim bot3 t σ1' σ2'.
eapply sim_reduction_closed_1; [| eauto].
eapply sim_reduction_closed_2; eauto.
Lemma sim_terminate t {S1} `{StateType S1} (σ1 σ1':S1)
{S2} `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2)
: star2 step σ1 nil σ1'
→ normal2 step σ1'
→ result σ1' ≠ None
→ sim bot3 t σ1 σ2
→ ∃ σ2', star2 step σ2 nil σ2' ∧ normal2 step σ2' ∧ result σ1' = result σ2'.
intros. general induction H1.
- pinversion H4; subst.
+ exfalso. eapply H2. inv H1; do 2 eexists; eauto.
+ exfalso. eapply star2_normal in H1; eauto. subst.
eapply (activated_normal _ H6); eauto.
+ eapply star2_normal in H5; eauto; subst.
+ eapply star2_normal in H5; eauto; subst.
eexists; split; eauto.
- relsimpl.
eapply IHstar2; eauto.
eapply sim_reduction_closed_1; eauto using star2, star2_silent.
Lemma sim_terminate' {S1} `{StateType S1} (σ1 σ1':S1)
{S2} `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2) v
: star2 step σ1 nil σ1'
→ normal2 step σ1'
→ sim bot3 Sim σ1 σ2
→ result σ1' = Some v
→ ∃ σ2', star2 step σ2 nil σ2' ∧ normal2 step σ2' ∧ result σ2' = Some v.
intros. general induction H1.
- pinversion H3; subst.
+ exfalso. eapply H2. inv H1; do 2 eexists; eauto.
+ exfalso. eapply star2_normal in H1; eauto. subst.
eapply (activated_normal _ H6); eauto.
+ eapply star2_normal in H5; eauto; subst.
eexists; repeat split; eauto; congruence.
+ eapply normal_star_eq in H2; eauto. subst.
eexists σ2'.
eexists; repeat split; eauto. congruence.
- destruct y; isabsurd. simpl.
eapply IHstar2; eauto.
eapply sim_reduction_closed_1; eauto using star2, star2_silent.
Grab Existential Variables. eauto.
Lemma sim_terminate_2 t {S1} `{StateType S1} (σ2 σ2':S1)
{S2} `{StateType S2} (σ1:S2)
: star2 step σ2 nil σ2'
→ normal2 step σ2'
→ sim bot3 t σ1 σ2
→ ∃ σ1', star2 step σ1 nil σ1' ∧ normal2 step σ1' ∧
(result σ1' = result σ2' ∨ result σ1' = None).
intros. general induction H1.
- pinversion H3; subst.
+ exfalso. eapply H2. inv H4; do 2 eexists; eauto.
+ exfalso. eapply star2_normal in H4; eauto. subst.
eapply (activated_normal _ H6); eauto.
+ eexists σ1'; split; eauto.
+ inv H5.
× eexists; split; eauto.
× exfalso. eapply H2. eexists; eauto.
- relsimpl.
eapply IHstar2; eauto.
eapply sim_reduction_closed_2; eauto using star2, star2_silent.
Lemma sim_activated t {S1} `{StateType S1} (σ1:S1)
{S2} `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2)
: activated σ1
→ sim bot3 t σ1 σ2
→ ∃ σ2', star2 step σ2 nil σ2' ∧ activated σ2' ∧
( extBckwd t → ∀ (evt : event) (σ1'' : S1),
step σ1 evt σ1'' →
∃ σ2'' : S2,
step σ2' evt σ2'' ∧ sim bot3 t σ1'' σ2'')
( ∀ (evt : event) (σ2'' : S2),
step σ2' evt σ2'' →
∃ σ1' : S1,
step σ1 evt σ1' ∧ sim bot3 t σ1' σ2'').
pinversion H2; subst.
- exfalso. edestruct (plus2_destr_nil H3); dcr.
destruct H1 as [? []].
exploit (step_internally_deterministic _ _ _ _ H7 H1); dcr; congruence.
- assert (σ1 = σ0). eapply activated_star_eq; eauto. subst σ1.
eexists σ3; split; eauto. split; eauto. split.
+ intros. edestruct H7; eauto; dcr. destruct H13; eauto. isabsurd.
+ intros. edestruct H8; eauto; dcr. destruct H12; eauto. inv H10.
- exfalso. refine (activated_normal_star _ H1 _ _); eauto using star2.
- exfalso. refine (activated_normal_star _ H1 _ _); eauto using star2.
Lemma sim_activated_2 t {S1} `{StateType S1} (σ1:S1)
{S2} `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2)
: activated σ1
→ sim bot3 t σ2 σ1
→ ∃ σ2', star2 step σ2 nil σ2' ∧
(activated σ2' ∧
( ∀ (evt : event) (σ1'' : S1),
step σ1 evt σ1'' →
∃ σ2'' : S2,
step σ2' evt σ2'' ∧ (sim bot3 t σ2'' σ1''))
( extBckwd t → ∀ (evt : event) (σ2'' : S2),
step σ2' evt σ2'' →
∃ σ1' : S1,
step σ1 evt σ1' ∧ (sim bot3 t σ2'' σ1'))
∨ (normal2 step σ2' ∧ result σ2' = None ∧ isSim t)).
pinversion H2; subst.
- exfalso. edestruct (plus2_destr_nil H4); dcr.
destruct H1 as [? []].
exploit (step_internally_deterministic _ _ _ _ H7 H1); dcr. congruence.
- assert (σ1 = σ3). eapply activated_star_eq; eauto. subst σ1.
eexists σ0; split; eauto. left. split; eauto. split.
+ intros. edestruct H8; eauto; dcr. destruct H12; isabsurd.
eexists; split; eauto.
+ intros. edestruct H7; eauto; dcr. destruct H13; isabsurd.
eexists; split; eauto.
- eexists σ1'. split; eauto.
- exfalso. refine (activated_normal_star _ H1 _ _); eauto using star2.
Lemma star2_plus2
: ∀ (X : Type) (R: X → event → X → Prop) (x y z : X) e A,
R x e y → star2 R y A z → plus2 R x (filter_tau e A) z.
intros. general induction H0; relsimpl'; eauto using plus2.
Lemma plus2_star2_plus2
: ∀ (X : Type) R (x y z : X) A B,
plus2 R x A y → star2 R y B z → plus2 R x (A++B) z.
intros. general induction H; simpl; eauto using plus2.
- rewrite filter_tau_app. eapply star2_plus2; eauto.
- econstructor 2; eauto. rewrite filter_tau_app; eauto.
Ltac zsimpl_step :=
match goal with
| [ H: extBckwd ?t, I : extBckwd ?t → _ |- _ ] ⇒ specialize (I H)
| [ SIM : sim bot3 ?t ?σ2 ?σ1, ACT : normal2 step ?σ2', STAR: star2 step ?σ2 nil ?σ2' |- _ ] ⇒
eapply sim_reduction_closed_1 in SIM; [| eapply STAR]
| [ SIM : paco3 (@sim_gen _ _ _ _) _ ?t ?σ2 ?σ1, ACT : normal2 step ?σ2', STAR: star2 step ?σ2 nil ?σ2' |- _ ] ⇒
eapply sim_reduction_closed_1 in SIM; [| eapply STAR]
| [ SIM : paco3 (@sim_gen _ _ _ _) _ ?t ?σ1 ?σ2,
ACT : activated ?σ1', STAR: star2 step ?σ1 nil ?σ1' |- _ ] ⇒
eapply sim_reduction_closed_1 in SIM; [| eapply STAR]
| [ H : star2 ?R ?σ1 nil ?σ2, H':plus2 ?R ?σ2 nil ?σ3 |- _ ] ⇒
eapply (star2_plus2_plus2 H) in H'; clear H; simpl in H'
| [ H : plus2 ?R ?σ1 nil ?σ2, H':star2 ?R ?σ2 nil ?σ3 |- _ ] ⇒
match goal with
| [ H''' : plus2 R σ1 nil σ3 |- _ ] ⇒ fail 1
| [ H''' : star2 R σ1 nil σ3 |- _ ] ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ eapply (plus2_star2_plus2 H) in H'; clear H; simpl in H'
| [ H : star2 ?R ?σ1 nil ?σ2, H':star2 ?R ?σ2 nil ?σ3 |- _ ] ⇒
eapply (star2_trans H) in H'; clear H; simpl in H'
| [ H : plus2 ?R ?σ nil ?σ', H' : star2 ?R ?σ _ ?σ'',
H'' : activated ?σ'' |- _ ]
⇒ match goal with
| [ H''' : star2 R σ' nil σ'' |- _ ] ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ pose proof (activated_star_reach H'' H' (plus2_star2 H))
| [ H : step ?σ1 _ ?σ2, A : ∀ (evt : event) (σ2'' : _),
step ?σ1 evt σ2'' → _ |- _ ] ⇒ specialize (A _ _ H); dcr
| [ H : _ ∨ bot3 _ _ _ |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H;[ | isabsurd]
| [ SIM : paco3 (@sim_gen _ _ _ _) _ ?t ?σ1 ?σ2, ACT : activated ?σ2', STAR: star2 step ?σ2 nil ?σ2' |- _ ] ⇒
eapply sim_reduction_closed_2 in SIM; [| eapply STAR]
| [ H : plus2 step ?σ nil _, H' : star2 (@step ?S ?ST) ?σ _ ?σ',
H'' : normal2 _ ?σ' |- _ ]
⇒ eapply plus2_star2 in H;
eapply (star2_reach_normal H' H''
(@step_internally_deterministic S ST)) in H
| [ H : plus2 step ?σ1 nil ?σ2, H' : star2 step ?σ2 nil ?σ3
|- sim_gen _ _ ?σ1 _ ]
⇒ pose proof (star2_trans (plus2_star2 H) H')
| [ SIM : sim bot3 ?t ?σ1 ?σ2,
ACT : normal2 step ?σ2', STAR: star2 step ?σ2 nil ?σ2' |- _ ] ⇒
eapply sim_reduction_closed_2 in SIM; [| eapply STAR]
Ltac zzsimpl :=
repeat zsimpl_step; relsimpl.
Ltac zzcases :=
match goal with
[ H : plus2 (@step ?S ?ST) ?σ1 nil ?σ2a, H' : plus2 (@step ?S ?ST) ?σ1 nil ?σ2b |- _ ]
⇒ edestruct (plus2_reach H H' (@step_internally_deterministic _ ST))
| [ H: sim bot3 _ ?σ1 ?σ2, H' : activated ?σ2 |- _ ] ⇒
match goal with
| [ H : activated σ1 |- _ ] ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ destruct (sim_activated_2 H' H) as [? [? [[? [? ?]]| [? [? ?]]]]]
| [ H: sim bot3 _ ?σ1 ?σ2, H' : activated ?σ1 |- _ ] ⇒
match goal with
| [ H : activated σ2 |- _ ] ⇒ fail 1
| _ ⇒ destruct (sim_activated H' H) as [? [? [? [? ?]]]]
| [ STAR : star2 step ?σ2 nil ?σ2', NORM: normal2 step ?σ2',
SIM : paco3 (@sim_gen _ _ _ _) bot3 _ ?σ1 ?σ2 |- _ ]
⇒ edestruct (sim_terminate_2 STAR NORM SIM) as [? [? [? [|]]]]
| [ STAR : star2 step ?σ1 nil ?σ1', NORM: normal2 step ?σ1',
SIM : paco3 (@sim_gen _ _ _ _) bot3 _ ?σ1 ?σ2 |- _ ]
⇒ let H := fresh "H" in
assert (result σ1' ≠ None) by congruence;
destruct (sim_terminate STAR NORM H SIM) as [? [? [? ?]]];
clear H
| [ NORM: normal2 step ?σ1, SIM : sim bot3 _ ?σ1 ?σ2 |- _ ]
⇒ let H := fresh "H" in
assert (result σ1 ≠ None) by congruence;
destruct (sim_terminate (@star2_refl _ _ σ1) NORM H SIM) as [? [? [? ?]]];
clear H
Ltac det :=
match goal with
| [ Step1 : step ?x ?e ?y1, Step2: step ?x ?e ?y2 |- _ ] ⇒
assert (y1 = y2); [eapply (step_externally_determined _ _ _ _ Step1 Step2) |
first [subst y1 | subst y2 | idtac] ]; clear_trivial_eqs
Lemma plus_not_normal X (R:X → event → X → Prop) σ1 σ1'
: plus2 R σ1 nil σ1'
→ normal2 R σ1
→ False.
intros A B. eapply B.
eapply plus2_destr_nil in A. dcr.
eexists; eauto.
Lemma sim_t_Sim_activated t S1 `{StateType S1}
: result σ1 = ⎣⎦
→ normal2 step σ1
→ ∀ S2 `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2),
sim bot3 t σ1 σ2
→ activated σ2
→ isSim t.
intros. pinversion H3; subst; eauto; exfalso; relsimpl; eauto using plus_not_normal.
Lemma sim_t_Sim_normal t S1 `{StateType S1}
(σ1:S1) S2 `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2) r
: result σ1 = ⎣⎦
→ normal2 step σ1
→ normal2 step σ2
→ sim r t σ1 σ2
→ isSim t ∨ result σ2 = None.
intros. pinversion H4; subst; eauto; relsimpl.
- exfalso; eauto using plus_not_normal.
- right; congruence.
Lemma sim_t_Sim_normal_step t S1 `{StateType S1}
(σ1:S1) S2 `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2) r
: result σ1 = ⎣⎦
→ normal2 step σ1
→ sim r t σ1 σ2
→ isSim t ∨ ∃ σ2', star2 step σ2 nil σ2' ∧ normal2 step σ2' ∧ result σ2' = None.
intros. pinversion H3; subst; eauto; relsimpl.
- exfalso; eauto using plus_not_normal.
- right. eexists; split; eauto. split; congruence.
Local Hint Extern 5 ⇒
match goal with
| [ H : result ?σ1 = result ?σ2, H' : result ?σ2 = None |-
result ?σ1 = None ] ⇒
rewrite H; eapply H'
| [ H : result ?σ1 = result ?σ2, H' : result ?σ2 = result ?σ3 |-
result ?σ1 = result ?σ3 ] ⇒
rewrite H; eapply H'
Local Hint Resolve plus2_star2.
Lemma sim_zigzag t {S1} `{StateType S1}
(σ1:S1) {S2} `{StateType S2} (σ2a σ2b:S2) {S3} `{StateType S3} (σ3:S3)
: sim bot3 t σ1 σ2a
→ (star2 step σ2a nil σ2b ∨ star2 step σ2b nil σ2a)
→ sim bot3 t σ2b σ3
→ sim bot3 t σ1 σ3.
revert σ1 σ2a σ2b σ3. pcofix CIH; intros.
destruct H4.
- {
pinversion H3; pinversion H5; subst.
- (* plus <-> plus *)
pfold. zzsimpl. zzcases; eauto 20.
- (* plus step <-> activated *)
pfold. zzsimpl.
zzcases. zzsimpl.
+ econstructor 2; eauto using plus2_star2.
× intros.
edestruct H17; eauto; dcr.
edestruct H15; eauto; dcr.
unfold upaco3 in ×.
zzsimpl. det.
eauto 20 using star2_refl.
× intros.
unfold upaco3 in *; zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
+ zzsimpl. assert (isSim t). {
eapply (@sim_t_Sim_activated t _ _ _ H10 H9 _ _ _ H7); eauto.
econstructor 3; eauto using plus2_star2, star2_trans.
- (* plus step <-> err *)
zzsimpl. zzcases.
+ pfold. zzsimpl.
econstructor 3; eauto; eauto.
+ eapply plus2_star2 in H4.
exploit (star2_trans H4 H2); eauto.
- (* plus step <-> term *)
zzsimpl. zzcases.
+ pfold. zzsimpl.
econstructor 4; eauto; eauto.
+ zzsimpl.
destruct (@sim_t_Sim_normal t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H9 H8 H14 H7); eauto.
× pfold. econstructor 4; eauto using plus2_star2, star2_trans.
- (* activated <-> plus step *)
pfold. zzsimpl.
zzcases. zzsimpl.
+ unfold upaco3 in ×.
econstructor 2; eauto using plus2_star2.
× intros. specialize (H13 H15). specialize (H9 H15).
zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
× intros. zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
- (* activated <-> activated *)
pfold. zzsimpl.
unfold upaco3 in ×.
econstructor 2; eauto using plus2_star2.
× intros. specialize (H18 H2). specialize (H9 H2).
zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
× intros. zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
- (* activated <-> err *)
- (* activated <-> term *)
- (* term <-> plus step *)
case_eq (result σ1'); intros.
+ pfold. zzsimpl. zzcases.
econstructor 4; eauto. eauto.
+ zzsimpl.
rewrite H4 in H10.
destruct (@sim_t_Sim_normal_step _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H10 H9 H15); eauto.
× subst.
pfold. econstructor 3; eauto. congruence.
× destruct H2; dcr.
pfold. econstructor 4; eauto. congruence.
- zzsimpl.
- (* term <-> err *)
pfold. econstructor 3; eauto. congruence.
- (* term <-> term *)
pfold. econstructor 4; eauto. congruence.
- {
pinversion H3; pinversion H5; subst.
- (* plus <-> plus *)
pfold. zzsimpl.
zzcases; unfold upaco3 in *; eauto.
- (* plus step <-> activated *)
pfold. zzsimpl.
zzcases. zzsimpl.
+ unfold upaco3 in ×.
econstructor 2; eauto using plus2_star2.
× intros. specialize (H15 H4). specialize (H17 H4).
zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
× intros. zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
+ zzsimpl. assert (isSim t). {
eapply (@sim_t_Sim_activated t _ _ _ H10 H9 _ _ _ H7); eauto.
econstructor 3; eauto using plus2_star2, star2_trans.
- (* plus step <-> err *)
zzsimpl. zzcases.
+ pfold. zzsimpl.
econstructor 3; eauto; eauto.
+ eapply plus2_star2 in H4.
exploit (star2_trans H4 H2); eauto.
- (* plus step <-> term *)
zzsimpl. zzcases.
+ pfold. zzsimpl.
econstructor 4; eauto; eauto.
+ zzsimpl.
destruct (@sim_t_Sim_normal t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H9 H8 H14 H7); eauto.
× pfold. econstructor 4; eauto using plus2_star2, star2_trans.
- (* activated <-> plus step *)
pfold. zzsimpl.
zzcases. zzsimpl.
+ unfold upaco3 in ×.
econstructor 2; eauto using plus2_star2.
× intros. specialize (H13 H15). specialize (H9 H15).
zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
× intros. zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
- (* activated <-> activated *)
pfold. zzsimpl.
unfold upaco3 in ×.
econstructor 2; eauto using plus2_star2.
× intros. specialize (H9 H2). specialize (H18 H2).
zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
× intros. zzsimpl; eauto 10 using star2_refl.
- (* activated <-> err *)
- (* activated <-> term *)
- (* term <-> plus step *)
case_eq (result σ1'); intros.
+ pfold. zzsimpl.
zzcases. zzsimpl.
econstructor 4; eauto; eauto.
+ zzsimpl.
rewrite H4 in H10.
destruct (@sim_t_Sim_normal_step _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H10 H9 H15); eauto.
× subst.
pfold. econstructor 3; eauto. congruence.
× destruct H2; dcr.
pfold. econstructor 4; eauto. congruence.
- zzsimpl.
- (* term <-> err *)
pfold. econstructor 3; eauto. congruence.
- (* term <-> term *)
pfold. econstructor 4; eauto. congruence.
Lemma sim_trans t {S1} `{StateType S1}
(σ1:S1) {S2} `{StateType S2} (σ2:S2) {S3} `{StateType S3} (σ3:S3)
: sim bot3 t σ1 σ2 → sim bot3 t σ2 σ3 → sim bot3 t σ1 σ3.
intros. eauto using (sim_zigzag (S1:=S1) (S2:=S2) (S3:=S3)), star2_refl.
Lemma sim_normal_inv S `{StateType S} (σ:S) S' `{StateType S'} (σ':S') r t
: sim r t σ σ'
→ normal2 StateType.step σ'
→ ∃ σ'', star2 StateType.step σ nil σ'' ∧ normal2 StateType.step σ''
∧ fstNoneOrR eq (result σ'') (result σ') .
intros. pdestruct H1; subst; relsimpl; eauto.
- exfalso. eapply H2. hnf. inv H3; eauto.
- eexists; split; eauto. split; eauto. rewrite H1; eauto. econstructor.
- eexists; split; eauto. split; eauto. rewrite H1; eauto. reflexivity.
Lemma sim_stuck_exchange S `{StateType S} (σ:S) S' `{StateType S'} (σ':S')
S'' `{StateType S''} (σ'':S'') r t r'
: sim r t σ σ'
→ normal2 StateType.step σ'
→ result σ' = None
→ normal2 StateType.step σ''
→ result σ'' = None
→ sim r' t σ σ''.
intros. eapply sim_normal_inv in H2; eauto; dcr.
pfold. econstructor 4; try eassumption; eauto using star2_refl.
rewrite H4 in ×. inv H10. congruence.