Require Import Util IL SmallStepRelations BlockType.
Lemma plus2_app_shift_F L E f Y σ L1 (SM:smaller L)
: plus2 step (L, E, stmtApp (LabI f) Y) nil σ
→ plus2 step (L1 ++ L, E, stmtApp (LabI (❬L1❭ + f)) Y) nil σ.
intros Step. eapply plus2_destr_nil in Step as [? ?]; dcr.
inv H0; simpl in ×.
eapply star2_plus2.
+ single_step. eapply get_app_right; eauto. reflexivity.
+ simpl. exploit SM; eauto. simpl in ×.
orewrite (❬L1❭ + f - F.block_n blk = ❬L1❭ + (f - F.block_n blk)).
rewrite drop_app. eauto.
Lemma plus2_app_shift_I (L:I.labenv) E f Y σ L1 (SM:smaller L)
: plus2 step (L, E, stmtApp (LabI f) Y) nil σ
→ plus2 step (L1 ++ L, E, stmtApp (LabI (❬L1❭ + f)) Y) nil σ.
intros Step. eapply plus2_destr_nil in Step as [? ?]; dcr.
inv H0; simpl in ×.
eapply star2_plus2.
+ single_step. eapply get_app_right; eauto. reflexivity.
+ simpl. exploit SM; eauto. simpl in ×.
orewrite (❬L1❭ + f - I.block_n blk = ❬L1❭ + (f - I.block_n blk)).
rewrite drop_app. eauto.
Lemma activated_inv_F (L:F.labenv) E s
: activated (L, E, s)
→ ∃ x xf Y s', s = stmtLet x (Call xf Y) s'.
intros [? [? ?]]; invt @step.
Lemma activated_inv_I (L:I.labenv) E s
: activated (L, E, s)
→ ∃ x xf Y s', s = stmtLet x (Call xf Y) s'.
intros [? [? ?]]; invt @step.
Lemma activated_labenv_F E s (L L':F.labenv)
: activated (L, E, s)
→ activated (L', E, s).
intros [? [? ?]]. invt @step.
do 2 eexists. econstructor; eauto.
Grab Existential Variables.
eapply v.
Lemma activated_labenv_I E s (L L':I.labenv)
: activated (L, E, s)
→ activated (L', E, s).
intros [? [? ?]]. invt @step.
do 2 eexists. econstructor; eauto.
Grab Existential Variables.
eapply v.
Lemma normal2_labenv_F E s (L L':F.labenv)
: normal2 step (L, E, s)
→ (∀ n b b', get L n b → get L' n b' → ❬block_Z b❭ = ❬block_Z b'❭)
→ ❬L'❭ = ❬L❭
→ normal2 step (L', E, s).
intros. hnf; intros. eapply H.
destruct H2 as [? [? ?]].
eexists x.
inv H2; simpl in *; inv_get; eexists; try single_step.
econstructor; eauto. exploit H0; eauto. rewrite H4. eauto.
Lemma normal2_labenv_I E s (L L':I.labenv)
: normal2 step (L, E, s)
→ (∀ n b b', get L n b → get L' n b' → ❬block_Z b❭ = ❬block_Z b'❭)
→ ❬L'❭ = ❬L❭
→ normal2 step (L', E, s).
intros. hnf; intros. eapply H.
destruct H2 as [? [? ?]].
eexists x.
inv H2; simpl in *; inv_get; eexists; try single_step.
econstructor; eauto. exploit H0; eauto. rewrite H4. eauto.
Lemma event_inversion_F (L:F.labenv) (E:onv val) xf (L':F.labenv) x1 Y1 s1 E' s' r
(SIM:∀ evt σ1', step (L, E, stmtLet x1 (Call xf Y1) s1) evt σ1'
→ ∃ σ2'', step (L', E', s') evt σ2'' ∧ r σ1' σ2'') vl
(YEV:omap (op_eval E) Y1 = Some vl)
: ∃ x2 Y2 s2, s' = stmtLet x2 (Call xf Y2) s2
∧ omap (op_eval E') Y2 = omap (op_eval E) Y1.
edestruct SIM.
- hnf. eapply F.StepExtern with (v:=default_val); eauto.
- dcr. invt @step. do 3 eexists; split; eauto. congruence.
Lemma event_inversion_I (L:I.labenv) (E:onv val) xf (L':I.labenv) x1 Y1 s1 E' s' r
(SIM:∀ evt σ1', step (L, E, stmtLet x1 (Call xf Y1) s1) evt σ1'
→ ∃ σ2'', step (L', E', s') evt σ2'' ∧ r σ1' σ2'') vl
(YEV:omap (op_eval E) Y1 = Some vl)
: ∃ x2 Y2 s2, s' = stmtLet x2 (Call xf Y2) s2
∧ omap (op_eval E') Y2 = omap (op_eval E) Y1.
edestruct SIM.
- hnf. eapply I.StepExtern with (v:=default_val); eauto.
- dcr. invt @step. do 3 eexists; split; eauto. congruence.
Lemma plus2_app_shift_F L E f Y σ L1 (SM:smaller L)
: plus2 step (L, E, stmtApp (LabI f) Y) nil σ
→ plus2 step (L1 ++ L, E, stmtApp (LabI (❬L1❭ + f)) Y) nil σ.
intros Step. eapply plus2_destr_nil in Step as [? ?]; dcr.
inv H0; simpl in ×.
eapply star2_plus2.
+ single_step. eapply get_app_right; eauto. reflexivity.
+ simpl. exploit SM; eauto. simpl in ×.
orewrite (❬L1❭ + f - F.block_n blk = ❬L1❭ + (f - F.block_n blk)).
rewrite drop_app. eauto.
Lemma plus2_app_shift_I (L:I.labenv) E f Y σ L1 (SM:smaller L)
: plus2 step (L, E, stmtApp (LabI f) Y) nil σ
→ plus2 step (L1 ++ L, E, stmtApp (LabI (❬L1❭ + f)) Y) nil σ.
intros Step. eapply plus2_destr_nil in Step as [? ?]; dcr.
inv H0; simpl in ×.
eapply star2_plus2.
+ single_step. eapply get_app_right; eauto. reflexivity.
+ simpl. exploit SM; eauto. simpl in ×.
orewrite (❬L1❭ + f - I.block_n blk = ❬L1❭ + (f - I.block_n blk)).
rewrite drop_app. eauto.
Lemma activated_inv_F (L:F.labenv) E s
: activated (L, E, s)
→ ∃ x xf Y s', s = stmtLet x (Call xf Y) s'.
intros [? [? ?]]; invt @step.
Lemma activated_inv_I (L:I.labenv) E s
: activated (L, E, s)
→ ∃ x xf Y s', s = stmtLet x (Call xf Y) s'.
intros [? [? ?]]; invt @step.
Lemma activated_labenv_F E s (L L':F.labenv)
: activated (L, E, s)
→ activated (L', E, s).
intros [? [? ?]]. invt @step.
do 2 eexists. econstructor; eauto.
Grab Existential Variables.
eapply v.
Lemma activated_labenv_I E s (L L':I.labenv)
: activated (L, E, s)
→ activated (L', E, s).
intros [? [? ?]]. invt @step.
do 2 eexists. econstructor; eauto.
Grab Existential Variables.
eapply v.
Lemma normal2_labenv_F E s (L L':F.labenv)
: normal2 step (L, E, s)
→ (∀ n b b', get L n b → get L' n b' → ❬block_Z b❭ = ❬block_Z b'❭)
→ ❬L'❭ = ❬L❭
→ normal2 step (L', E, s).
intros. hnf; intros. eapply H.
destruct H2 as [? [? ?]].
eexists x.
inv H2; simpl in *; inv_get; eexists; try single_step.
econstructor; eauto. exploit H0; eauto. rewrite H4. eauto.
Lemma normal2_labenv_I E s (L L':I.labenv)
: normal2 step (L, E, s)
→ (∀ n b b', get L n b → get L' n b' → ❬block_Z b❭ = ❬block_Z b'❭)
→ ❬L'❭ = ❬L❭
→ normal2 step (L', E, s).
intros. hnf; intros. eapply H.
destruct H2 as [? [? ?]].
eexists x.
inv H2; simpl in *; inv_get; eexists; try single_step.
econstructor; eauto. exploit H0; eauto. rewrite H4. eauto.
Lemma event_inversion_F (L:F.labenv) (E:onv val) xf (L':F.labenv) x1 Y1 s1 E' s' r
(SIM:∀ evt σ1', step (L, E, stmtLet x1 (Call xf Y1) s1) evt σ1'
→ ∃ σ2'', step (L', E', s') evt σ2'' ∧ r σ1' σ2'') vl
(YEV:omap (op_eval E) Y1 = Some vl)
: ∃ x2 Y2 s2, s' = stmtLet x2 (Call xf Y2) s2
∧ omap (op_eval E') Y2 = omap (op_eval E) Y1.
edestruct SIM.
- hnf. eapply F.StepExtern with (v:=default_val); eauto.
- dcr. invt @step. do 3 eexists; split; eauto. congruence.
Lemma event_inversion_I (L:I.labenv) (E:onv val) xf (L':I.labenv) x1 Y1 s1 E' s' r
(SIM:∀ evt σ1', step (L, E, stmtLet x1 (Call xf Y1) s1) evt σ1'
→ ∃ σ2'', step (L', E', s') evt σ2'' ∧ r σ1' σ2'') vl
(YEV:omap (op_eval E) Y1 = Some vl)
: ∃ x2 Y2 s2, s' = stmtLet x2 (Call xf Y2) s2
∧ omap (op_eval E') Y2 = omap (op_eval E) Y1.
edestruct SIM.
- hnf. eapply I.StepExtern with (v:=default_val); eauto.
- dcr. invt @step. do 3 eexists; split; eauto. congruence.