
Require Import Coqlib Errors AST Integers Linear.
Require Import Bounds Conventions Locations Stacklayout.
Require Import Smallstep Globalenvs common.Events.
Require Import Util Get StateType SmallStepRelations IL.Events.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Inductive linear_step_adapter (G:Globalenvs.Genv.t fundef unit)
  : Linear.state Events.event Linear.state Prop :=
| StepAdapterTau st bv vv code rs m σ'
  : Linear.step G (State st bv vv code rs m) nil σ'
     linear_step_adapter G (State st bv vv code rs m) EvtTau σ'
| StepAdapter σ σ' f arg res fnc
  : Linear.step G σ (Event_syscall f
                               (EVint arg)
                               (EVint res)::nil) σ'
     linear_step_adapter G σ (EvtExtern (ExternI fnc arg res)) σ'.

Lemma linear_reddec2 G
  : reddec2 (linear_step_adapter G).
  hnf; intros.
  unfold normal2.
  eapply Coq.Logic.Classical_Prop.classic.

Definition linear_result (σ:Linear.state) :=
  match σ with
  | Returnstate st rs m
    match Locmap.get (R R3) rs with
    | Values.Vint retcodeSome retcode
    | _None
  | _None

Lemma list_forall_det A B (R:ABProp) L L1 L2
      (Rdet: x y z, R x y R x z y = z)
  : list_forall2 R L L1
     list_forall2 R L L2
     L1 = L2.
  intros X Y.
  general induction X; invt list_forall2; eauto.
  f_equal; eauto.

Lemma extcall_arg_det rs m sp l v v'
  : extcall_arg rs m sp l v
    -> extcall_arg rs m sp l v'
    -> v = v'.
  intros A B.
  general induction A; invt extcall_arg; eauto.

Lemma extcall_arguments_det rs m sp ef a a'
  : extcall_arguments rs m sp ef a
    -> extcall_arguments rs m sp ef a'
    -> a = a'.
  eapply list_forall_det.
  intros. general induction H; invt extcall_arg_pair; f_equal; eauto using extcall_arg_det.

Local Ltac congr :=
  repeat match goal with
         | [ H : ?t = ?x, H' : ?t = ?y |- _ ] ⇒
           assert (x = y) by congruence; subst; clear H' || clear H
         | [ H : eval_builtin_args ?G ?rs ?sp ?m ?a ?vargs,
                 H' : eval_builtin_args ?G ?rs ?sp ?m ?a ?vargs' |- _ ]
           ⇒ eapply eval_builtin_args_determ in H; eauto; subst
(*         |  H : extcall_arguments ?rs ?m ?sp ?ef ?a, H' : extcall_arguments ?rs ?m ?sp ?ef ?a' |- _
         => eapply extcall_arguments_det in H; eauto; subst*)

         | [ H : external_call ?ef ?G ?vargs ?m ?t ?vres ?m',
                  H' : external_call ?ef ?G ?vargs ?m ?t' ?vres' ?m'' |- _ ]

           ⇒ let A := fresh "A" in
              let B := fresh "B" in
              edestruct (external_call_determ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H H') as [A B];
              inv A; try (edestruct B; eauto; subst); clear H || clear H'
         | [ s := _ |- _ ] ⇒ subst s

Definition rel3_functional {A B C} (R:ABCProp) :=
   a b c c', R a b c R a b c' c = c'.

Lemma linear_int_det G
  : internally_deterministic (linear_step_adapter G).
  hnf; intros.
  inv H; inv H0; eauto.
  - inv H1; inv H10; congr; clear_trivial_eqs; try now (split; eauto; congr; try congruence).

  - inv H1; inv H2; exfalso; repeat (congr; clear_trivial_eqs).

Lemma linear_ext_det G
  : externally_determined (linear_step_adapter G).
  hnf. intros.
  invc H; invc H0; eauto.
  - inv H1; inv H8; repeat (congr; clear_trivial_eqs);
      try now (split; eauto; congr; try congruence).
  - inv H1; inv H6; repeat (congr; clear_trivial_eqs); eauto.

Instance LinearStateType G : StateType Linear.state :=
  @Build_StateType _ (linear_step_adapter G) linear_result (linear_reddec2 G)
                   (@linear_int_det G) (@linear_ext_det G).

Ltac single_step_linear := econstructor; econstructor; eauto.

Smpl Add single_step_linear : single_step.