
Require Import List Map Envs AllInRel Exp AppExpFree Filter LengthEq.
Require Import IL Annotation AutoIndTac Liveness.Liveness LabelsDefined.
Require Import SpillSound SpillUtil.
Require Import Slot SlotLiftParams SlotLiftArgs.

Fixpoint write_moves (Z Z' : params) (s : stmt) : stmt :=
  match Z, Z' with
    | x::Z, x'::Z'
      stmtLet x (Operation (Var x')) (write_moves Z Z' s)
    | _, _s

Definition do_spill_rec
           (slot : var var)
           (s : stmt)
           (sl : spilling)
           (ZL : list params)
           (RML : list (set var × set var))
           (do_spill' : (s' : stmt)
                          (sl' : spilling)
                          (ZL : list params)
                          (RML : list (set var × set var)),
  : stmt
    match s,sl with
    | stmtLet x e s, ann1 _ sl1
      ⇒ stmtLet x e (do_spill' s sl1 ZL RML)

    | stmtIf e s1 s2, ann2 _ sl1 sl2
      ⇒ stmtIf e (do_spill' s1 sl1 ZL RML) (do_spill' s2 sl2 ZL RML)

    | stmtFun F t, annF (_,_, rms) sl_F sl_t
      ⇒ let RML' := rms ++ RML in
        let ZL' := fst F ++ ZL in
                (slot_lift_params slot rms (fst F))
                ((fun (Zs : params × stmt) (sl_s : spilling)
                  ⇒ do_spill' (snd Zs) sl_s ZL' RML') F sl_F)
  (* we can't write "(do_spill' ⊜ (snd ⊝ F) sl_F)" because termination wouldn't be obvious *)
          (do_spill' t sl_t ZL' RML')

    | stmtApp f Y, ann0 (_,_, (RMapp)::nil)
      ⇒ stmtApp f (slot_lift_args slot (nth f RML (,)) RMapp Y (nth f ZL nil))

    | _,_
      ⇒ s

Fixpoint do_spill (slot : var var) (s : stmt) (sl : spilling)
           (ZL : list params) (RML : list (set var × set var)) {struct s}
  : stmt
  := let sp := elements (getSp sl) in
    let ld := elements (getL sl) in
    write_moves (slot sp) sp (
        write_moves ld (slot ld) (
            do_spill_rec slot s sl ZL RML (do_spill slot)

Lemma do_spill_rec_s (slot : var var) (Sp' L': var )
      (s : stmt) (sl : spilling)
  : do_spill_rec slot s sl
    = do_spill_rec slot s (setTopAnn sl (Sp',L',snd (getAnn sl)))
  destruct s, sl;
    unfold do_spill_rec;
    try reflexivity;
  destruct a;
    destruct p;

Lemma do_spill_empty
      (slot : var var)
      (s : stmt)
      (sl : spilling)
      (ZL : list params)
      (RML : list (set var × set var))
  : count sl = 0
     do_spill slot s sl ZL RML
      = do_spill_rec slot s sl ZL RML (do_spill slot).
  intros count_zero.
  apply count_zero_Empty_Sp in count_zero as Empty_Sp.
  apply count_zero_Empty_L in count_zero as Empty_L.
  unfold do_spill.
  rewrite elements_Empty in Empty_Sp.
  rewrite elements_Empty in Empty_L.
  induction s;
    rewrite Empty_Sp;
    rewrite Empty_L;
    simpl; reflexivity.

Lemma do_spill_empty_Sp
      (slot : var var)
      (s : stmt)
      (sl : spilling)
      (ZL : list params)
      (RML : list (set var × set var))
  : cardinal (getSp sl) = 0
     do_spill slot s sl ZL RML
      = write_moves (elements (getL sl)) (slot elements (getL sl))
                    (do_spill_rec slot s sl ZL RML (do_spill slot)).
  intros card_zero.
  unfold do_spill.
  apply cardinal_Empty in card_zero.
  rewrite elements_Empty in card_zero.
  induction s;
    rewrite card_zero;
    fold do_spill;

Lemma do_spill_extract_writes
      (slot : var var)
      (s : stmt)
      (sl : spilling)
      (ZL : list params)
      (RML : list (set var × set var))
  : do_spill slot s sl ZL RML
    = write_moves (slot elements (getSp sl)) (elements (getSp sl))
         (write_moves (elements (getL sl)) (slot elements (getL sl))
             (do_spill slot s (setTopAnn sl (,,snd (getAnn sl))) ZL RML)).
  rewrite do_spill_empty.
  - rewrite do_spill_rec_s with (Sp':=) (L':=).
    rewrite setTopAnn_setTopAnn.
    destruct s,sl;
      simpl; eauto; try reflexivity;
    do 2 f_equal;
    destruct a;
      destruct p;
  - unfold count.
    rewrite getAnn_setTopAnn.

Lemma do_spill_extract_spill_writes
      (slot : var var)
      (s : stmt)
      (sl : spilling)
      (ZL : list params)
      (RML : list (set var × set var))
  : do_spill slot s sl ZL RML
    = write_moves (slot (elements (getSp sl))) (elements (getSp sl))
                   (do_spill slot s (clear_Sp sl) ZL RML).
  unfold clear_Sp.
  rewrite do_spill_empty_Sp.
  - rewrite do_spill_rec_s with (Sp':=) (L':=getL sl).
    rewrite setTopAnn_setTopAnn.
    destruct s,sl;
      simpl; eauto;
    do 2 f_equal;
    destruct a;
      destruct p;
  - rewrite getAnn_setTopAnn.

Lemma do_spill_sub_empty_invariant
      (slot : var var)
      (Sp' L': var )
      (s : stmt)
      (sl : spilling)
      (ZL : list params)
      (RML : list (set var × set var))
  : count sl = 0
     Sp' [=]
     L' [=]
     do_spill slot s sl ZL RML
       = do_spill slot s (setTopAnn sl (Sp',L',snd (getAnn sl))) ZL RML.
  intros count_zero Sp_empty L_empty.
  rewrite do_spill_empty; eauto.
  rewrite do_spill_empty;
    swap 1 2.
    unfold count.
    rewrite getAnn_setTopAnn.
    rewrite Sp_empty.
    rewrite L_empty.
  destruct s, sl;
    simpl; eauto;
  destruct a;
    destruct p;
    simpl; eauto.

Lemma write_moves_app_expfree xl xl' s
  : app_expfree s
     app_expfree (write_moves xl xl' s).
  intros AEF.
  general induction xl; destruct xl'; simpl; eauto using app_expfree.

Lemma do_spill_app_expfree (slot:var var) s spl ZL RML
  : app_expfree s
     app_expfree (do_spill slot s spl ZL RML).
  intros AEF.
  general induction AEF;
    destruct spl; try destruct a; try destruct l; simpl;
      repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; simpl;
        eauto using app_expfree, write_moves_app_expfree.
  - destruct l;
     do 2 apply write_moves_app_expfree;
        repeat cases; clear_trivial_eqs;
          eauto using app_expfree, slot_lift_args_app_expfree.
  - do 2 apply write_moves_app_expfree;
      repeat cases; clear_trivial_eqs;
        eauto using app_expfree, slot_lift_args_app_expfree.
    econstructor; intros; inv_get; simpl; eauto.
  - do 2 apply write_moves_app_expfree;
        repeat cases; clear_trivial_eqs;
          eauto using app_expfree, slot_lift_args_app_expfree.
    + econstructor; intros; inv_get; simpl; eauto.
    + econstructor; intros; inv_get; simpl; eauto.

Lemma write_moves_labels_defined xl xl' s n
  : labelsDefined s n
     labelsDefined (write_moves xl xl' s) n.
  intros AEF.
  general induction xl; destruct xl'; simpl; eauto using labelsDefined.

Lemma write_moves_paramsMatch xl xl' s L
  : paramsMatch s L
     paramsMatch (write_moves xl xl' s) L.
  intros AEF.
  general induction xl; destruct xl'; simpl; eauto using paramsMatch.

Lemma do_spill_labels_defined (slot:var var) k RM ZL Λ spl s n
  : labelsDefined s n
     spill_sound k ZL Λ RM s spl
     labelsDefined (do_spill slot s spl ZL Λ) n.
  general induction H; invt spill_sound; simpl;
    repeat cases; simpl; clear_trivial_eqs;
      eauto 20 using labelsDefined, write_moves_labels_defined.
  - do 2 eapply write_moves_labels_defined.
    econstructor; intros; inv_get; simpl; len_simpl; eauto using labelsDefined.
    + exploit H16; eauto.
      rewrite <- H9. eauto with len.
    + rewrite <- H9; eauto with len.

Lemma zip_map_fst_f X Y (L:list X) (L':list Y) Z (f:X Z)
  : length L = length L'
     zip (fun x _f x) L L' = f L.
  intros. length_equify.
  general induction H; simpl; eauto.
  f_equal; eauto.

Lemma ZL_NoDupA_ext ZL F ans D Dt
      (Len: F = ans)
      (IFC:Indexwise.indexwise_R (RenamedApart.funConstr D Dt) F ans)
      (H: (n : nat) (Z : params), get ZL n Z NoDupA eq Z)
  : (n0 : nat) (Z : params), get (fst F ++ ZL) n0 Z NoDupA eq Z.
  intros. eapply get_app_cases in H0; destruct H0; dcr; inv_get; eauto.
  edestruct IFC; eauto.

Lemma do_spill_paramsMatch (slot:var var) k RM ZL Λ spl s ra
  : paramsMatch s (@length _ ZL)
     spill_sound k ZL Λ RM s spl
     RenamedApart.renamedApart s ra
     ( n Z, get ZL n Z NoDupA eq Z)
     app_expfree s
     paramsMatch (do_spill slot s spl ZL Λ)
                                   (@length _ (slot_lift_params slot) Λ ZL).
  intros PM SPS RA NDUP AEF.
  general induction PM; invt spill_sound; invt RenamedApart.renamedApart; invtc app_expfree;
    simpl; repeat cases; simpl; clear_trivial_eqs;
      eauto 20 using paramsMatch, write_moves_paramsMatch.
  - do 2 eapply write_moves_paramsMatch. inv_get.
    erewrite !get_nth; eauto using zip_get.
    econstructor; try reflexivity.
    eapply map_get_eq; eauto using zip_get.
    eapply op_eval_var in H1 as [? ?]; subst Y.
    rewrite slot_lift_params_length; eauto.
    rewrite slot_lift_args_length; eauto.
  - do 2 eapply write_moves_paramsMatch.
    econstructor; intros; inv_get; simpl; try len_simpl; eauto using paramsMatch.
    + exploit H0; eauto.
      × rewrite List.map_app; eauto.
      × eapply ZL_NoDupA_ext; eauto.
      × eqassumption.
        -- rewrite !map_zip; eauto with len. simpl.
           rewrite !zip_app; eauto with len. f_equal.
           rewrite zip_map_fst_f; eauto with len.
           rewrite map_zip; eauto.
    + exploit IHPM; eauto.
      × rewrite List.map_app; eauto.
      × eapply ZL_NoDupA_ext; eauto.
      × eqassumption.
        -- rewrite !map_zip; eauto with len. simpl.
           rewrite !zip_app; eauto with len. f_equal.
           rewrite zip_map_fst_f; eauto with len.
           rewrite map_zip; eauto.

Lemma write_moves_no_unreachable_code b xl xl' s
  : noUnreachableCode (isCalled b) s
     noUnreachableCode (isCalled b) (write_moves xl xl' s).
  intros AEF.
  general induction xl; destruct xl'; simpl; eauto using noUnreachableCode.

Lemma write_moves_isCalled b xl xl' s f
  : isCalled b s f
     isCalled b (write_moves xl xl' s) f.
  intros AEF.
  general induction xl; destruct xl'; simpl; eauto using isCalled.

Lemma do_spill_callChain b (slot: var var) k ZL Λ F sl_F rms f l'
  (IH : n Zs, get F n Zs
        (ZL : params) (Λ : var × var) (RM : var × var)
         (sl_t : spilling) (f : lab),
       spill_sound k ZL Λ RM (snd Zs) sl_t
       isCalled b (snd Zs) f
        isCalled b (do_spill slot (snd Zs) sl_t ZL Λ) f)
  (Len1: F = sl_F)
  (Len2: F = rms)
  (SPS: (n : nat) (Zs : params × stmt) (rm : var × var) (sl_s : spilling),
       get rms n rm
       get F n Zs
       get sl_F n sl_s spill_sound k (fst F ++ ZL) (rms ++ Λ) rm (snd Zs) sl_s)
  (CC: callChain (isCalled b) F l' f)
  : callChain (isCalled b)
    (pair (slot_lift_params slot rms (fst F))
     ((fun (Zs : params × stmt) (sl_s : spilling) ⇒
       do_spill slot (snd Zs) sl_s (fst F ++ ZL) (rms ++ Λ)) F
      sl_F)) l' f.
  general induction CC.
  + econstructor.
  + inv_get.
    econstructor; eauto using zip_get_eq.
    × eapply IH; eauto.

Lemma do_spill_isCalled b (slot: var var) k ZL Λ RM t sl_t f
  (SPS : spill_sound k ZL Λ RM t sl_t)
  (IC : isCalled b t f)
  : isCalled b (do_spill slot t sl_t ZL Λ) f.
  move t before k.
  revert_until t.
  sind t; intros; invt spill_sound; invt isCalled; simpl;
    eauto using write_moves_isCalled, isCalled.
  - do 2 eapply write_moves_isCalled.
    econstructor; eauto.
    len_simpl. rewrite <- H3; eauto using do_spill_callChain.

Lemma do_spill_no_unreachable_code b (slot:var var) k RM ZL Λ spl s
  : noUnreachableCode (isCalled b) s
     spill_sound k ZL Λ RM s spl
     noUnreachableCode (isCalled b) (do_spill slot s spl ZL Λ).
  general induction H; invt spill_sound; simpl;
  - eauto 20 using noUnreachableCode, write_moves_no_unreachable_code.
  - eauto 20 using noUnreachableCode, write_moves_no_unreachable_code.
  - eauto 20 using noUnreachableCode, write_moves_no_unreachable_code.
  - eauto 20 using noUnreachableCode, write_moves_no_unreachable_code.
  - do 2 eapply write_moves_no_unreachable_code.
    econstructor; intros; inv_get; simpl; eauto using noUnreachableCode.
    + len_simpl. rewrite <- H10 in H4. exploit H2; eauto.
      destruct H5; dcr.
      eexists x; split; eauto using do_spill_isCalled, do_spill_callChain.