
Idempotence of repair_spill with reg_live

Corollary repair_spill_idem k ZL Λ Λ' s lv sl R M G ra VD
  : let rlv := reg_live ZL (fst Λ) G s sl in
    renamedApart s ra
     R M fst (getAnn ra)
     getAnn rlv R
     live_sound Imperative ZL (merge Λ) s lv
     live_min k ZL Λ G s sl lv
     spill_sound k ZL Λ (R,M) s sl
     ( Rf Mf n, get Λ n (Rf,Mf) cardinal Rf k)
     ann_R (fun x (y : var × var) ⇒ (list_union (merge snd x)) fst y) sl ra
     spill_live VD sl lv
     poEq Λ Λ'
     sl === repair_spill k ZL Λ' R M s rlv lv sl
  intros rlv rena RM_sub inclR lvSnd lvMin spillSnd rmf_card sl_ra spilli Λeq.
  eapply repair_spill_inv; eauto.
  - eapply reg_live_rlive_min; eauto.
    eapply reg_live_anno; eauto.
  - eapply reg_live_sound; eauto.