
Require Import List Arith MapDefined.
Require Import IL Annotation AutoIndTac Exp Util.
Require Import SetOperations Sim Var.
Require Import SMT NoFun.
Require Import Guards ILFtoSMT.

Lemma 7 in the thesis. Proves that whenever an expression evaluates under a partial environment, then it's guard must be satisfiable

Unset Printing Records.

Lemma guard_true_if_eval:
F E e v,
 op_eval E e = Some v
models F (to_total E) (undef e).

intros. general induction e; simpl in *; eauto.
- monad_inv H.
  eapply IHe; eauto.
- monad_inv H; cases.
   + repeat( erewrite models_combine; simpl).
     split; try split; intros; eauto.
     × unfold smt_eval in H; simpl in H.
       erewrite !op_eval_partial_total in H; simpl; eauto.
       assert (binop_eval BinOpDiv x x0 = None).
       eapply (binop_eval_div_zero x); eauto. congruence.
     × dcr.
       unfold smt_eval in H0; simpl in H0.
       unfold smt_eval in H1; simpl in H1.
       erewrite !op_eval_partial_total in *; simpl; eauto.
       assert (binop_eval BinOpDiv x x0 = None).
       eapply (binop_eval_div_zero x); eauto. congruence.
   + erewrite models_combine; simpl; erewrite models_combine; simpl.
     split; try split; eauto.

Lemma7 in the thesis, lifted to lists
Lemma guardList_true_if_eval:
   F E el vl,
    omap (op_eval E) el = Some vl
     models F (to_total E) (undefLift el).

  intros. general induction el; simpl in *; eauto.
  monad_inv H.
  erewrite models_combine; simpl; split; eauto using guard_true_if_eval.

Lemma 8
Lemma guard_models_impl_eval F E e
  : defined_on (Ops.freeVars e) E
     models F (to_total E) (undef e)
     v, op_eval E e = Some v.
  intros. general induction e; simpl in *; eauto.
  - destruct (IHe F E); subst; eauto; rewrite H1; simpl.
    eapply unop_eval_total.
  - simpl in ×.
    repeat (rewrite models_combine in H0; simpl in H0); intuition.
    edestruct (IHe1 F); eauto using defined_on_incl with cset.
    edestruct (IHe2 F); eauto using defined_on_incl with cset.
    rewrite H1, H4; simpl.
    cases in H2; simpl in H2.
    + dcr. decide (x0 = val_zero x = Integers.Int.repr Integers.Int.min_signed
                    x0 = Integers.Int.mone).
      × exfalso. destruct o; dcr.
        -- eapply H5. unfold smt_eval; simpl.
           erewrite !op_eval_partial_total; eauto.
        -- eapply H6.
           unfold smt_eval; simpl.
           erewrite !op_eval_partial_total; eauto.
      × eapply binop_eval_div_nonzero; eauto.
        revert n. clear_all. cset_tac.
   + eapply binop_eval_not_div; eauto.

(*  Lemma 8 lifted to lists**)
Lemma guardlist_impl_eval F E el
  : defined_on (list_union ( Ops.freeVars el)) E
     models F (to_total E) (undefLift el)
     v, omap (op_eval E) el = Some v.
  general induction el; simpl in *; eauto.
  eapply models_combine in H0; simpl in H0; dcr.
  rewrite list_union_start_swap in H.
  edestruct IHel; eauto.
  - eauto using defined_on_incl with cset.
  - rewrite H0. edestruct guard_models_impl_eval; eauto.
    + eauto using defined_on_incl with cset.
    + rewrite H3; eexists; simpl; eauto.

Lemma guardTrue_if_Terminates L L' E s E' e
  : noFun s
     Terminates (L, E, s)(L', E', stmtReturn e)
     F, models F (to_total E') (undef e).
  intros noFun_s [Terminates_s_ret Trm] F.
  general induction Terminates_s_ret; invt nc_terminal.
  - eauto using guard_true_if_eval.
  - destruct x' as [[L'' E''] s'']. eauto.

Lemma guardTrue_if_Terminates_goto L L' E s E' f el
  : noFun s
     Terminates (L, E, s) (L', E' , stmtApp f el)
     F, models F (to_total E') (undefLift el).
  intros noFun_s [Terminates_s_ret Trm] F.
  general induction Terminates_s_ret; invt nc_terminal.
  - eauto using guardList_true_if_eval.
  - destruct x' as [[L'' E''] s'']. eauto.

Lemma 11 in the Thesis
Lemma undef_models F E e
  : defined_on (Ops.freeVars e) E
     op_eval E e = None
     ¬ models F (to_total E) (undef e).
  intros; hnf; intros.
  general induction e; simpl in *; try now isabsurd.
  - edestruct H; cset_tac; eauto; isabsurd.
  - monad_inv H0.
    + eapply IHe; eauto.
    + destruct u; isabsurd.
  - repeat (rewrite models_combine in H1; simpl in H1).
    destruct H1 as [[H1 H2] H3].
    edestruct guard_models_impl_eval; eauto.
    + eauto using defined_on_incl with cset.
    + edestruct (guard_models_impl_eval F E e1); eauto.
      × eauto using defined_on_incl with cset.
      × rewrite H4, H5 in *; simpl in ×.
        cases in H3; simpl in H3.
        -- dcr. decide (x = val_zero x0 = Integers.Int.repr Integers.Int.min_signed
                    x = Integers.Int.mone).
           ++ exfalso. destruct o; dcr.
             ** eapply H6. unfold smt_eval; simpl.
                erewrite !op_eval_partial_total; eauto.
             ** eapply H7.
                unfold smt_eval; simpl.
                erewrite !op_eval_partial_total; eauto.
           ++ edestruct binop_eval_div_nonzero; eauto.
             revert n. clear_all. cset_tac. congruence.
        -- edestruct binop_eval_not_div in H0; eauto.
           rewrite H6 in H0; congruence.

Lemma undefList_models F E el
  : defined_on (list_union ( Ops.freeVars el)) E
     omap (op_eval E) el = None
     ¬ models F (to_total E) (undefLift el).
  general induction el; simpl in ×.
  - hnf; intros.
    repeat(rewrite models_combine in H1; simpl in H1).
    destruct H1. rewrite list_union_start_swap in H.
    pose proof (undef_models F E a).
    monad_inv H0; try isabsurd.
    + eapply H3; eauto.
      eauto 20 using defined_on_incl with cset.
    + eapply IHel; eauto.
      eauto 20 using defined_on_incl with cset.

Lemma undef_vars_subset e:
  freeVars (undef e) Ops.freeVars e.
  induction e; simpl in *; try isabsurd; eauto.
  - rewrite models_combine_vars in H; simpl in H.
    rewrite models_combine_vars in H; simpl in H.
    cases in H; simpl in *; cset_tac'.