
Require Import CSet Le.

Require Import Plus Util AllInRel Map LengthEq.
Require Import CSet Val Var Envs SimF IL Annotation RenamedApart.

Require Import SetOperations Liveness.Liveness Eqn OptionR.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.

Inductive eqn_sound : list params list eqns (*params*set var*eqns*)
                       stmt stmt
                       ann (set var × set var)
                       Prop :=
| EqnLet x ZL Δ s s' e Gamma e' G G' ang
  : eqn_sound ZL Δ s s' {EqnEq (Var x) e ; Gamma } ang
     entails Gamma {EqnApx e e'}
     eqn_sound ZL Δ (stmtLet x (Operation e) s) (stmtLet x (Operation e') s') Gamma
                (ann1 (G,G') ang)
| EqnIf ZL Δ e e' s s' t t' Gamma G G' ang1 ang2
  : eqn_sound ZL Δ s s' {EqnEq (UnOp UnOpToBool e) (Con val_true); Gamma} ang1
   eqn_sound ZL Δ t t' {EqnEq (UnOp UnOpToBool e) (Con val_false); Gamma} ang2
   entails Gamma {(EqnApx e e')}
   eqn_sound ZL Δ (stmtIf e s t) (stmtIf e' s' t') Gamma
              (ann2 (G,G') ang1 ang2)
| EqnApp (l:lab) Y Y' ZL Δ Gamma Z Γf G G'
  : get ZL l Z get Δ l Γf
     length Y = length Y'
     entails (of_list ((fun yEqnEq y y) Y) Gamma) (subst_eqns (sid [Z <-- Y']) Γf)
     entails Gamma (list_EqnApx Y Y')
     eqn_sound ZL Δ (stmtApp l Y) (stmtApp l Y') Gamma (ann0 (G,G'))
| EqnReturn ZL Δ e e' Gamma G G'
  : entails Gamma {(EqnApx e e')}
     eqn_sound ZL Δ (stmtReturn e) (stmtReturn e') Gamma (ann0 (G,G'))
| EqnExtern x f ZL Δ s s' Y Y' Gamma G G' ang
  : eqn_sound ZL Δ s s' {EqnEq (Var x) (Var x) ; Gamma} ang
     entails Gamma (list_EqnApx Y Y')
     list_union ( Ops.freeVars Y') G
     length Y = length Y'
     eqn_sound ZL Δ (stmtLet x (Call f Y) s) (stmtLet x (Call f Y') s') Gamma
                (ann1 (G,G') ang)
| EqnFun ZL Δ ΓF F F' t t' Gamma G G' angs angb
         (Len1:length(ΓF) = length F)
         (Len2: length F = length F')
         (ParamEq: n Z s Z' s' , get F n (Z, s) get F' n (Z', s') Z = Z')
         (IndF: n Z s Z' s' EqS angn , get F n (Z, s) get F' n (Z', s')
                                         get ΓF n EqS get angs n angn
                                         eqn_sound ( fst F ++ ZL)
                                                    (ΓF ++ Δ) s s' (EqS Gamma) angn)
         (Indt:eqn_sound ( fst F ++ ZL) (ΓF ++ Δ) t t' Gamma angb)
         (EqnFVF: n EqS Zs, get F n Zs get ΓF n EqS eqns_freeVars EqS G of_list (fst Zs))
  : eqn_sound ZL Δ (stmtFun F t) (stmtFun F' t') Gamma
              (annF (G,G') angs angb)
| EqnUnsat ZL Δ s s' Gamma ang
  : unsatisfiables Gamma
     eqn_sound ZL Δ s s' Gamma ang.

Lemma unsat_Equal Γ Γ'
  : unsatisfiables Γ
     Γ [=] Γ'
     unsatisfiables Γ'.
  intros; hnf; intros.
  rewrite <- H0. eauto.

Instance eqn_sound_Proper
  : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> Equal ==> ann_R (@pe var _) ==> impl)
  unfold Proper, respectful, impl; intros; subst. symmetry in H4.
  general induction H5; only 1-6:(invt @ann_R; invt @pe).
  - econstructor 1; eauto with cset; try rewrite <- H3; eauto.
  - econstructor 2; eauto with cset; try rewrite <- H3; eauto.
  - econstructor 3; eauto with cset; try rewrite <- H4; eauto.
  - econstructor 4; eauto with cset; try rewrite <- H3; eauto.
  - econstructor 5; eauto with cset; try rewrite <- H3; eauto.
    rewrite H10. eauto.
  - econstructor 6; eauto with cset.
    + intros; inv_get.
      exploit H; eauto; try reflexivity.
      rewrite H3; eauto.
    + intros; inv_get.
      rewrite EqnFVF; eauto. rewrite H7. reflexivity.
  - econstructor.
    rewrite <- H3; eauto.

Ltac dowith c t :=
  match goal with
    | [ H : c _ _ _ _ |- _ ] ⇒ t H

Lemma eqn_sound_entails_monotone ZL Δ Γ1 Γ1' s s' ang
  : renamedApart s ang
     eqn_sound ZL Δ s s' Γ1 ang
     entails Γ1' Γ1
     eqn_sound ZL Δ s s' Γ1' ang.
  intros. general induction H0;
            (try now (eapply EqnUnsat; eauto using unsatisfiable_entails_monotone));
            invt renamedApart; eauto.
  - econstructor; eauto.
    eapply IHeqn_sound; eauto.
    rewrite <- H2. reflexivity.
    + etransitivity; eauto.
  - econstructor; intros; eauto using entails_transitive.
    + eapply IHeqn_sound1; eauto.
      rewrite H1. reflexivity.
    + eapply IHeqn_sound2; eauto.
      rewrite H1. reflexivity.
  - econstructor; eauto using entails_transitive.
    etransitivity; eauto.
    eapply entails_union; split.
    + eapply entails_subset. cset_tac.
    + etransitivity; eauto.
      eapply entails_subset. cset_tac.
  - econstructor; eauto using entails_transitive.
  - econstructor; eauto using entails_transitive, entails_monotone.
    eapply IHeqn_sound; eauto.
    rewrite H4. reflexivity.
  - econstructor; eauto.
    + intros.
      exploit H10; eauto.
      eapply H; eauto.
      eapply entails_union; eauto; split.
      eapply entails_incl. eauto with cset.
      etransitivity; eauto.
      eapply entails_incl. eauto with cset.

Lemma eqn_sound_monotone ZL Δ Γ Γ' s s' ang
  : renamedApart s ang
     eqn_sound ZL Δ s s' Γ ang
     Γ Γ'
     eqn_sound ZL Δ s s' Γ' ang.
  intros. eapply eqn_sound_entails_monotone; eauto.
  eapply entails_incl; eauto.

Hint Resolve satisfies_fstNoneOrR_apx onvLe_fstNoneOrR_apx.

Instance PR : PointwiseProofRelationF (params×eqns):=
    ArgRelFP := fun E E' '(Z,Γf) VL VL'
               ⇒ length Z = length VL VL = VL'
                 satisfiesAll (E [Z <-- Some VL]) Γf;
    ParamRelFP := fun '(Z,_) Z' ZbZ = Z' Zb = Z'

Instance prod_eq_fst_morphism X `{OrderedType X}
: Proper (@pe X _ ==> Equal) fst.
  unfold Proper, respectful; intros.
  inversion H0; simpl; eauto.

Instance prod_eq_snd_morphism X `{OrderedType X}
: Proper (@pe X _ ==> Equal) snd.
  unfold Proper, respectful; intros.
  inversion H0; simpl; eauto.

Instance add_s_m_flip A `{OrderedType A}
  : Proper (Equal ==> Equal ==> iff) Subset.
  unfold Proper, respectful, flip; intros.
  rewrite H0, H1. reflexivity.

Instance add_s_m_flip' A `{OrderedType A}
  : Proper (Equal ==> Equal ==> impl) Subset.
  unfold Proper, respectful, flip; intros.
  rewrite H0, H1. reflexivity.

Instance add_s_m_flip'' A `{OrderedType A}
  : Proper (Equal ==> Equal ==> flip impl) Subset.
  unfold Proper, respectful, flip; intros.
  rewrite H0, H1. reflexivity.

Lemma satisfiesAll_EqnEq_omap E Y
  : satisfiesAll E (of_list ((fun y : opEqnEq y y) Y))
     vl, omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl.
  general induction Y; simpl.
  - split; hnf; intros; eauto. hnf; intros. cset_tac.
  - rewrite satisfiesAll_add.
    simpl. case_eq (op_eval E a); intros; simpl.
    rewrite IHY.
    + split; intros; dcr. rewrite H3. simpl. eauto.
      split; eauto. econstructor; eauto. monad_inv H1. eauto.
    + split; intros; dcr; clear_trivial_eqs.

Lemma satisfiesAll_EqnApx_omap E Y Y' (LEN:Y=Y') vl
  : satisfiesAll E (list_EqnApx Y Y')
     omap (op_eval E) Y = Some vl
     omap (op_eval E) Y' = Some vl.
  unfold list_EqnApx.
  general induction LEN; simpl in *; eauto.
  - monad_inv H0.
    rewrite satisfiesAll_add in H; dcr.
    hnf in H0. rewrite EQ in ×. inv H0.
    simpl. eapply IHLEN in H1; eauto.
    rewrite H1. reflexivity.

Lemma sim_vopt r L L' V s s' ZL Δ Gamma ang
  : satisfiesAll V Gamma
     eqn_sound ZL Δ s s' Gamma ang
     labenv_sim SimExt (sim r) PR (zip pair ZL Δ) L L'
     renamedApart s ang
     eqns_freeVars Gamma fst (getAnn ang)
     ( n b Γf, get L n b
                get Δ n Γf
                eqns_freeVars Γf fst (getAnn ang) of_list (block_Z b)
                agree_on eq (eqns_freeVars Γf \ of_list (block_Z b)) (F.block_E b) V)
     sim r SimExt (L,V, s) (L',V, s').
  general induction EQN; (try (now exfalso; eapply H; eauto));
    simpl; invtc renamedApart; simpl in × |- ×.
  - exploit H; eauto.
    exploit H0; eauto; [cset_tac|].
    eapply (sim_let_op_apx il_statetype_F).
    + eauto.
    + intros. left. eapply IHEQN; eauto.
      × assert (satisfies (V [x <- v ]) (EqnEq (Var x) e)). {
          eauto using satisfies_EqnEq_on_update.
        rewrite !satisfiesAll_add; split; eauto.
         -- eapply satisfiesAll_agree; eauto.
            eapply agree_on_update_dead; eauto.
      × pe_rewrite. rewrite! eqns_freeVars_add. simpl.
        rewrite H7, FV. clear. cset_tac.
      × intros. exploit EEQ; dcr; eauto.
        pe_rewrite. rewrite H11 at 1. split.
        -- clear_all. cset_tac.
        -- symmetry. eapply agree_on_update_dead; eauto.
           rewrite H11. revert H6; clear_all; cset_tac.
           symmetry. eauto.
    + eauto.
  - exploit H; eauto. exploit H0; eauto; [cset_tac|].
     eapply (sim_cond_op_apx il_statetype_F).
     + eauto.
     + eauto.
     + intros. left. eapply IHEQN1; clear IHEQN1 IHEQN2; eauto.
       × apply satisfiesAll_add. eauto using op_eval_true_satisfies.
       × rewrite eqns_freeVars_add. simpl. pe_rewrite. intros a0 A. cset_tac.
       × pe_rewrite; eauto with cset.
     + intros. left. eapply IHEQN2; clear IHEQN1 IHEQN2; eauto.
       × apply satisfiesAll_add. eauto using op_eval_false_satisfies.
       × rewrite eqns_freeVars_add . pe_rewrite. intros gamma A. cset_tac.
       × pe_rewrite. eauto with cset.
  - eapply labenv_sim_app; eauto using zip_get; simpl.
    intros; split; intros; eauto.
    assert (EV:omap (op_eval V) Y' = Yv ). {
      eapply omap_satisfies_list_EqnApx; eauto.
    simpl in *; dcr; subst.
     Yv; repeat split; eauto using omap_exp_eval_onvLe.
    exploit EEQ; eauto; dcr. clear H11. simpl in ×. symmetry in H12.
    rewrite <- satisfiesAll_subst; eauto with len.
    eapply H2.
    eapply satisfiesAll_union; split; eauto.
    hnf; intros ? Get.
    eapply of_list_get_first in Get; dcr.
    inv_get. invc H11. simpl.
    eapply omap_inversion in H8; eauto; dcr.
    rewrite H15. econstructor; eauto.
  - eapply (sim_return_apx il_statetype_F).
    exploit H; eauto. eauto.
  - exploit H; eauto. eapply (sim_let_call_apx il_statetype_F); eauto; simpl.
    + case_eq (omap (op_eval V) Y); eauto using fstNoneOrR.
      rewrite <- H3. eapply satisfies_omap_op_eval_fstNoneOrR; eauto.
    + intros. simpl. left. eapply IHEQN; eauto.
      × eauto using satisfiesAll_EqnEq_on_update.
      × pe_rewrite. rewrite eqns_freeVars_add. simpl.
        rewrite FV. clear_all. cset_tac.
      × intros. exploit EEQ; dcr; eauto.
        pe_rewrite. split.
        rewrite H6. clear_all; cset_tac.
        symmetry. eapply agree_on_update_dead; try symmetry; eauto.
        rewrite H6. revert H8. clear_all. cset_tac.
  - pone_step. left. eapply IHEQN; eauto.
    + rewrite zip_app; eauto with len.
      eapply labenv_sim_extension_ptw; eauto with len.
      × intros. hnf. intros. simpl in × |- ×. destruct a. dcr. subst. inv_get.
        exploit ParamEq; eauto. subst.
        exploit H7; eauto. dcr.
        eapply H; eauto.
        -- rewrite satisfiesAll_union; split.
           ++ exploit EqnFVF; eauto.
           ++ eapply satisfiesAll_agree; eauto.
             eapply agree_on_update_list_dead; eauto.
             ** edestruct H8; eauto; dcr.
                rewrite FV. eauto.
        -- rewrite eqns_freeVars_union.
           rewrite FV. edestruct H8; eauto; dcr. simpl in ×.
           rewrite H14.
           exploit EqnFVF as EQ; eauto.
           rewrite EQ. simpl.
           clear; cset_tac.
        -- intros ? ? ? Get1 Get2. eapply get_app_cases in Get1. destruct Get1.
           ++ inv_get.
             edestruct H8; try eapply H5; eauto; dcr. simpl in ×.
             rewrite H15. split.
             ** rewrite EqnFVF; eauto. clear_all; cset_tac.
             ** eapply agree_on_update_list_dead; eauto with len.
                rewrite EqnFVF; eauto.
                eapply disj_2_incl; eauto. clear_all; cset_tac.
           ++ dcr; simpl in ×. len_simpl.
             rewrite get_app_ge in Get2; eauto with len.
             rewrite Len1 in ×. inv_get.
             exploit EEQ; eauto; dcr.
              edestruct H8; try eapply H5; eauto; dcr.
             rewrite H14. simpl. split. rewrite H18.
             clear_all; cset_tac.
             simpl in ×.
             eapply agree_on_update_list_dead; eauto.
             eapply disj_2_incl; eauto. rewrite H18.
             clear_all; cset_tac. omega.
      × hnf. intros. simpl in ×. subst. inv_get. exploit ParamEq; dcr; eauto.
    + pe_rewrite. eauto.
    + intros ? ? ? Get1 Get2. eapply get_app_cases in Get1. destruct Get1.
      ++ inv_get. pe_rewrite. split; eauto.
      ++ dcr; simpl in ×. len_simpl.
        rewrite get_app_ge in Get2; eauto with len.
        rewrite Len1 in ×.
        exploit EEQ; eauto; dcr.
        split; eauto. pe_rewrite. eauto. omega.