
Require Import List Arith.
Require Import IL Annotation AutoIndTac Exp RenamedApart Util.
Require Import SetOperations SimF Var.
Require Import SMT NoFun CombineEnv.
Require Import Guards ILFtoSMT GuardProps ComputeProps.

Function Definitions
Lemma freeVars_incl:
   s D p,
    renamedApart s D
     noFun s
     freeVars (translateStmt s p) (fst (getAnn D) (snd (getAnn D))).
  intros s D p ssaS nfS.
  rewrite freeVars_translateStmt.
  rewrite <- renamedApart_occurVars; eauto.
  rewrite <- renamedApart_freeVars; eauto.
  rewrite occurVars_freeVars_definedVars. reflexivity.

Lemma 12 in the thesis Formulas can be extended by a Q that represents the effects of the program history
Lemma unsat_extension L D E E' s s' pol P Q:
( F E, models F (to_total E) Q ¬ models F (to_total E) (smtAnd (translateStmt s pol) P))
renamedApart s D
noFun s
noCall s
star nc_step (L, E, s) (L, E', s')
Q', ( F, models F (to_total E') Q' )
              freeVars Q' snd(getAnn D) fst(getAnn D)
              ( F E, models F (to_total E) (smtAnd Q Q')
                            ¬ models F (to_total E) (smtAnd (translateStmt s' pol) P)).
  intros Q_impl_mod RA noFun_s noCall_s term_s.
  general induction term_s.
  - smtTrue; simpl; cset_tac.
  - exploit nc_step_agree as AGR1; eauto using star_step.
    destruct H; simpl in ×. hnf in H.
    invt noFun; invt renamedApart; invt F.step; invt notApp; invt noCall;
      exploit nc_step_agree' as AGR2; eauto; simpl in ×.
    + exploit IHterm_s; try reflexivity; eauto.
      × intros; intro.
        eapply Q_impl_mod. eauto. simpl.
        instantiate (1:=(smtAnd P (guardGen (undef e0) source (constr (Var x) e0))))
          in H4; simpl in *; dcr.
        rewrite models_guardGen_source in H13.
        destruct pol.
        -- rewrite models_guardGen_source. simpl in *; dcr.
           repeat (split; eauto).
        -- rewrite models_guardGen_target. simpl in *; dcr.
           repeat (split; eauto).
      × destruct H2 as [P' ?]; simpl in *; dcr.
        eexists (smtAnd P' (guardGen (undef e0) source (constr (Var x) e0)));
          repeat split; eauto.
        -- rewrite models_guardGen_source; simpl; split.
          ** eapply guard_true_if_eval.
             eauto using op_eval_agree with cset.
          ** eapply smt_eval_var; eauto with cset.
        -- simpl. rewrite freeVars_guardGen, freeVars_undef, !H6; simpl.
           rewrite H6, H11, H9. clear; cset_tac.
        -- intros; intro. simpl in ×.
           eapply H12; dcr; simpl; eauto.
    + exploit IHterm_s; try reflexivity; eauto.
      × intros; intro.
        eapply Q_impl_mod. eauto. simpl.
        instantiate (1:=(smtAnd P (guardGen (undef e) source (ite e (smtTrue) (smtFalse))))) in H4; simpl in *; dcr.
        rewrite models_guardGen_source in H17.
        destruct pol.
        -- rewrite models_guardGen_source. simpl in *; dcr.
           cases in H15; [|isabsurd].
           repeat (split; eauto).
        -- rewrite models_guardGen_target. simpl in *; dcr.
           cases in H15; [|isabsurd].
           repeat (split; eauto).
      × destruct H3 as [P' ?]; simpl in *; dcr.
        eexists (smtAnd P' (guardGen (undef e) source (ite e (smtTrue) (smtFalse))));
          repeat split; eauto.
        -- rewrite models_guardGen_source; simpl; split.
          ** eapply guard_true_if_eval.
             eauto using op_eval_agree with cset.
          ** erewrite smt_eval_op; eauto with cset.
             rewrite condTrue; eauto.
        -- simpl. rewrite freeVars_guardGen, freeVars_undef, !H6; simpl.
           rewrite H15, <- H8, H6. clear; cset_tac.
        -- intros; intro. simpl in ×.
           eapply H16; dcr; simpl; eauto.
    + exploit IHterm_s; try reflexivity; eauto.
      × intros; intro.
        eapply Q_impl_mod. eauto. simpl.
        instantiate (1:=(smtAnd P (guardGen (undef e) source (ite e (smtFalse) (smtTrue))))) in H4; simpl in *; dcr.
        rewrite models_guardGen_source in H17.
        destruct pol.
        -- rewrite models_guardGen_source. simpl in *; dcr.
           cases in H15; [isabsurd|].
           repeat (split; eauto).
        -- rewrite models_guardGen_target. simpl in *; dcr.
           cases in H15; [isabsurd|].
           repeat (split; eauto).
      × destruct H3 as [P' ?]; simpl in *; dcr.
        eexists (smtAnd P' (guardGen (undef e) source (ite e (smtFalse) (smtTrue))));
          repeat split; eauto.
        -- rewrite models_guardGen_source; simpl; split.
          ** eapply guard_true_if_eval.
             eauto using op_eval_agree with cset.
          ** erewrite smt_eval_op; eauto with cset.
             rewrite condFalse; eauto.
        -- simpl. rewrite freeVars_guardGen, freeVars_undef, !H6; simpl.
          rewrite H15, <- H8, H6. clear; cset_tac.
        -- intros; intro. simpl in ×.
           eapply H16; dcr; simpl; eauto.

Lemma predeval_uneq_ret E et es e e' P
  : op_eval E et = Some e
     op_eval E es = Some e'
     ( F, models F (to_total E) P)
     ( (F:lab list val bool),
          models F (to_total E) P
          ¬ ((models F (to_total E) (translateStmt (stmtReturn et) target))
             models F (to_total E) (translateStmt (stmtReturn es) source)))
     (e = e').
  intros. decide (e = e').
  - assumption.
  - exfalso.
    set (F:=(fun (l:pred) (l:list val) ⇒ if [ e' = hd e l ] then true else false)).
    eapply (H2 F); eauto.
    erewrite models_guardGen_target at 1.
    erewrite models_guardGen_source. simpl.
    unfold F at 2 4; simpl.
    repeat erewrite op_eval_smt_eval; eauto.
    repeat cases; eauto using guard_true_if_eval.

Lemma predeval_uneq_goto E l1 l2 et es el el' P
  : omap (op_eval E) et = Some el
     omap (op_eval E) es = Some el'
    ->( F, models F (to_total E) P)
     ( (F:lab list val bool),
          models F (to_total E) P
          ¬ ((models F (to_total E) (translateStmt (stmtApp l1 et) target))
             models F (to_total E) (translateStmt (stmtApp l2 es) source)))
     (el = el').
  intros. decide (el = el').
  - assumption.
  - decide (l1 = l2).
    + pose (F:= (fun (_:lab) ⇒ fun xif [ x = el' ] then true else false )).
      specialize (H2 F). specialize (H1 F). specialize (H2 H1). clear H1.
      simpl in H2; exfalso; eapply H2.
      erewrite models_guardGen_source; erewrite models_guardGen_target.
      simpl; split; intros; try split.
      × erewrite (list_eval_agree _ _ H) in H3.
        unfold F in H3. cases in H3; isabsurd.
      × eapply guardList_true_if_eval; eauto.
      × unfold F. erewrite (list_eval_agree _ _ H0).
        cases; intuition.
   + pose (F:= fun lfun (_:list val) ⇒ if [l = labInc l2 1] then true else false).
      specialize (H1 F); specialize (H2 F).
      specialize (H2 H1).
      simpl in H2; exfalso; eapply H2.
      erewrite models_guardGen_source; erewrite models_guardGen_target.
      simpl; split; intros; try split.
      × unfold F in H4. cases in H4; try isabsurd.
         eapply n0. destruct l1, l2. eapply labeq_incr; simpl; eauto.
      × eapply guardList_true_if_eval; eauto.
      × unfold F. cases; intuition.

Case 1 of final theorem. Given source program s, target program t, if s^+ /\ t^- is unsatisfiable the two programs are equivalent
Lemma tval_term_sound L D D' E Es Et s s' t t'
  : ( F E, ¬ models F E (smtCheck s t))
    (* Both programs have the same free variables *)
     (fst(getAnn D)) [=] (fst(getAnn D'))
    (* The programs are renamed apart from each other *)
     disj (snd (getAnn D)) (snd (getAnn D'))
    (* Every variable gets defined only once in s and t*)
     renamedApart s D
     renamedApart t D'
     noFun s noCall s (* disallow function definitions and external function calls *)
     noFun t noCall t(* same*)
    (* Free Variables must be defined *)
     ( x, x (fst(getAnn D)) v, E x = Some v)
     Terminates (L,E,s) (L,Es,s')
     Terminates (L,E,t) (L,Et,t')
     @sim _ statetype_F _ statetype_F bot3 SimExt (L, E, s) (L, E, t).

  intros Unsat_check Eq_FVars RenApart ssa_s ssa_t [nf_s nc_s] [nf_t nc_t] val_def
         [star_s trm_s] [star_t trm_t].
  unfold smtCheck in Unsat_check.
  pose proof (extend_not_models _ smtTrue Unsat_check) as extend_mod.
  assert ( (F : pred list val bool) (E : onv val),
             models F (to_total E) smtTrue
              ¬ models F (to_total E) (smtAnd (translateStmt s source) (translateStmt t target)))
    as extend_mod_partial
      by (intros F E0 mod_true;specialize (extend_mod F (to_total E0) mod_true); auto).
  pose proof (unsat_extension L D E Es s s' source (translateStmt t target) smtTrue)
    as extend1.
  specialize (extend1 extend_mod_partial ssa_s nf_s nc_s star_s).
  destruct extend1 as [Q [mod_Q [fv_Q Unsat_check2]]].
  pose proof (unsat_extension L D' E Et t t' target (translateStmt s' source) (smtAnd smtTrue Q))
    as extend2.
  assert ( (F : pred list val bool) (E : onv val),
             models F (to_total E) (smtAnd smtTrue Q)
              ¬ models F (to_total E) (smtAnd (translateStmt t target) (translateStmt s' source))) as sat_Q.
  - intros F E0 mod_E0_Q mod_t_s'.
    specialize (Unsat_check2 F E0 mod_E0_Q).
    apply Unsat_check2; simpl in mod_t_s'; simpl;
      destruct mod_t_s'; split; auto.
  - specialize (extend2 sat_Q).
Clean up
    clear sat_Q Unsat_check Unsat_check2.
    specialize (extend2 ssa_t nf_t nc_t star_t).
    destruct extend2 as [Q' [mod_Q' [fv_Q' Unsat_st]]].
Construct model for assumption: TODO: Make this a lemma
    assert ( F,
               models F
                      (to_total (combineEnv (fst (getAnn D) snd (getAnn D)) Es Et))
                      (smtAnd (smtAnd smtTrue Q) Q')) as mod_pre.
    + intros F.
      simpl; split; try split; try auto.
      × specialize (mod_Q F).
        assert (agree_on eq
                         (fst (getAnn D) snd (getAnn D)) Es
                         (combineEnv (fst (getAnn D) snd (getAnn D)) Es Et)).
        { hnf; intros.
          unfold combineEnv; cases; try eauto; isabsurd. }
        { eapply models_agree; eauto.
          hnf; intros.
          eapply (agree_on_total (lv:={x})); [|eauto with cset].
          eapply (agree_on_incl (lv:= freeVars Q)); [|eauto with cset].
          eapply (agree_on_incl (lv:= fst(getAnn D) snd(getAnn D)));
            cset_tac; eauto.
      × specialize (mod_Q' F).
        assert (agree_on eq
                         (fst (getAnn D') snd(getAnn D')) Et
                         (combineEnv (fst (getAnn D) snd (getAnn D)) Es Et)).
        { hnf; intros.
          unfold combineEnv; cases; try eauto.
          - rewrite <- (@nc_step_agree L L s D s' E Es); auto.
            rewrite <- (@nc_step_agree L L t D' t' E Et); auto.
          - pose proof (renamedApart_disj ssa_s).
            exfalso; eauto.
          - pose proof (renamedApart_disj ssa_t).
            exfalso; eauto.
        { eapply models_agree; eauto.
          hnf; intros.
          eapply (agree_on_total (lv:={x})); [|eauto with cset].
          eapply (agree_on_incl (lv:= freeVars Q')); [| eauto with cset].
          eapply (agree_on_incl (lv:= fst (getAnn D') snd(getAnn D')));
            cset_tac; eauto.
    + pose proof (nc_star_step star_s) as s_star2.
      pose proof (nc_star_step star_t) as t_star2.

      inv trm_s; inv trm_t. simpl in ×.
s' = e /\ t' = e' --> must be sim
      × pfold. eapply (SimTerm);
           [| eapply s_star2 | eapply t_star2 |stuck2 | stuck2]; simpl.
         edestruct terminates_impl_eval; eauto. split; eauto.
         edestruct terminates_impl_eval; try eapply nf_s; eauto.
         split; eauto.
         rewrite H, H2.
         remember (smtAnd (smtAnd smtTrue Q) Q') as P.
         remember (fst (getAnn D) snd(getAnn D)) as vars_s.
         remember (combineEnv vars_s Es Et) as C_env.
         pose proof (predeval_uneq_ret C_env e0 e x x0 P).
         destruct (nc_step_agree_combine D D' L E s t Es Et e e0); eauto.
         subst; simpl in *; pe_rewrite.
         eapply H3; eauto;
           try erewrite op_eval_agree; eauto.
      × subst. simpl in Unsat_st. exfalso.
        pose (F:= (fun (l:lab) ⇒ if (beq_nat (labN l) (labN (labInc f 1)))
                               then (fun (x:list val) ⇒ false)
                               else (fun (x:list val) ⇒ true))).
        remember (fst (getAnn D) snd(getAnn D)) as vars_s.
        remember (combineEnv vars_s Es Et) as E'.
        specialize (Unsat_st F E' ).
        eapply Unsat_st.
        { eapply (mod_pre). }
        { erewrite models_guardGen_target.
          erewrite models_guardGen_source.
          simpl; split; intros; try split.
          - unfold F in H2.
            rewrite <- (beq_nat_refl (labN(labInc f 1))) in H2; intuition.
          - subst.
            rewrite <- combineEnv_models.
            + eapply (guardTrue_if_Terminates L L _ s); eauto.
              split; eauto.
            + rewrite freeVars_undef.
              rewrite <- (renamedApart_contained); try eapply ssa_s; simpl; eauto.
              simpl; eauto.
          - unfold F. destruct f; simpl; eauto.
      × subst.
        simpl in Unsat_st.
        pose (F:= (fun (l:lab) ⇒ if (beq_nat (labN l) (labN (labInc f 1)))
                               then (fun (x:list val) ⇒ true)
                               else (fun (x:list val) ⇒ false))).
        remember (fst (getAnn D) snd(getAnn D)) as vars_s.
        remember (combineEnv vars_s Es Et) as E'.
        specialize (Unsat_st F E' ).
        eapply Unsat_st.
        { eapply (mod_pre). }
        { erewrite models_guardGen_target.
          erewrite models_guardGen_source.
          simpl; split; intros; try split.
          - unfold F in H0.
            simpl in H0.
            unfold labInc in H0.
            destruct f.
            simpl in H0; isabsurd.
          - subst. rewrite <- combineEnv_models.
            × eapply (guardTrue_if_Terminates_goto L L _ s); eauto.
              split; eauto.
            × rewrite freeVars_undefLift.
              exploit renamedApart_contained; try eapply ssa_s; eauto.
          - unfold F. rewrite <- (beq_nat_refl (labN (labInc f 1))); constructor.
      × eapply sim_expansion_closed; eauto.
        decide (f = f0).
        { subst.
          destruct (get_dec L (counted f0)) as [[[bE bZ bs]]|].
          - edestruct (@terminates_impl_evalList L L E s Es f0 Y nf_s);
              [ split; eauto | ].
            edestruct (@terminates_impl_evalList L L E t Et f0 Y0 nf_t);
              [ split; eauto | ].
            pose proof (predeval_uneq_goto
                          (combineEnv (fst(getAnn D) (snd (getAnn D))) Es Et)
                          f0 f0 Y0 Y x0 x)
              as equal_goto.
            specialize (equal_goto (smtAnd (smtAnd smtTrue Q) Q')).
            exploit (combineEnv_omap_exp_eval_left Y (fst(getAnn D) (snd (getAnn D))) Es Et)
              as val_agree_left.
            + exploit renamedApart_contained as a_in_fst_snd; try eapply star_s; eauto.
            + exploit (combineEnv_omap_exp_eval_right Y0 (fst(getAnn D) (snd (getAnn D))) Es Et)
                as val_agree_right.
              × (* freeVars ∩ Ds' agree *)
                edestruct (@nc_step_renamedApart D' L E t Et)
                  as [D'' [ ssaGoto [ fstSubset sndSubset ]]]; eauto.
                inv ssaGoto; simpl in ×.
                exploit (@nc_step_agree L L s); eauto.
                exploit (@nc_step_agree L L t); eauto.
                rewrite <- Eq_FVars in H4. rewrite H3 in H4.
                eapply agree_on_incl; eauto.
                exploit (renamedApart_contained L E t); eauto.
                simpl in ×.
                rewrite H6, Eq_FVars.
                revert RenApart.
                clear; cset_tac.
              × exploit equal_goto; eauto; clear equal_goto.
                rewrite val_agree_right; eauto.
                rewrite val_agree_left; eauto.
                exploit omap_length; eauto.
                exploit omap_length; try eapply H; eauto.
                decide (length Y = length bZ).
                -- pone_step.
                   ++ simpl. congruence.
                   ++ simpl. left. eapply sim_refl.
                -- pno_step.
          - pno_step; eauto. }
        { exfalso.
          pose (F := (fun lfun (_:list val) ⇒ if [labInc f 1 = l] then true else false)).
          specialize (Unsat_st F (combineEnv (fst(getAnn D) (snd (getAnn D))) Es Et)).
          eapply Unsat_st.
          - eapply (mod_pre).
          - unfold F; simpl.
            erewrite models_guardGen_source; erewrite models_guardGen_target.
            simpl. split; intros; simpl; try split.
            + cases in H2; eauto.
              eapply n. destruct f,f0. simpl in *; eapply labeq_incr. simpl; eauto.
            + pose proof (@terminates_impl_evalList L L E s Es f Y); eauto.
              destruct H; eauto.
              hnf; split; eauto.
              eapply guardList_true_if_eval; eauto.
              rewrite (combineEnv_omap_exp_eval_left Y (fst(getAnn D) (snd (getAnn D))) Es Et ); eauto.
              edestruct (@nc_step_renamedApart D L E s Es); eauto; dcr.
              inv H3.
              subst; simpl in ×.
              exploit renamedApart_contained; try eapply star_s; eauto.
            + cases; eauto.

Theorem 2 in the thesis
(* Unused hypothesis from legacy stuff:
Ds' ∩ Dt' = Df  The free Variables do not get overwritten?
  getAnn D = (Df, Ds') To acces the environments from ssa
-> getAnn D' = (Df, Dt') *)

Lemma tval_sound L D D' E s t:
  ( F E, ¬ models F E (smtCheck s t))
  (* Both programs have the same free variables *)
   (fst(getAnn D)) [=] (fst(getAnn D'))
  (* The programs are renamed apart from each other *)
   disj (snd (getAnn D)) (snd (getAnn D'))
  (* Every variable gets defined only once in s and t*)
   renamedApart s D
   renamedApart t D'
   noFun s noCall s(* disallow function definitions and external function calls *)
   noFun t noCall t(* same*)
  (* Free Variables must be defined *)
   ( x, x (fst(getAnn D)) v, E x = Some v)
   @sim _ statetype_F _ statetype_F bot3 SimExt (L, E, s) (L, E, t).

  intros Unsat_check Eq_FVars RenApart ssa_s ssa_t [nf_s nc_s] [nf_t nc_t] val_def.
  pose proof (@noFun_impl_term_crash E s nf_s nc_s) as term_crash_s.
  destruct term_crash_s as [Es [s' term_crash_s]].
  pose proof (@noFun_impl_term_crash E t nf_t nc_t) as term_crash_t.
  destruct term_crash_t as [Et [t' term_crash_t]].
  specialize (term_crash_s L); specialize (term_crash_t L).
Case Split for Termination of s and t
  destruct term_crash_s as [term_s | crash_s].
Case 1: s terminates & t terminates
  - destruct term_crash_t as [term_t | crash_t].
    + eapply tval_term_sound; eauto.
Widerspruch konstruieren aus guard = False und ~ models apply Lemma dass wenn es gibt i was models s und crash t --> models s /\ t konstruieren mit sat_extension und Lemma terminates_impl_sim
    + pose proof (terminates_impl_models L s D E s' Es ssa_s nf_s term_s)
          as sat_s.
      assert ( x, x fst(getAnn D') v, E x = Some v) as fv_def.
      × intros x in_fst.
        apply (val_def x); eauto.
        rewrite Eq_FVars; auto.
      × pose proof (crash_impl_models L L D' t E Et t' ssa_t fv_def nf_t nc_t crash_t (fun _fun _true)).
        pose proof (combineEnv_agree (fst (getAnn D) snd(getAnn D)) Es Et)
          as agree_combineEnv.
        specialize (Unsat_check (fun _fun _true) (to_total (combineEnv (fst (getAnn D) snd(getAnn D)) Es Et))).
        apply Unsat_check; simpl; split.
        { eapply models_agree; eauto.
          eapply agree_on_total.
          eapply (agree_on_incl (lv:= fst (getAnn D) snd(getAnn D) )); eauto.
          pose proof (freeVars_incl s D source ssa_s nf_s a H0); cset_tac. }
        { pose proof (freeVars_incl t D' target ssa_t nf_t).
          rewrite <- models_agree; eauto.
          eapply agree_on_total.
          rewrite freeVars_translateStmt, occurVars_freeVars_definedVars.
          rewrite renamedApart_freeVars, renamedApart_occurVars; eauto.
          rewrite <- Eq_FVars. symmetry.
          eapply agree_on_incl; [ eapply combineEnv_agree_meet | reflexivity].
          exploit nc_step_agree; try eapply term_s; eauto.
          exploit nc_step_agree; try eapply crash_t; eauto.
          rewrite <- Eq_FVars in H2. rewrite H1 in H2; clear H1.
          eapply agree_on_incl; eauto.
          cset_tac; eauto.
s crasht --> always sim
  - destruct crash_s.
    pfold. eapply SimErr; eauto using nc_star_step, nc_stuck_result_none, nc_stuck_terminal.