Require Import paco2 AllInRel Util Map Envs Exp IL SimI DecSolve MoreList Sawtooth Sublist.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Printing Records.
Pull all definitions to the top.
D at index f holds the new index of function f
n is the number of pulled-up defintions so far (n >= length D),
not neccessarily equal
yields the transformed statement and the global definitions
Definition egalize_funs (egalize:list nat → nat → stmt → stmt × list (params × stmt))
(D':list nat) (n:nat) (F:list (params × stmt)) :=
fold_right (fun f nF' ⇒
let '(n, F1, F2) := nF' in
let (s, F'') := egalize D' n (snd f) in
let n' := n + length F'' in
(n', (fst f, s)::F1, F2 ++ F'')) (n, nil, nil) F.
Definition plus' n i (Z:params × stmt) := n + i.
Definition extend n (F:list (params × stmt)) D := mapi (fun i _ ⇒ i+n) F ++ D.
Fixpoint egalize (D:list nat) (n:nat) (s:stmt) : stmt × list (params × stmt) :=
match s with
| stmtLet x e s ⇒
let (s', F) := egalize D n s in
(stmtLet x e s', F)
| stmtIf x s1 s2 ⇒
let (s1', F1) := egalize D n s1 in
let (s2', F2) := egalize D (n + length F1) s2 in
(stmtIf x s1' s2', F1 ++ F2)
| stmtApp l Y ⇒ (stmtApp (LabI (nth (counted l) D 0)) Y, nil)
| stmtReturn x ⇒ (stmtReturn x, nil)
| stmtFun F s ⇒
(* entries for definitions in F: they are put to the bottom of the stack *)
let D' := mapi (plus' n) F ++ D in
let '(n', F1, F2) := egalize_funs egalize D' (length F + n) F in
let (s', F'') := egalize D' n' s in
(s', F1 ++ F2 ++ F'')
Lemma egalize_funs_length1 f D n F
: length (snd (fst (egalize_funs f D n F))) = length F.
induction F; intros; simpl; eauto.
erewrite <- IHF. unfold egalize_funs.
repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; simpl.
repeat f_equal.
Lemma egalize_funs_length2 f D n F
: length (snd (egalize_funs f D n F)) + n = fst (fst (egalize_funs f D n F)).
revert n. induction F; intros; simpl; eauto.
repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; simpl.
rewrite app_length. rewrite <- IHF. omega.
Lemma egalize_funs_get F f Zb sb n D s p
: get F f (Zb, sb)
→ get (snd (fst (egalize_funs egalize D n F))) f (p, s)
→ let nF := egalize_funs egalize D n (drop (f+1) F) in
fst (egalize D (fst (fst nF)) sb) = s ∧ p = Zb.
intros GetF GetE nF.
general induction F.
- simpl in ×. subst nF. inv GetF.
+ simpl in ×.
repeat let_case_eq. subst. simpl in ×. inv GetE. rewrite eq1; eauto.
+ inv GetE. simpl. eapply IHF; eauto.
repeat let_case_eq; subst; simpl in *; eauto.
inv H; eauto.
Lemma egalize_funs_get2 D n' F L' f Zb sb
: get F f (Zb, sb)
→ ∃ L'',
let h := egalize_funs egalize D n' in
drop (length (snd (h (drop (f + 1) F))))
(mapi_impl I.mkBlock n' (snd (h F))
++ L') =
mapi_impl I.mkBlock (length (snd (h (drop (f + 1) F))) + n')
(snd (egalize D
(length (snd (h (drop (f + 1) F))) + n') sb)) ++
intros. general induction f.
- simpl in ×.
repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; simpl.
rewrite <- egalize_funs_length2.
rewrite mapi_app.
simpl in ×.
rewrite <- app_assoc.
erewrite (drop_app_eq). eexists. rewrite Plus.plus_comm. reflexivity.
rewrite mapi_impl_length; eauto.
- inv H; simpl in ×.
repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; simpl.
edestruct (IHf D) with (n':=n'); eauto.
eexists. rewrite mapi_app. rewrite <- app_assoc.
eapply H0.
Definition indexwise_r t (r:irel) A (PR:ProofRelationI A) AL' F AL L L' :=
∀ n n' Z s Z' s' a i,
IndexRelI (AL' ++ AL) n n'
→ get F n (Z,s)
→ get L' n' (I.blockI Z' s' i)
→ get AL' n a
→ ∀ E E' VL VL',
ArgRelI E E' a VL VL'
→ r t (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L, E[Z <-- Some VL], s)
(L', E'[Z' <-- Some VL'], s').
Lemma indexwise_r_mon t (r r':irel) A (PR:ProofRelationI A) AL' F AL L L'
: indexwise_r t r PR AL' F AL L L'
→ (∀ t x y, r t x y → r' t x y)
→ indexwise_r t r' PR AL' F AL L L'.
intros Idx LE; hnf; intros; eauto.
Definition indexwise_paramrel A (PR:ProofRelationI A) (F:〔params × stmt〕) AL' L' AL :=
∀ n n' Z s Z' s' a i,
IndexRelI (AL' ++ AL) n n'
→ get F n (Z,s)
→ get L' n' (I.blockI Z' s' i)
→ get AL' n a
→ ParamRelI a Z Z'.
Lemma complete_paramrel A (PR:ProofRelationI A) F AL' AL L L' (Len1:length AL' = length F)
: indexwise_paramrel PR F AL' L' AL
→ Image AL' = 0
→ paramrel PR AL L L'
→ paramrel PR (AL' ++ AL) (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L) L'.
intros IP Img PAR.
intros f f' ? ? ? ? ? ? ? RN GetAL GetFL GetL'.
assert (Len3:❬AL'❭ = ❬mapi I.mkBlock F❭) by eauto with len.
eapply get_app_cases in GetAL. destruct GetAL as [GetAL'| [GetAL LE]].
- eapply get_app_lt_1 in GetFL; [| rewrite <- Len3; eauto using get_range].
inv_get. destruct x. exploit IP; eauto.
- eapply get_app_right_ge in GetFL; [ | rewrite <- Len3; eauto].
eapply IndexRelDrop in RN; eauto.
orewrite (f' - Image AL' = f') in RN.
exploit (PAR (LabI (f - ❬AL'❭)) (LabI f')); simpl; eauto.
rewrite Len3; eauto.
Definition labenv_sim t (r:irel)
{A} (PR:ProofRelationI A) (AL:list A) L L' :=
length AL = length L ∧
sawtooth L ∧
tooth 0 L' ∧
paramrel PR AL L L' ∧
app_r t r PR AL L L'.
Lemma labenv_sim_nil t r A PR
: @labenv_sim t r A PR nil nil nil.
do 4 (try split); eauto using @sawtooth, @tooth.
- hnf; intros; isabsurd.
- hnf; intros; isabsurd.
Hint Immediate labenv_sim_nil.
Lemma labenv_sim_mon t (r r':irel) A (PR:ProofRelationI A) AL L L'
: labenv_sim t r PR AL L L'
→ (∀ t x y, r t x y → r' t x y)
→ labenv_sim t r' PR AL L L'.
intros [LEN [STL [STL' [PAR SIM]]]] LE; hnf; do 5 (try split); eauto.
eapply app_r_mon; eauto.
Lemma labenv_sim_extension' t (r:irel) A (PR:ProofRelationI A) (AL AL':list A) F L L'
(Len1:length AL' = length F)
: indexwise_r t (sim r \3/ r) PR AL' F AL L L'
→ indexwise_paramrel PR F AL' L' AL
→ Image AL' = 0
→ labenv_sim t (sim r) PR AL L L'
→ labenv_sim t (sim r) PR (AL' ++ AL) (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L) L'.
intros ISIM IP Img [Len2 [STL [TT [PAR SIML]]]].
hnf. repeat split; eauto using sawtooth_I_mkBlocks, complete_paramrel with len.
intros f f' ? ? ? ? ? ? ? RN GetAL GetFL GetL'.
assert (❬AL'❭ = ❬mapi I.mkBlock F❭) by eauto with len.
eapply get_app_cases in GetAL. destruct GetAL as [GetAL'| [GetAL LE]].
- eapply get_app_lt_1 in GetFL; [| rewrite <- H; eauto using get_range].
inv_get. destruct x as [Z s]. simpl in ×. clear EQ.
pone_step; eauto using get_app, get_mapi; eauto; simpl; eauto with len.
exploit (tooth_index TT GetL'); eauto; simpl in *; subst.
orewrite (f - f = 0). orewrite (f' - (f' + 0) = 0).
eapply ISIM; eauto.
- eapply get_app_right_ge in GetFL; [ | rewrite <- H; eauto].
rewrite mapi_length in ×.
eapply IndexRelDrop in RN; eauto.
orewrite (f' - Image AL' = f') in RN.
exploit (SIML (LabI (f - ❬AL'❭)) (LabI f')); simpl; eauto.
rewrite H; eauto.
exploit (PAR (LabI (f - ❬AL'❭)) (LabI f')); simpl; eauto.
rewrite H; eauto.
eapply (@sim_Y_left I.state _ I.state _).
eapply (@sim_Y_right I.state _ I.state _).
eapply H5.
econstructor; simpl; eauto with len. simpl. eauto with len.
eapply (I.StepGoto _ _ _ GetL'); simpl; eauto with len.
econstructor; simpl; eauto. rewrite H; eauto. simpl. eauto with len.
eapply (I.StepGoto_mapi _ _ _ _ GetFL); simpl; eauto with len.
rewrite mapi_length. exploit (sawtooth_smaller STL); eauto; simpl in *; omega.
simpl in *; omega.
Lemma fix_compatible_I t A (PR:ProofRelationI A) AL F L L' AL'
(LEN2:length AL' = length F)
: (∀ r, labenv_sim t (sim r) PR (AL' ++ AL) (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L) L'
→ indexwise_r t (sim r) PR AL' F AL L L')
→ indexwise_paramrel PR F AL' L' AL
→ tooth 0 L'
→ Image AL' = 0
→ ∀ r, labenv_sim t (sim r) PR AL L L'
→ indexwise_r t (sim r) PR AL' F AL L L'.
intros ISIM IP TT Img r SIML; pcofix CIH.
eapply ISIM; eauto.
eapply labenv_sim_extension'; eauto using indexwise_r_mon.
eapply labenv_sim_mon; eauto.
Lemma simILabenv_extension t A (PR:ProofRelationI A) (AL AL':list A) F L L'
(LEN1:length AL' = length F)
: (∀ r, labenv_sim t (sim r) PR (AL' ++ AL) (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L) L'
→ indexwise_r t (sim r) PR AL' F AL L L')
→ indexwise_paramrel PR F AL' L' AL
→ tooth 0 L'
→ Image AL' = 0
→ ∀ r, labenv_sim t (sim r) PR AL L L'
→ labenv_sim t (sim r) PR (AL' ++ AL) (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L) L'.
intros. eapply labenv_sim_extension'; eauto.
eapply indexwise_r_mon.
eapply fix_compatible_I; eauto. eauto.
Instance PR : ProofRelationI (params × nat) :=
ParamRelI G Z Z' := Z = Z' ∧ fst G = Z;
ArgRelI V V' G VL VL' := VL = VL' ∧ length VL = length (fst G) ∧ V = V';
IndexRelI D n n' := ∃ a, get D n a ∧ snd a = n';
Image AL := 0
intros. dcr; repeat subst. eauto.
intros. destruct H; dcr; subst.
eexists x; split; eauto.
eapply get_app_ge; eauto.
Inductive approx (L':list I.block) (Z:params) (D:list nat)
: nat → I.block → I.block → Prop :=
Approx s n m s' F f
: egalize D m s = (s', F)
→ approx L' Z D f (I.blockI Z s n) (I.blockI Z s' f).
Require Import LabelsDefined.
Lemma renestSim_sim r L L' E s n D L'' ZL
(SL:∀ (f f': nat),
get D f f'
→ ∃ (b b' : I.block) Z,
get L f b ∧
get L' f' b' ∧
get ZL f Z ∧
approx L' Z (drop (f - block_n b) D) f' b b')
(DEF:labelsDefined s (length D))
(SIM:labenv_sim Bisim (sim r) PR (zip pair ZL D) L L')
(TT:tooth 0 L')
(DROP:drop n L' = mapi_impl I.mkBlock n (snd (egalize D n s)) ++ L'')
(LEN1:length L = length D) (LEN2:length L = length ZL)
: sim r Bisim (L, E, s) (L', E, fst (egalize D n s)).
revert_except s.
sind s; intros; destruct s; simpl in *; invt labelsDefined;
repeat let_case_eq; repeat simpl_pair_eqs; subst; simpl in ×.
- destruct e.
+ eapply (sim_let_op il_statetype_I); eauto.
+ eapply (sim_let_call il_statetype_I); eauto.
- case_eq (op_eval E e); [ intros | intros; pno_step ].
rewrite mapi_app in DROP. rewrite <- app_assoc in DROP.
case_eq (val2bool v); intros.
+ pone_step. left. eapply IH; eauto.
+ pone_step. left. eapply IH; eauto.
eapply app_drop in DROP. rewrite mapi_impl_length in DROP.
rewrite drop_drop in DROP. rewrite plus_comm.
rewrite DROP. rewrite plus_comm. eauto.
- edestruct SIM as [Len2 [STL [STL' [PAR SIML]]]].
edestruct (get_in_range D H2) as [f' GetD].
edestruct SL as [b [b' [Z ?]]]; eauto; dcr; eauto. invt approx.
repeat let_case_eq; repeat let_pair_case_eq; simpl in × |- *; subst.
decide (length Z = length Y).
+ case_eq (omap (op_eval E) Y); [ intros | intros; pno_step; eauto ].
exploit (SIML l (LabI f')); eauto using zip_get.
simpl. eauto using zip_get.
simpl. eauto with len. eauto with len. eauto with len.
erewrite get_nth; [| eauto]; eauto using zip_get.
+ pno_step; simpl in ×.
erewrite get_nth in Ldef; eauto. get_functional. eauto.
- pno_step.
- rename s into t. eapply sim_expansion_closed;
[ | eapply star2_silent; [ econstructor | eapply star2_refl ]
| eapply star2_refl].
assert (SL': ∀ f f' : nat,
get (mapi (plus' n) F ++ D) f f' →
∃ (b b' : I.block) (Z : params),
get (mapi I.mkBlock F ++ L) f b ∧
get L' f' b' ∧
get (fst ⊝ F ++ ZL) f Z ∧ approx L' Z (drop (f - I.block_n b) (mapi (plus' n) F ++ D)) f' b b'). {
intros. eapply get_app_cases in H. destruct H as [H|[H ?]].
- inv_get. destruct x as [Z s].
exploit (@get_in_range _ (snd (fst (egalize_funs egalize (mapi (plus' n) F ++ D) (❬F❭ + n) F)))
f) as Get.
rewrite egalize_funs_length1; eauto using get_range. destruct Get as [[Z' s'] ?].
do 2 eexists. eexists Z.
split; eauto using get_app, mapi_get_1.
split. unfold plus'. eapply get_drop.
rewrite DROP. repeat rewrite mapi_app. rewrite <- app_assoc.
eapply get_app. eapply mapi_get_1; eauto.
split. eapply get_app. eapply (map_get_1 fst H).
simpl. edestruct (egalize_funs_get _ _ H g); eauto; subst.
eapply Approx. simpl. orewrite (f - f = 0). simpl.
eapply pair_eta.
edestruct SL as [b [b' [Z ?]]]; eauto.
eexists b, b', Z.
rewrite mapi_length in H0.
repeat rewrite get_app_ge. rewrite mapi_length.
rewrite map_length.
rewrite mapi_length in H2. dcr.
split; eauto. split; eauto. split; eauto.
destruct SIM; dcr.
pose proof (sawtooth_smaller H9 H4).
rewrite drop_app_gen. rewrite mapi_length.
simpl in ×.
orewrite (f - I.block_n b - ❬F❭ = f - ❬F❭ - I.block_n b).
eauto. rewrite mapi_length. simpl in ×. omega.
eauto with len. eauto with len.
eapply IH; eauto with len.
+ rewrite zip_app; eauto with len.
eapply simILabenv_extension; eauto 10 with len.
intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? RN GetF GetL' GetA. simpl.
inv_get. simpl in *; dcr; subst.
destruct RN; dcr. subst.
rewrite get_app_lt in H2; eauto.
inv_get; simpl in ×. unfold plus' in GetL'.
eapply drop_get in GetL'.
rewrite DROP in GetL'. repeat rewrite mapi_app in GetL'.
repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in GetL'.
rewrite get_app_lt in GetL';
[| rewrite mapi_impl_length, egalize_funs_length1; eauto 20 using get_range].
inv_get. clear EQ.
destruct x as [Z' s']; simpl.
destruct (egalize_funs_get _ _ GetF GetL'); eauto; subst.
edestruct (@egalize_funs_get2 (mapi (plus' n) F ++ D) (❬F❭ + n) F) as [LX EQ]; eauto;
simpl in ×.
eapply IH; eauto with len. simpl in ×.
× rewrite app_length, mapi_length. exploit H1; eauto.
× instantiate (1:=LX).
rewrite <- egalize_funs_length2.
rewrite <- drop_drop.
rewrite <- EQ.
repeat rewrite mapi_app in DROP.
repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in DROP.
eapply app_drop with (L:=drop n L') in DROP.
repeat rewrite mapi_impl_length in DROP.
rewrite egalize_funs_length1 in DROP.
rewrite drop_drop in DROP.
rewrite DROP. f_equal. f_equal. rewrite plus_comm. eauto.
× eauto with len.
× hnf; intros. simpl.
inv_get. simpl. destruct H; dcr.
rewrite get_app_lt in H4; eauto 20 using get_range with len.
inv_get. simpl in ×. unfold plus' in H2.
eapply drop_get in H2.
rewrite DROP in H2. repeat rewrite mapi_app in H2.
repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in H2.
rewrite get_app_lt in H2;
[| rewrite mapi_impl_length, egalize_funs_length1; eauto 20 using get_range].
inv_get. clear EQ.
destruct x as [Z' s']; simpl.
destruct (egalize_funs_get _ _ H0 H2); eauto; subst.
+ rewrite <- egalize_funs_length2 at 1. simpl.
repeat rewrite mapi_app in DROP.
repeat rewrite <- app_assoc in DROP.
eapply app_drop with (L:=drop n L') in DROP.
repeat rewrite mapi_impl_length in DROP.
rewrite egalize_funs_length1 in DROP.
eapply app_drop in DROP. repeat rewrite mapi_impl_length in DROP.
repeat rewrite drop_drop in DROP. simpl. rewrite Plus.plus_assoc.
rewrite DROP. simpl.
rewrite <- egalize_funs_length2. f_equal. f_equal. omega.
Lemma egalize_noFun D n s
: noFun (fst (egalize D n s)).
general induction s; simpl;
repeat let_pair_case_eq; subst; simpl;
eauto using noFun.
Lemma egalize_noFun_snd D n s
: forall (i : nat) (Zs : params * stmt),
get (snd (egalize D n s)) i Zs -> noFun (snd Zs).
general induction s; simpl in *;
revert H;
repeat let_pair_case_eq; repeat simpl_pair_eqs; subst; simpl;
eauto using noFun; isabsurd; intros.
- eapply get_app_cases in H as ? |[? ?]; eauto.
- eapply get_app_cases in H as ? |[? ?]; eauto.
+ destruct Zs.
assert (i < ❬F❭). {
eapply get_range in H.
rewrite egalize_funs_length1 in H; eauto.
eapply get_in_range in H0 as [? ?] ?.
eapply egalize_funs_get in H; eauto; dcr; subst; simpl in *.
eapply egalize_noFun.
+ eapply get_app_cases in H as ? |[? ?]; eauto.
rewrite egalize_funs_length1 in *; eauto.
destruct Zs.
assert (i - ❬F❭ < ❬F❭). {
eapply get_range in H.
rewrite plus_n_O in H.
simpl in*.
Inductive topFun : stmt → Prop :=
| TopFun F s (NFs:noFun s)
(NFF:∀ n Zs, get F n Zs → noFun (snd Zs))
: topFun (stmtFun F s).
Definition renest (s:stmt) :=
let (t, F) := egalize nil 0 s in
stmtFun F t.
Lemma renest_TopFun s
: topFun (renest s).
unfold renest; let_pair_case_eq; simpl_pair_eqs; subst.
- eauto using egalize_noFun.
- intros; inv_get; eauto using egalize_noFun_snd.