
Require Import List.
Require Export Util Get Drop Var Val Isa.Ops IL.Exp
        Envs Map CSet AutoIndTac MoreList OptionMap.
Require Export IL.Events SizeInduction SmallStepRelations StateType.
Require Import SetOperations While IL.
Require Import Sim SimTactics SimI Infra.Status Position ILN Sawtooth Program.Tactics.

Program Fixpoint whileToILI (s:list statement) (cont:nat) {measure (size s)} : stmt :=
  match s with
  | WhileLet x e::p
    stmtLet x e (whileToILI p cont)
  | WhileCond e s t::p
    stmtFun ((nil, whileToILI p (S cont))::nil)
            (stmtIf e (whileToILI s 0) (whileToILI t 0))
  | WhileWhile e s::p
    stmtFun ((nil, (stmtIf e
                           (whileToILI s 0)
                           (whileToILI p (S cont))))::nil)
            (stmtApp (LabI 0) nil)
  | WhileReturn e::pstmtReturn e
  | nilstmtApp (LabI cont) nil

Require Import Program.Equality Program.Wf.

Lemma whileToILI_nil cont
  : whileToILI nil cont = stmtApp (LabI cont) nil.
  unfold whileToILI at 1. unfold whileToILI_func.
  WfExtensionality.unfold_sub whileToILI (whileToILI nil cont).

Lemma whileToILI_let x e p cont
  : whileToILI (WhileLet x e::p) cont = stmtLet x e (whileToILI p cont).
  unfold whileToILI at 1. unfold whileToILI_func.
  WfExtensionality.unfold_sub whileToILI (whileToILI (WhileLet x e::p) cont).

Lemma whileToILI_return e p cont
  : whileToILI (WhileReturn e::p) cont = stmtReturn e.
  unfold whileToILI at 1. unfold whileToILI_func.
  WfExtensionality.unfold_sub whileToILI (whileToILI (WhileReturn e::p) cont).

Lemma whileToILI_cond e s t p cont
  : whileToILI (WhileCond e s t :: p) cont
     = stmtFun ((nil, whileToILI p (S cont))::nil)
               (stmtIf e (whileToILI s 0) (whileToILI t 0)).
  unfold whileToILI at 1. unfold whileToILI_func.
  WfExtensionality.unfold_sub whileToILI (whileToILI (WhileCond e s t :: p) cont).

Lemma whileToILI_while e s p cont
  : whileToILI (WhileWhile e s:: p) cont
     = stmtFun ((nil, (stmtIf e
                           (whileToILI s 0)
                           (whileToILI p (S cont))))::nil)
                (stmtApp (LabI 0) nil).
  unfold whileToILI at 1. unfold whileToILI_func.
  WfExtensionality.unfold_sub whileToILI (whileToILI (WhileWhile e s::p) cont).

Ltac single_step_while :=
  match goal with
  | [ H : val2bool _ = false |- @StateType.step _ statetype_While _ _ _ ] ⇒
    econstructor 4; try eassumption; try reflexivity
  | [ H : val2bool _ = true |- @StateType.step _ statetype_While _ _ _ ] ⇒
    econstructor 3; try eassumption; try reflexivity
  | [ H : val2bool _ = false |- @StateType.step _ statetype_While _ _ _ ] ⇒
    econstructor 5; try eassumption; try reflexivity
  | [ H : val2bool _ = true |- @StateType.step _ statetype_While _ _ _ ] ⇒
    econstructor 6; try eassumption; try reflexivity
  | [ |- @StateType.step _ statetype_While _ _ _ ] ⇒
    econstructor; eauto

Smpl Add single_step_while : single_step.

Lemma whileToILI_correct_while r (L:list IL.I.block) E e s p (t:stmt)
      (IH: q (L:IL.I.labenv) E r,
          ( v, op_eval E e = Some v val2bool v = true)
          sawtooth L
          ( E, sim r Bisim
                      (E, q) (L, E, stmtApp (LabI 0) nil))
           sim r Bisim (E, s ++ q) (L, E, whileToILI s 0))
      (SM:sawtooth L)
      v (EV:op_eval E e = Some v)
      (TR:val2bool v = true)
      (CONT: E0,
          sim r Bisim
                   (E0, p) (IL.I.mkBlock 0 (nil, stmtIf e (whileToILI s 0) t) :: L, E0, t))
  : sim r Bisim (E, s ++ WhileWhile e s :: p)
         (IL.I.mkBlock 0 (nil, stmtIf e (whileToILI s 0) t) :: L, E,
          whileToILI s 0).
  revert_all. pcofix CIH. intros.
  eapply (IH (WhileWhile e s :: p)); eauto.
  - intros.
    eapply (sawtooth_I_mkBlocks ((nil, stmtIf e (whileToILI s 0) t)::nil)); eauto.
  - intros. dcr.
    + case_eq (op_eval E0 e); intros.
      × case_eq (val2bool v0); intros.
        -- pone_step_right.
           right. eapply CIH; eauto.
        -- pone_step_right.
           left. eapply paco3_mon. eapply CONT. eauto.
      × pone_step_right.

Lemma whileToILI_correct r (L:IL.I.labenv) E p q cont
      (SM:sawtooth L)
  : ( E, sim r Bisim
               (E, q) (L, E, stmtApp (LabI cont) nil))
     sim r Bisim (E, p ++ q) (L, E, whileToILI p cont).
  revert_except p.
  sind p; destruct p; simpl; intros.
  { rewrite whileToILI_nil. simpl. eauto. }
  destruct s; simpl.
  - rewrite whileToILI_cond.
    case_eq (op_eval E e); intros.
    + case_eq (val2bool v); intros.
      × pone_step.
        left. eapply IH; eauto; intros.
        eapply IH; eauto. eapply sawtooth_I_mkBlocks; eauto.
        eapply stmtApp_sim_tl; eauto.
        eapply sawtooth_smaller; eauto.
      × pone_step.
        left. eapply IH; eauto. intros.
        eapply IH; eauto. eapply sawtooth_I_mkBlocks; eauto.
        eapply stmtApp_sim_tl; eauto.
        eapply sawtooth_smaller; eauto.
    + clear IH.
  - rewrite whileToILI_while.
    + case_eq (op_eval E e); intros.
      × case_eq (val2bool v); intros.
        -- pone_step_right.
           pone_step. simpl.
           eapply whileToILI_correct_while; eauto.
           ++ intros. eapply IH; eauto.
             eapply (sawtooth_I_mkBlocks ((nil, stmtIf e (whileToILI s 0) _)::nil)); eauto.
             eapply stmtApp_sim_tl; eauto.
             eapply sawtooth_smaller; eauto.
        -- intros.
           left. eapply IH; eauto.
           eapply (sawtooth_I_mkBlocks ((nil, stmtIf e (whileToILI s 0) _)::nil)); eauto.
           intros. eapply stmtApp_sim_tl; eauto.
           eapply sawtooth_smaller; eauto.
      × pone_step_right. simpl.
  - rewrite whileToILI_let.
    destruct e.
    + case_eq (op_eval E e); intros.
      × pone_step.
        left. eapply IH; eauto.
      × pno_step.
    + case_eq (omap (op_eval E) Y); intros.
      × pextern_step.
        -- econstructor; eauto. eexists. single_step.
        -- left. eapply IH; eauto.
        -- assert (l = vl) by congruence; subst.
           left. eapply IH; eauto.
      × pno_step.
  - rewrite whileToILI_return.
    Grab Existential Variables.
    eapply default_val.