

Arguments sim S {H} S' {H0} r t _ _.

(*Definition Slot_p (VD:set var) n (EQ:n = S (fold max VD 0)): Slot VD.
  refine (@Build_Slot VD (fun x => x + n) _ _).
  - hnf; intros. cset_tac'.
    exploit Fresh.fresh_spec'; try eapply H; eauto.
    unfold max in H1. omega.
  - hnf; intros. cset_tac'. omega.

Definition spill o (k:nat) (slot:var var)
           (s:stmt) (lv:ann (set var)) : stmt × ann (set var) :=
  let fvl := to_list (getAnn lv) in
  let (R,M) := (of_list (take k fvl), of_list (drop k fvl)) in
  let spl := @splitSpillO o k nil nil R M s lv in
  let s_spilled := do_spill slot s spl nil nil in
  let lv_spilled := reconstr_live nil nil s_spilled (do_spill_rm slot spl) in
  let s_fun := addParams s_spilled lv_spilled in
  (s_fun, lv_spilled).

Lemma spill_app_expfree o k slot s lv
      (AEF:app_expfree s)
  : app_expfree (fst (spill k slot o s lv)).
  eapply addParams_app_expfree.
  eapply do_spill_app_expfree; eauto.

Lemma agree_on_update_list_slot X `{OrderedType X} Y (L:list X) (L':list Y) (V:XY)
      `{Proper _ (_eq ==> eq) V} f `{Proper _ (_eq ==> _eq) f} V' D (Len:L= L')
  : agree_on eq (D \ of_list L) V (fun xV' (f x))
      lookup_list V L = L'
      injective_on (D of_list L) f
      agree_on eq D V (fun xV'[f L <-- L'] (f x)).
  intros. hnf; intros.
  decide (x of_list L).
  - assert (In:f x of_list (f L)).
    rewrite of_list_map; eauto. cset_tac.
    edestruct update_with_list_lookup_in_list; try eapply In; dcr.
    Focus 2. rewrite H8. rewrite lookup_list_map in H7. inv_get.
    eapply H4 in H10; eauto with cset.
    eapply get_in_of_list in H7. cset_tac. eauto with len.
  - rewrite lookup_set_update_not_in_Z; eauto.
    eapply H2; cset_tac. rewrite of_list_map; eauto.
    cset_tac'. eapply H4 in H6; eauto; cset_tac.

Lemma spill_correct o b k (s:stmt) lv ra E
      (PM:paramsMatch s nil)
      (LV:Liveness.live_sound Liveness.Imperative nil nil s lv)
      (AEF:AppExpFree.app_expfree s)
      (RA:RenamedApart.renamedApart s ra)
      (Def:defined_on (getAnn lv) E)
      (Bnd:exp_vars_bounded k s)
      (Incl:getAnn lv fst (getAnn ra))
      (NUC:noUnreachableCode (isCalled b) s)
      (slt:Slot (fst (getAnn ra) snd (getAnn ra)))
      (aIncl:ann_R (fun (x : var) (y : var × var) ⇒ x fst y) lv ra)
  : sim I.state F.state bot3 SimExt
        (nil, E, s)
        (nil, E [slt drop k (to_list (getAnn lv)) <-- lookup_list E (drop k (to_list (getAnn lv)))], fst (spill o k slt s lv )).
  unfold spill.
  set (R:=of_list (take k (to_list (getAnn lv)))).
  set (M:=of_list (drop k (to_list (getAnn lv)))).
  set (spl:=(splitSpillO o k nil nil R M s lv)).
  set (VD:=fst (getAnn ra) snd (getAnn ra)).
  assert (lvRM:getAnn lv [=] R M). {
    subst R M. rewrite <- of_list_app. rewrite <- take_eta.
    rewrite of_list_3. eauto.
  assert (SPS:spill_sound k nil nil (R, M) s spl). {
    eapply splitSpillO_sat_spillSound; eauto using PIR2.
    subst R. rewrite TakeSet.take_of_list_cardinal; eauto.
    rewrite lvRM; eauto.
  assert (Disj: disj R M). {
    subst R M. clear. hnf; intros.
    eapply of_list_get_first in H; dcr. cset_tac'.
    eapply of_list_get_first in H0; dcr; cset_tac'.
    refine (@NoDupA_get_neq' _ _eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 H _); eauto.
    eapply (elements_3w (getAnn lv)).
  assert (InclR: R VD). {
    subst R VD. unfold to_list.
    rewrite TakeSet.take_set_incl. eauto with cset.
  assert (InclM: M VD). {
    subst M VD. unfold to_list.
    rewrite of_list_drop_elements_incl. eauto with cset.
  assert (DefRM:defined_on (R map slt M)
                           (E [slt drop k (elements (getAnn lv)) <--
                                   lookup_list E (drop k (elements (getAnn lv)))])). {
    subst R M.
    eapply defined_on_union.
    - eapply defined_on_update_list_disj; eauto with len.
      eapply defined_on_incl; eauto.
      eapply TakeSet.take_set_incl.
      unfold to_list. rewrite TakeSet.take_set_incl.
      rewrite of_list_map; eauto. symmetry.
      eapply disj_incl; [ eapply (@Slot_Disj _ slt); eauto | |]; eauto with cset.
    - eapply defined_on_update_list'; eauto with len.
      rewrite of_list_map; eauto. clear; hnf; intros. exfalso; cset_tac.
      rewrite lookup_list_map; eauto.
      rewrite <- defined_on_defined.
      eapply defined_on_incl; eauto.
      rewrite of_list_drop_elements_incl; eauto.
      clear; intuition.
  assert (spl_lv:spill_live VD spl lv). {
    eapply splitSpillO_spill_live; eauto using lv_ra_lv_bnd.
    eapply take_o_kos.
  eapply sim_trans with (S2:=I.state).
  - eapply sim_I with (slot:=slt) (k:=k) (R:=R) (M:=M) (sl:=spl) (Λ:=nil)
      (V':=E [slt drop k (elements (getAnn lv)) <-- lookup_list E (drop k (elements (getAnn lv)))]);
    + eapply agree_on_update_list_dead; eauto.
      rewrite of_list_map. symmetry.
      eapply disj_incl; [ eapply (@Slot_Disj _ slt); eauto | subst R |].
      × unfold to_list.
        rewrite TakeSet.take_set_incl. eauto with cset.
      × rewrite of_list_drop_elements_incl, Incl.
        eauto with cset.
      × eauto.
    + subst M.
      eapply agree_on_update_list_slot; try eassumption.
      clear; intuition. clear; intuition.
      eauto with len.
      eapply agree_on_empty; clear; cset_tac.
      eapply injective_on_incl; eauto.
      unfold to_list.
      rewrite of_list_drop_elements_incl. cset_tac.
    + rewrite <- Incl, lvRM; eauto.
    + eapply SimI.labenv_sim_nil.
    + eauto.
  - eapply addParams_correct; eauto.
    + rewrite (@ReconstrLiveSmall.reconstr_live_small Imperative nil nil nil s _ R M VD); eauto.
      × rewrite union_comm, empty_neutral_union. eauto.
      × reflexivity.
      × isabsurd.
    + eapply (@reconstr_live_sound k VD slt nil _ nil R M); eauto using PIR2.
      ** reflexivity.
      ** isabsurd.
    + eapply (@do_spill_no_unreachable_code _ _ _ _ nil nil); eauto.

Lemma spill_spill_live o b k (s:stmt) lv ra
      (PM:paramsMatch s nil)
      (LV:Liveness.live_sound Liveness.Imperative nil nil s lv)
      (AEF:AppExpFree.app_expfree s)
      (RA:RenamedApart.renamedApart s ra)
      (Bnd:exp_vars_bounded k s)
      (Incl:getAnn lv fst (getAnn ra))
      (NUC:noUnreachableCode (isCalled b) s)
      (slt:Slot (fst (getAnn ra) snd (getAnn ra)))
      (aIncl:ann_R (fun (x : var) (y : var × var) ⇒ x fst y) lv ra)
  : live_sound FunctionalAndImperative
               (fst (spill o k slt s lv)) (snd (spill o k slt s lv)).
    unfold spill.
  set (R:=of_list (take k (to_list (getAnn lv)))).
  set (M:=of_list (drop k (to_list (getAnn lv)))).
  set (spl:=(splitSpillO o k nil nil R M s lv)).
  set (VD:=fst (getAnn ra) snd (getAnn ra)).
  assert (lvRM:getAnn lv [=] R M). {
    subst R M. rewrite <- of_list_app. rewrite <- take_eta.
    rewrite of_list_3. eauto.
  assert (SPS:spill_sound k nil nil (R, M) s spl). {
    eapply splitSpillO_sat_spillSound; eauto using PIR2.
    subst R. rewrite TakeSet.take_of_list_cardinal; eauto.
    rewrite lvRM; eauto.
  assert (Disj: disj R M). {
    subst R M. clear. hnf; intros.
    eapply of_list_get_first in H; dcr. cset_tac'.
    eapply of_list_get_first in H0; dcr; cset_tac'.
    refine (@NoDupA_get_neq' _ _eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 H _); eauto.
    eapply (elements_3w (getAnn lv)).
  assert (InclR: R VD). {
    subst R VD. unfold to_list.
    rewrite TakeSet.take_set_incl. eauto with cset.
  assert (InclM: M VD). {
    subst M VD. unfold to_list.
    rewrite of_list_drop_elements_incl. eauto with cset.
  assert (spl_lv:spill_live VD spl lv). {
    eapply splitSpillO_spill_live; eauto using lv_ra_lv_bnd.
    eapply take_o_kos.
  eapply addParams_live.
  - eapply (@reconstr_live_sound k VD slt nil _ nil R M); eauto using PIR2.
    ** reflexivity.
    ** isabsurd.
  - eapply (@do_spill_no_unreachable_code _ _ _ _ nil nil); eauto.

Require Import MoreTac.

Lemma spill_srd o b k (s:stmt) lv ra
      (PM:paramsMatch s nil)
      (LV:Liveness.live_sound Liveness.Imperative nil nil s lv)
      (AEF:AppExpFree.app_expfree s)
      (RA:RenamedApart.renamedApart s ra)
      (Bnd:exp_vars_bounded k s)
      (Incl:getAnn lv fst (getAnn ra))
      (NUC:noUnreachableCode (isCalled b) s)
      (slt:Slot (fst (getAnn ra) snd (getAnn ra)))
      (aIncl:ann_R (fun (x : var) (y : var × var) ⇒ x fst y) lv ra)
  : srd nil (fst (spill o k slt s lv)) (snd (spill o k slt s lv)).
  unfold spill.
  set (R:=of_list (take k (to_list (getAnn lv)))).
  set (M:=of_list (drop k (to_list (getAnn lv)))).
  set (spl:=(splitSpillO o k nil nil R M s lv)).
  set (VD:=fst (getAnn ra) snd (getAnn ra)).
  assert (lvRM:getAnn lv [=] R M). {
    subst R M. rewrite <- of_list_app. rewrite <- take_eta.
    rewrite of_list_3. eauto.
  assert (SPS:spill_sound k nil nil (R, M) s spl). {
    eapply splitSpillO_sat_spillSound; eauto using PIR2.
    subst R. rewrite TakeSet.take_of_list_cardinal; eauto.
    rewrite lvRM; eauto.
  assert (Disj: disj R M). {
    subst R M. clear. hnf; intros.
    eapply of_list_get_first in H; dcr. cset_tac'.
    eapply of_list_get_first in H0; dcr; cset_tac'.
    refine (@NoDupA_get_neq' _ _eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 H _); eauto.
    eapply (elements_3w (getAnn lv)).
  assert (InclR: R VD). {
    subst R VD. unfold to_list.
    rewrite TakeSet.take_set_incl. eauto with cset.
  assert (InclM: M VD). {
    subst M VD. unfold to_list.
    rewrite of_list_drop_elements_incl. eauto with cset.
  assert (spl_lv:SpillSound.spill_live VD spl lv). {
    eapply splitSpillO_spill_live; eauto using lv_ra_lv_bnd.
    eapply take_o_kos.
  eapply addParams_srd; eauto.
  - eapply (@reconstr_live_sound k _ slt nil _ nil R M); eauto using PIR2.
    ** reflexivity.
    ** isabsurd.
  - eapply (@do_spill_no_unreachable_code _ _ _ _ nil nil); eauto.

Lemma spill_paramsMatch o b k (s:stmt) lv ra
      (PM:paramsMatch s nil)
      (LV:Liveness.live_sound Liveness.Imperative nil nil s lv)
      (AEF:AppExpFree.app_expfree s)
      (RA:RenamedApart.renamedApart s ra)
      (Bnd:exp_vars_bounded k s)
      (Incl:getAnn lv fst (getAnn ra))
      (NUC:noUnreachableCode (isCalled b) s)
      (slt:Slot (fst (getAnn ra) snd (getAnn ra)))
      (aIncl:ann_R (fun (x : var) (y : var × var) ⇒ x fst y) lv ra)
  : paramsMatch (fst (spill o k slt s lv)) nil.
  unfold spill; simpl.
  set (R:=of_list (take k (to_list (getAnn lv)))).
  set (M:=of_list (drop k (to_list (getAnn lv)))).
  set (spl:=(splitSpillO o k nil nil R M s lv)).
  set (VD:=fst (getAnn ra) snd (getAnn ra)).
  assert (lvRM:getAnn lv [=] R M). {
    subst R M. rewrite <- of_list_app. rewrite <- take_eta.
    rewrite of_list_3. eauto.
  assert (SPS:spill_sound k nil nil (R, M) s spl). {
    eapply splitSpillO_sat_spillSound; eauto using PIR2.
    subst R. rewrite TakeSet.take_of_list_cardinal; eauto.
    rewrite lvRM; eauto.
  assert (Disj: disj R M). {
    subst R M. clear. hnf; intros.
    eapply of_list_get_first in H; dcr. cset_tac'.
    eapply of_list_get_first in H0; dcr; cset_tac'.
    refine (@NoDupA_get_neq' _ _eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 H _); eauto.
    eapply (elements_3w (getAnn lv)).
  assert (InclR: R VD). {
    subst R VD. unfold to_list.
    rewrite TakeSet.take_set_incl. eauto with cset.
  assert (InclM: M VD). {
    subst M VD. unfold to_list.
    rewrite of_list_drop_elements_incl. eauto with cset.
  assert (spl_lv:SpillSound.spill_live VD spl lv). {
    eapply splitSpillO_spill_live; eauto using lv_ra_lv_bnd.
    eapply take_o_kos.
  eapply addParams_paramsMatch; eauto.
  - eapply (@do_spill_paramsMatch _ _ _ nil nil); eauto.
  - eapply (@reconstr_live_sound k _ slt nil _ nil R M); eauto using PIR2.
    ** reflexivity.
    ** isabsurd.
  - eapply (do_spill_no_unreachable_code _ slt k (R,M) nil nil); eauto.

Lemma spill_noUnreachableCode o b k (s:stmt) lv ra
      (PM:paramsMatch s nil)
      (LV:Liveness.live_sound Liveness.Imperative nil nil s lv)
      (AEF:AppExpFree.app_expfree s)
      (RA:RenamedApart.renamedApart s ra)
      (Bnd:exp_vars_bounded k s)
      (Incl:getAnn lv fst (getAnn ra))
      (NUC:noUnreachableCode (isCalled b) s)
      (slt:Slot (fst (getAnn ra) snd (getAnn ra)))
      (aIncl:ann_R (fun (x : var) (y : var × var) ⇒ x fst y) lv ra)
  : noUnreachableCode (isCalled b) (fst (spill o k slt s lv)).
  unfold spill; simpl.
  set (R:=of_list (take k (to_list (getAnn lv)))).
  set (M:=of_list (drop k (to_list (getAnn lv)))).
  set (spl:=(splitSpillO o k nil nil R M s lv)).
  set (VD:=fst (getAnn ra) snd (getAnn ra)).
  assert (lvRM:getAnn lv [=] R M). {
    subst R M. rewrite <- of_list_app. rewrite <- take_eta.
    rewrite of_list_3. eauto.
  assert (SPS:spill_sound k nil nil (R, M) s spl). {
    eapply splitSpillO_sat_spillSound; eauto using PIR2.
    subst R. rewrite TakeSet.take_of_list_cardinal; eauto.
    rewrite lvRM; eauto.
  assert (Disj: disj R M). {
    subst R M. clear. hnf; intros.
    eapply of_list_get_first in H; dcr. cset_tac'.
    eapply of_list_get_first in H0; dcr; cset_tac'.
    refine (@NoDupA_get_neq' _ _eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 H _); eauto.
    eapply (elements_3w (getAnn lv)).
  assert (InclR: R VD). {
    subst R VD. unfold to_list.
    rewrite TakeSet.take_set_incl. eauto with cset.
  assert (InclM: M VD). {
    subst M VD. unfold to_list.
    rewrite of_list_drop_elements_incl. eauto with cset.
  assert (spl_lv:SpillSound.spill_live VD spl lv). {
    eapply splitSpillO_spill_live; eauto using lv_ra_lv_bnd.
    eapply take_o_kos.
  eapply addParams_noUnreachableCode; eauto.
  - eapply (@do_spill_paramsMatch _ _ _ nil nil); eauto.
  - eapply (@reconstr_live_sound k _ slt nil _ nil R M); eauto using PIR2.
    ** reflexivity.
    ** isabsurd.
  - eapply (do_spill_no_unreachable_code _ slt k (R,M) nil nil); eauto.
Lemma getAnn_spill o (s:stmt) lv ra k
      (LV:Liveness.live_sound Liveness.Imperative nil nil s lv)
      (AEF:AppExpFree.app_expfree s)
      (RA:RenamedApart.renamedApart s ra)
      (Bnd:exp_vars_bounded k s)
      (Incl:getAnn lv fst (getAnn ra))
      (slt:Slot (fst (getAnn ra) snd (getAnn ra)))
      (aIncl:ann_R (fun (x : var) (y : var × var) ⇒ x fst y) lv ra)
  : getAnn (snd (spill o k slt s lv)) of_list (take k (to_list (getAnn lv)))
            map slt (of_list (drop k (to_list (getAnn lv)))).
      unfold spill.
  set (R:=of_list (take k (to_list (getAnn lv)))).
  set (M:=of_list (drop k (to_list (getAnn lv)))).
  set (spl:=(splitSpillO o k nil nil R M s lv)).
  set (VD:=fst (getAnn ra) snd (getAnn ra)).
  assert (lvRM:getAnn lv [=] R M). {
    subst R M. rewrite <- of_list_app. rewrite <- take_eta.
    rewrite of_list_3. eauto.
  assert (SPS:spill_sound k nil nil (R, M) s spl). {
    eapply splitSpillO_sat_spillSound; eauto using PIR2.
    subst R. rewrite TakeSet.take_of_list_cardinal; eauto.
    rewrite lvRM; eauto.
  assert (Disj: disj R M). {
    subst R M. clear. hnf; intros.
    eapply of_list_get_first in H; dcr. cset_tac'.
    eapply of_list_get_first in H0; dcr; cset_tac'.
    refine (@NoDupA_get_neq' _ _eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 H _); eauto.
    eapply (elements_3w (getAnn lv)).
  assert (InclR: R VD). {
    subst R VD. unfold to_list.
    rewrite TakeSet.take_set_incl. eauto with cset.
  assert (InclM: M VD). {
    subst M VD. unfold to_list.
    rewrite of_list_drop_elements_incl. eauto with cset.
  assert (spl_lv:spill_live VD spl lv). {
    eapply splitSpillO_spill_live; eauto using lv_ra_lv_bnd.
    eapply take_o_kos.

  unfold spill; simpl.
  rewrite (@reconstr_live_small Imperative nil nil nil s
                                (of_list (take k (SetAVL.elements (getAnn lv))))
                                (of_list (drop k (SetAVL.elements (getAnn lv))))
                                (fst (getAnn ra) snd (getAnn ra))
          ); try eassumption; intros; eauto; isabsurd.
      - subst R M. simpl. clear. cset_tac.